
canadian domination edition

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First for Finland being a world superpower by 2050.

the (my) gf

First (second) for pretty girls with brown eyes


nth for Finland becoming the main exporter of girl(male)'s by 2050

i hate germany

kys gookposter


pretty much gonna masJurbate now and then sleep dreaming of my aboriginal taiwanese girlfriend

he's so mad lmao

havent seen fresh /cum/ memes recently

whats been going on

gonna cum in a bum desu


listening to taysway


im posting there right now and there's a guy replying to me speaking english but with french phonetics

Too many illegal immigrants, make /cum/ great again!

>tfw cutting bread, pasta, potatoes, and dairy out of my died

my bf's

Lying in bed all sweaty and hot from working outside all day. Dunno why I didn't bring muh beer with me.

Please like and subscribe

>speaking english but with french phonetics
what does that mean?

Are you doing the Atkins meme diet?


this is what that means

oh you mean the accent? My american accent is perfect.



lol, where is this? Can you understand it?

>Speaking with anything other than a cute French accent

>My american accent is perfect
oulah tu m'as perdu là



I detest the stupid fucks(?) pretending they don't speak good French. It's on /fr/

Vocaroo please !

Any Berkle/New college/NY university/manhattan graduates here?
Im moving to the USA to continue my stuff
Wich jazz performer carrer is better??


UC Berkley isn't even the best UC campus.

What kind of cat is this?

also >tfw ywn be a rich south african and own a bunch of lions

an exotic cat

they were probably taking the mick user, no worries

he adds himself to memes because he's insecure

so many cute girls there though

Evergreen State College is recruiting more Argentinians for their protests

I keep making mistakes in my French ;_;

UC Berkley is the best UC campus.

There are lots of cute girls all over California, doesn't stop you for being a KHV

what kind of exotic cat




I like it.

Go to SDSU if that's all you care about.


>removing me


can we not talk about khv stuff, this is my safe space

keep practising, you'll eventually get there !

sometimes I forget my English because I haven't been speaking it enough (t. half English)

Fuck off ryan

>37k tuition

how about no

Comment ça ?

>no french flag


give me something to read nigger


>tfw dumbass mosque protested and stopped a liquor store from moving locations so that it would be a few blocks closer to me

wait, that was out of state

>26k tuition

how about no

/cum/ - france

but their degree is a good thing?
or is just the campus?

Dated a Californian girl once who tried to get me to go vegan. Thankfully she was okay with me just going vegetarian.

l'accent américain est pas incroyable si?

I go to SDSU for under $7,500 a year in-state tuition, the fuck are you looking at?

very good degree to have on a resume

very SJW campus

but its a nice place to visit

>tfw my mosque is next to a bible factory,liqour shop and church.

come on now lads, post latinas will you?

Thank you all very much. I always feel welcome at Miami-Dade College. This is a place that welcomes everyone with their hearts set on the future – a place where hope leads to achievement, and striving leads to success. For all of us, it is just the place to be in the campaign that begins today.

This is from Jeb Bush's speech when he launched his campaign.

Non-/cum/ flags allowed:
That is all. Krauts and Frogs can fuck off back to their own containment general.

just post your sister chicano


>mosques stopping things from happening in the US


I was looking at out of state

I'm seriously considering going into real estate after I graduate, good idea yes/no


>was posting in the nba Sup Forums thread thinking it was /cum/

a japanese girl i once hung out with went into real estate

they are grreast allie

france is our friend

and dont forget latvia

what if she sits on her kitty

>Going vegetarian to appease an sjw

i like germany and france a lot more than finland or denmark desu

>unironically posting in the most cancerous general on Sup Forums

the cat was already there when she was sitting


i only have two latina pictures saved on my pc

She was pretty hot though

High school = yes.
Uni = no.
You literally only need a cert and high school diploma to become an agent. If you go on and waste your uni degree it on real estate you're by definition a cuckold.

Good idea.
Salesmanship and learning to talk to people is always a good skill to learn.
Even if you decide you dont want to do real estate in the long run you'll be better for having done it.

For a standard 30-unit year tuition still only comes out to (378 x 30) + 7,084 = ~18,400 for just tuition. Not cheap but not 26k either. In-state is still cheap as hell though.

>I go to SDSU

I love books and my local libraries.

my sisters name isn't chicano

Haha no come to the UO :))
Only a little more out of state haha

San diego, dummy

were you the guy that posted his gross body with all the acne

