Hey America, if you elect drumpf, Canada and the eu will declare war on you, and we will destroy you, like we did in the war of 1812.
Hey America, if you elect drumpf, Canada and the eu will declare war on you, and we will destroy you...
Canada did not exist in 1812
You were subjects of the British empire
>Posting an image of a bigot
Christians are disgusting. They are all conservative and bigoted towards heroic muslims and lgbtqr people.
The fuck !?
Trump will save America.
>Leaf thinks he has a chance
Stay cucked faggot.
>we will destroy you
but I thought Trudeau said if you kill your enemies, they win
The eu has more people than America. You have no chance, you imbeciles.
>lol we burned a house we are so cool
>almost whole province burns 200 years later
We need a BLACKED logo
But who would defend a leaf ?
Besides, EU can't defend themselves, let alone leafs
I've always wanted to bayonet a Chinaman. I'd welcome a war. The thought of stabbing a dogeater's children in front of him before burying him alive is arousing to me. I'd love nothing more than to line up all your syrupcoon kids in front of a ditch and shoot them, one at a time, as they beg and cry for mercy.
War soon, Mapleweed.
I've always wanted to kill white people in the name of democracy.
You guys are such metro sexual faggots, all we have to do is bomb a few nail salons and gay bars. Bam, no more Canadian army. The more I think about it, the more I like it.
Fuck off you rebellious hat.
I will never attack one of Drumpf's people. I would shoot you first you Tamil.
pfhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahha good one fucking leaf
Trump please save me from fags like OP.
>This deluded
Does it hurt be a dumb fucking leaf
>tfw you'll be able to turn against all the Liberals in your country and help fight for the Americans
>tfw you'll have freedom
>tfw you were born in the right time after all
If you even try to attack your fellow people, I will slay you with my bastard sword. It's about time she tastes flesh.
Implying Trump won't have a trade deal in principle with the UK and the commonwealth before he even becomes President.
You think the French contingient are going to do something or something?
>Fellow people
I'm no fucking Liberal, chink lover you commie bastard.
Pic related is a direct quote donald trump has said. He said it to someone and its real. Doesn't this make you just open your eyes?
First I was a #MAGAMAN but... now... #ImWithHer
the transition into a #Artillery4Hillary was amazing.
pow pow drumpfypoo BTFO
Is marijuana even legal yet in Leaf land?
You guys got totally fucked over by that drama teacher.
>Hey Britain, if you Brexit, Canada and the eu will declare war on you, and you won't notice the difference.
We're getting this a lot at the moment. From our own fucking Prime Minister.
Going to be hard to protect your land when China will own most of it by 2020.
Won't matter anyway, your housing bubble is about to burst and we'll need to build a wall up top as well to keep you regressive liberal cry babies (yes all Canadians are sjw crybabies)
Canadians in war... lol. Doesn't your leader and feminist face of your country have a stupid catch phrase about that?
BASED Deutschbro
This us why people hates canadians. Thanks libcuck.
Fuck off Ontario scum. I hope God Emperor Trump drops nukes on Eastern Canada
>Canada invades
>we invade back and reckt them
>only conservatives survive
>they become our MAGA hat
Cuckadian using failed hashtags
bring it, leaf
>yes all Canadians are sjw crybabies
Did your black president tell you that for the last 8 years While he destroyed the last of white American culture and spent all your money?
>implying ISIS won't bring ruin to your country first
Who gives a fuck when they have no force projection? The Brits and French share a single aircraft carrier, for fucks sake.
Your aware that their are more standing US soldiers in the EU than any other military?
Were literally already ready for this lol
Count me the fuck out, Muhammad
>Canada and the eu will declare war on you, and we will destroy you
Silence you burned out leaf pile!
sorry to tell you this leaf cunt but you prime minister thinks killing your enemy makes you lose.
>less than 5 guns per 100 people
I can only hope that after you embarrassingly lose in this war that Trump makes Trudeau dress up like a dog, bark like Hillary, poo in the backyard like an Indian, a wear a leash like a Swedish bull prepper. When Trump has visitors to the White House, they will be able to feed Trudeau treats if he is good.
Somalia seems off too. Also my country. I wouldn't be surprised if every Simpewe had a gun.
I wish we could fuck with plate tectonics so that we would be America's northern neighbor and Canada would sink beneath the waves.
>the eu will declare war on you
so the eu wants to destroy the world's economy? what's new?
Are you going to bark all day long little doggie?
A fucking leaf syrup nigger.
I am considered an amateurish collector, co-worker has class 3 license and several heavy machine guns .....so any time you faggots feel froggy just come on down.....you really have no idea how heavily armed americans are.
This is "officially declared" guns, only the legal guns that statistics agencies are able to keep track of.
How much did all of that cost?
Nuke British Columbia too.
Nuke it twice actually. Fuck I hate this place.
That would be dope.
We could just Bring you guys and Russia over. Russia will want to be our hat because.. its cold and big.
Ya'll can have the area where Mexico is at currently and we'll ship Mexico to Africa.
Then your southern border as Australia.
Im really enjoying imagining this...
Oh fuck. What's wrong with British Columbia? I might be living there one day.
>Cancuckistan, New Pakistan and North Somalia vs. The Uncucked states of Europe and North America
We'll take our chances.
You have to be 18+ to be here
>block canadian flags
Sup Forums quality went up
I'm not sure that running around with your cock in your hand will make for a very impressive attack mode.
wrong gif estonia
Stfu, just sit back and watch them destroy themselves....and us with them
Shut the fuck up dumb canadian
Yeah, we like being Americas hat while you sink into waves of Muslims though so don't get your little kraut hopes up kid.
I blame the jews baka desu senpai.
I have enough ammo to take out an appreciable portion of your leafantry senpai
Probably 10k in todays inflated American currency.
I'm sorry I didn't meaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You're serious though? HAHAHAAHAHAHA
stfu you ignorant leaf
EU won't declare war. The leaf is lying.
Cool story bro
OP is perfect example of why Canada is the shitiest 1st world nation. Hell, worst 1st or 2nd world nation.
Hate Canada so much
>a man can declare himself a woman and it's a crime not to treat him like one
>but a man cannot legally change his surname and you should continue to refer to him and his children by their original name even many decades later
I don't get this logic
You and your friend would beat a multi national army because you have a few gay little guns? You fat losers need to take a break from call of duty already.
Bureaucracy is expensive and you are in denbt.
A fucking leaf.
That is fantastic bait, for those baited no matter what Canada would side with the USA over anyone.
You're not part of Canada if you live in Toronto and Vancouver.
no one can take the US dipshit. we have all been cucked into not spending any money on our military.
Muslims aren't people.
Russia, Japan and best Korea would help us finally rid the world of the EU scum.
shill shill
At least the americans will put that corrupt, sorry excuse of a fascist "stat" out of it's misery if that happened.
I really hope for an all out war against America.It will be glorious while we slaughter them.
Wow, how tolerant of you
I will fight for leafs.
I hope trump wins just to shut everyone up.