Solve this, no arguing please

Solve this, no arguing please.


15 nigger





its not even hard

answer is 15


15 soccer ball is 6 clock is 3 fan is 3

No answer possible.




A better question is, why does the order of operations exist? If it did not exist, would everything be ok?

soccer balls have hexagons and pentagons, 3 hexagon sides is 18.
First row of clocks have 3 five min segments each, thus 9.
3 blades on the fan times 3 blades on the fan minus 3 blades on the fan = 6.
2 five minute segments times six sides on a hexagon, minus 2 blades on a fan = 10.

The answer is 4, good luck in life boys.


solution: 6+3-2 = 7

assuming it's the usual lame trick to encode some extra information in the graphics (number of fan blades); else you need to specifiy the rules, you dumb fuck

It's 4. Anything else is wrong. Hope that helps.


Fuckin' cancers. If you can't do basic math, please don't post here.
It's 15.

6*3-2 = 16

1. footballs have 6 dots - 6+6+6=18
2. its 3 on the clock - 3+3+3=9
3. fan has 3 blades - 3×3-3=9
3. its 2 on the clock, football has 3 dots and fan 2 blades - 2×3-2= 4

so its 4

It's 4. If the pictures remained the same it would be 15 but you have to look closely. The images aren't the same at the end.

15 and 20 niggers


Soccer ball=6
Also has 6 black spots
Clocks= 3
Inidicates 3 hrs on them
They have 3 blades

The problem has undefined values because of the difference in the image.

Taking a guess at it though
Shows two hrs
Ball= 3
Via the 3 black spots
It has only two blades now

I believe the problem is 2x3-2
Which would equal 4.

ur all fuckin idiots, it's 4

The clock only has two segments of five vs three.

The ball only has three hexagons vs six.

The fan only has two blades vs three.

2x3-2 there chief.


my mom said I'm too smart for this


This is a good one lol

Lol, huh? Where can I find the drugs you're on that lead you to that conclusion?

Pentagon side is 1 (6*1+6*1+6*1)=18
An hour is 1 (3*1+3*1+3*1)=9
A fan blade is 1 (3*3)-3=6
2 hours, 3 pentagons, 2 blades

whoops, I meant (2*3)-2=4.


yes.. only answer is 4.

Not enough information to determine the answer. Any answer would be pure speculation.