So what's the deal with Brother Nathanael?

He's supposedly a madman Jew basically, who was kicked out of his local Jewish community - who tried to help him when he became homeless - for being his crazy self, and is basically going on a massive trolling spree against Jews out of revenge.

He's a bit brighter than the usual YouTube troll, though. There's real intellect and research behind the theatrical voice and buggy eyes. His videos are pretty much the best red-pill snippet videos around.

Whats the deal?

Don't bother asking about him on here, Trump shills hate the guy because he exposed him.

he is earning shekels via his YouTube channel

Do you hate him?

no, his opposition is beneficial to us.
it's especially good that in addition to all of his views is a fanatic Christian.

How is he a troll? He just tells the truth, lobbyist.

>your cross will never glimmer with an shining aura
>you will never be this well and soft spoken
>you will never walk peacefully for an afternoon in the snowy woods in perfect communion with nature
>your eyes will never be this blue and clear
>your smile will never be this recomforting
>it will never be this quiet and niggerless in your town

He calls himself a Christian, all the yids need to do is cry antisemitism as always

>He just tells the truth
>He calls himself a Christian

he is not actually a brother of the Orthodox Church, so I always have a bad taste in my mouth when I watch his videos. Doesn't change his arguments or points though


would you like to fuck?
giving orthodoxy a bad name. fuck this jew.

Only if it's heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.

He's a Jew pretending to be a right-wing Christian while constantly begging for donations to his organization.

Just watch his videos about Trump on youtube bruh

Shlomo, why don't you believe him? And why would he be exposing the jews if he didn't want them found out?

I do think he believes the nonsense he says.
btw, a lot of what he says is true, but his interpretations are completely retarded.
especially when he attacks the Jewish religion, as if anyone gives a shit.

those jews that Sup Forums loves to hate, they don't really care about Judaism.

eventually, he is a useful idiot.

I care about how I'm referred to in the Talmud m8

do you thing that Soros (for example) have ever read the Talmud?

Obviously, he probably gets off to it.

He's controlled. Notice how he doesn't have a whole lot of dislikes or JIDF comments out the ass like so many other channels do regarding jews. His account probably would have been terminated a long time ago, despite being a jew. He's been stacking shekels through his website for years. Top it all off with him being too Christian for most people.

So you're making a big mistake.
Cultural Marxism is a religion by itself.

>He was kicked out of his local Jewish community - who tried to help him when he became homeless.

#notalljews #religionsofpeace

>Cultural Marxism
Nice meme

So you guys aren't impermeable the effects of globalism? Interesting...

Even if all Jews are evil, they have different interests.

The area of Colorado that he lives in is not cheap.

Right. That is why the land that is now Israel was originally transferred to the Rothschilds.

You don't handle banter very well do you?

Where he live at nigga?

many Jews are, usually they are not Zionists.
the Islamic takeover of the West is not in Israel's interests.

diaspora Jews tend to be in favor of foreign immigrants so they would feel more comfortable.

so the same goes for Michel Hoffman, another former jew neo orthodox christian concerned with the talmud...?

so the whole thing here with the Jews is just a meme?

he's a good man

Nice reverse shilling faggot.

it seems to have worked well
the views here are divided about him, which is completely optional

Can´t tell much about his contents, but this guy talks like a madman.
I´ve been raised orthodox, met and talked to various orthodox priests - all of them had this "aura" of calmness and serenity.
This has a aura of insanity.

The perfect example of the self-hating jew.

Quite honestly, I think he works for them.

What he says is too jewish, accusatory, "cruel" in a sense for him to be a real orthodox priest.

I think he's a mole in the Orthodox church that just fills the role of counter culture disinfo.

Ur jst a meme m8