Holy shit Erdogay declares war on Germoney
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Erdogan sounds like the name of a demon.
Also whats with all the black cameramen? Explain this Turks.
Well if you change a few letters it sounds like a foreign version Etrigan from DC Comics
>holy shit Erdogay declares war on Germoney
you what islander?
he doesn't even say anything yet, just saying that "we will discuss this issue with the ambassador and the prime-minister when i get back to turkey"
it means "born soldier/brave" in turkish, also its his surname not his name
>inb4 turks have orc names
Turkish is such an ugly and bad sounding language, almost as bad as German.
He is in Kenya
He'll never get the smell out of his suit.
He is in africa.
We don't have too many blacks in turkey. Some of them are left over slaves from the ottoman empire and the rest come from africa.
You would be surprised to hear that they behave well, are respectful and don't break any laws at all. They might be the best minority group living here.
It uses a glamour spell
Are you ready for extra 3 million refugees?
You're language sounds like trying to talk with greasy marbles in your mouth. And thats saying something after trying to speak Welsh
Can anyone translate for us, people that don't speak genocidian?
Africans confirmed as more civilized than Turks.
roaches gonna roach
Turkish isn't even a language. Listen to that shit.
>alleged armenian genocide
how can turkey declare war on turkey?
3 million more roaches jumping ship and moving to germoney?
wisdom of falcon as always
depends on who is speaking it desu
It s like the parent need to put the trouble rebel teen in his place
What is he saying? I don't speak roach.
Why would he go to war against his own invasion army?
Fucking turks. Already too many in germany who actually think they are german because of their ID.
Their actions show that they don't want to belong, and they really don't. GTFO
As an Armenian I'm keking hard as fuck at all the turk buttmad.
Don't worry little mongols, Western Armenia will be liberated soon enough. And Constantinople. :>
mohammed Ben allah bir araba kazasında ölür umut sahte peygamber
Native speakers. The only difference between them and non-native speakers is that they're better at gargling vowels.
google translate doesn't really work with turkish mate
>durks are buttmad :)
>implying i am a muslim
waste of bacon desu
Your hairy people in your shit hole homeland are starving. Keep on spending all your money on diaspora lobbying.
Maybe westerners will pity your pathetic whining and give you some gold but western armenia? Nah. They promised kurds. So western armenia will NEVER happen. Try sucking russian cock more.
>yfw you will always be a jealous half breed
dude blacks are quite rare and actually kindest of minorities
They worship you because 20th century germany was a Turks wet dream of how a modernized Ottoman Empire would be like in their imagination. This is despite the fact that they're lazy cheating and incompetent fucks.
>Try sucking russian cock more
Maybe you can give him some advice on that, since the relation between you and your glorious leader Erdogan can only be described as 'deep throat'.
Makes sense. Germany is the capital of the new caliphate of Europe. The refugees are taking too long to establish it so might as well by force
They couldn't even exterminate the Greeks because they were the upper echelon of their society if they didn't kill themselves or move to mainland greece.
Turks are useless and piggy-backed off of greeks and required greeks. it was the nly way they reached their power.
>They worship you
The turks in germany look down on germans. Ridiculous alpha male behaviour and ghetto building is what they do.
I swear by he name of the Allah, The most merciful; If the germans won't stop acknowledging the armenian genocide, if the germans won't stop insulting our great sultan. If the germans won't stop this islamophobia Vallahi more Muslim man will come to Europe. And more Muslims to fuel the European civil war Westerners: Do you want a race war? Do you want your cities in fire? Then go on. Go on the mock the Muslims. but we will take revenge. We are here.waiting you. If you're men. come to battlefield. Vallahi. We will hunt you like a bird. Allah with us. Allah is our savior.You. You have no savior. We waiting for heaven. You wait for hell.
La ilahe ilallah muhammeden resulallah.
I don't speak turkroach. Someone translate
Why do Germans have to ruin everything, and why does every alt-right faggot keep sucking hitlers dingus?
Are you roachie really trying to scare Germany? Maybe in 100 that will make sense but right now, you are nothing.
Cuck off, kike.
>u sayin wot u son of basterd bich
Nah. We are just letting people learn their lessons the hard way. I like where this country is going. Don't worry, we are used to shit conditions and will never go away.
I can't say the same thing about germany though. Kikes got you bad this time. Your country will be full of low quality turks, arabs and other various animals in 100 years.
You will go extinct.
No, go fuck yourself. they are directly responsible for the death of europe you fucking retard.
They're in love with the idea, not the reality. It's being the ultimate cuck.
>They might be the best minority group living here.
do you beat them often, or what causes them to behave?
I hate it. They are enablers.
be it a nigger, kurd or a regular citizen, in Turkey everybody knows a beating is not too far away if you are too blatant and carried away in your faggotry.
germaniya is our fuck-boy
Gave me a hearty chuckle.
ACKSHYUALY it's "glamer"
t. /tg/
Good goy. Don't fight back you will only make it happen faster.
No it isn't you fucking retard.
Exhibit A: Cuck Apologist
Keep meme-ing for dat strong aryan genes. Look where its gotten them :^D
i thought it was almanya. art thou using proxy magic in order to pretend to be a turk?
Meanwhile the greatest fags are the actual turks.
Fucking hell this post made me lose it.
Turks here actually admire Germans for their discipline, engineering and soldier skills. A great many also admire Hitler as well, even though they don't voice it that much. Maybe when conversing with friends or while drinking.
I think I've heard marriage and goatsex out of that speech.
I'm telling you, Merkel is provoking Erdogan because she actually wants him to flood Germany with muslims, but she doesn't want to lose votes.
This way she can just blame Erdogan.
When Erdogan threatened her, he made the mistake of assuming that Merkel likes Germany.
fuck off turkroach
This, the only good merchants in the ottoman empire were greeks
We were never "rape babies" or anything like that, we were living like kangs until we were tired of these fucks
He speaks shitty japanese.
Halt die Fresse, Frosch.
Then a titanic demon is spawn in the area in front of you
It's time we get to witness another war.
From a distance.
>Turkey declaring war on NATO
Yes please