Any of you sick fucks want to watch me leave this existence?

Any of you sick fucks want to watch me leave this existence?


Not really, no.

Honestly I'd rather watch you make something of yourself and live a happy life, OP.

Share vid faggot

don't do it OP

tell us your problems and we will help you

Don't do it lad

post all your legal documents before you do it


That's like asking a sandnigger if they want to shoot a white man

Stream link?


It's Friday, man. You put in a hard day's work. Put all your shit aside for Saturday and Sunday and let's worry about it Monday or Tuesday. You're okay, man.

fucking new fags
you dont know him shut the fuck up he is on /b probs a retard like the rest of us

You shall be witnessed. Go shinny and chrome straight to vallhallla.

Bet they are a neet who has never worked a day in their life.
Do it Op.

if he does it include me in the screen cap


include this variations of swastikas in the screencap


If he dies, include me in the screencap.

stop it ,,, youre scaring the kids

thread will die before op

i don't know if op is a faggot or not
what the fuck

live long and prosper OP

die in the screencap fagget

The thread is so boring OP got help




will do

>No time stamp
>no link to stream.
Fake... kill yourself for being this big of a faggot



You will find the peace and comfort you have been searching for. It is always been a temporary state, being alive. Go forward without fear. Eternity is waiting and calls.

Tried to kill myself a few years ago, can't say it really gets better. But I can tell you it's not worth killing yourself, life may not be perfect, but the few moments of happiness you get in life make living the best option, at least being alive means you know what kind of suffering you're in for, and you can expect some moments of happiness. Death means losing everything, and since we don't know what happens when we die, that guarantee of happiness leaves the moment you die, and if there is some afterlife, the suffering could be infinitely worse than that which we experience here on Earth. Stay alive Sup Forumsro, you're not alone.
Now that that sappy shit is over, if you're going to do it, do it big, and show us all, I need one of those moments right now.

That is kind of you, cheers to you an OP

Beautifully written. Well done.

I want to see it.

Farewell OP i hope your way to the far beyond is peaceful

Can you at least do something funny. Like die with your dick out. So years from now you will be remembered as dick out dead dude.

Here at Sup Forums we value your existence OP

Do I have to do anything?
I'll watch if I don't have to.



do it faggot, no one loves and you and no one ever will

Has anyone who posted this shit ever gone through with it?


jeez can you smell it on me or something

life is full of opportunities, death isn't, and is permanent

permanent solution to a temporary emotions

How can they post proof if they’re dead?

fuck off new faggot

suck my dick nigger

>being this new



Live stream....

Fake, attention seeker. Timestap and video otherwise you're full of shit.

Cmon OP you're givin me blue balls. Hurry it up and live stream.


He ded alredy

please fucking do it already and livestream it to

from 2007

yes go look thru the b archives at 4plebs. just google some shit its not hard to find

no shit retard. big steps for you today you figured that out all on your own



can you send me some money first?

yeah do it OP, you won't need the money when you're dead.. it might be your only ticket into heaven

All these fags here trying to talk him out of it. I’ve yet to see a suicide stream despite having been on here for so long.

Fucking do it user. Post that shit.


Too late guys.
He already ded.

legit taking screen cap this is rly nice fuck