So what's the final consensus on Snowden? Hero? Traitor? Somewhere in between?
So what's the final consensus on Snowden? Hero? Traitor? Somewhere in between?
revealing things your government is hiding from you is not treason
FPBP. Were done here boys.
Forgot about him desu
Only when they are illegal things
Massive cuck.
Could you stop sucking cock for 30 mins OP for fuck sake
it... kind of.. really...... makes yah... think..
Ive never thought of it like that user..
Actually that's pretty much the definition of treason.
He should be hung from a lamppost in Times Square.
He was a paid actor. Most of the shit he talks is made up.
Trump condemning Snowden was his only mistake
Hero true America 10/10
There is no intelligent person on earth who would sacrifice everything only to warn you about the government spying on you.
So I'd say Snowden is there to remind you that the allmighty government watches everything you do. OOOOoooOOoooO very very scary.
Except it really isn't.
He's annoying and I don't like him, just like Manning, but I can respect people whose morals trump their desire for money, career or obeying authority.
None of it matters though because he neither tried to help other nations, nor were the things he told us about legal.
Someone who makes personal sacrifices to inform me about how the government is doing illegal things to my personal detriment - that's pretty much the definition of a hero for me.
No nation is more able than before to attack you just because they now know that NSA agents share nudes of your girlfriend if you skyped with her.
he was only doing the job moscow paid him to do. any spy would have done the same
Faggot, if he was a hero, he wouldn't have fucked off to Russia or China and he would have protested in the States like a real American and hero. There are worse places than jail for patriots, but this faggot ain't no patriot.
His escape from the US follwed exactly cold war exfiltration of KGB informants and agents whose cover was blown or at risk. This guy was not motivated by a desire to protect the American people. If it was, he could have stayed here and sought protection as a legit whistle-blower. He would have had access to top-tier legal defense, likely at no cost to himself.
Whistleblowers don't fly to the Kremlin with thumb drives full of state secrets.
Snowden is a faggot and a traitor, only redditors disagree.
Both, he was a traitor; but that also made him a hero.
Putin will get sick of him someday and kill him.
Love or hate him, he had great taste in women...
KGB Agent
He turned the punchline "NSA spies on us lol" into a major concern in record time
Why would the NSA spy on its allies when they got them by the balls (NATO)
If it was an actual thing we should have caught criminals here ages ago
Its a signal for globalists that spying is now ethical in a sense of a boy who cried wolf
Microsoft is now unironically does this shit nowadays since the "truth" has been exposed and "spying" is now illegal
Who is this?
The supermodel tier girlfriend Putin bought for Snowden.
Why the fuck is this thread being sled?
This shit is big you fucks
Snowden is a KGB agent
Hero, next question.
Traitor and he should face the death penalty.
He knew the job he was getting into when he enlisted in an organization like the NSA. Sure, he can do what he feels is right but that doesn't free him of the consequences of it.
Probably a CIA shill, but I personally am loyal to the American nation, not the American government
Hero for Joe; traitors for the narcissistic Usurping deceivers.
God, I hate whistleblowers.
You have a good point .. He should be prosecuted according to is crime according to undefiled law ..
He should be prosecuted for is crime according to undefiled law ..
Of course you do. You have more Nazi and Jew secrets than almost any other country out there, you fucking banking kike of a country.
my moms friend works for the CIA and used to work with Snowden, she said he was a complete fucking retard and was moved around from work area to work area because:
1. He sucked at his job, definitely the weak link in the chain
2. constantly needed supervision, according to her he didnt even know how shut ports down or sticky MAC addresses and knew about CLI but wasnt good at doing anything on it
3. everyone knew he was a lying cheating little bitch and "braindumped" aka cheated on every certification exam he had in order to get his job.
4. was generally a sperg at the workplace
I personally deal with stupid fucking autists just like snowden on a daily basis in IT so I believe her. Snowden was a nobody and a whistleblower, dont believe he is some tech saavy, master hacker martyr. He was a little bitch who leaked information because he wanted to be infamous and probably got paid off by Russia to do it.
i'm sure by now Russia is realizing how useless he truly is and once they are done with him who knows what will happen to him.
he's CIA, basically what he did was part of a CIA-NSA turf war
>guy who exposed illegal NSA mass surveillance program faces potential punishment
>NSA faces no punishment for illegal mass surveillance
Makes sense.
What did Snowden actually do? Did people not read the PATRIOT ACT? All he did was "expose" what was public record anyway, or at least, that's what he said he was doing. He named specific programs, and technics which was gay. But he always claimed he wanted to protect the American people. The American people should've known their own laws.
This. Every intelligence story for the past fifty years has been about Jewish spies or out-of-control organized criminals at the CIA -- except Snowden, who reminds us that the NSA is bad, in a huge leak that has nothing to say about the CIA.
Traitor to the USA, hero to the non USA.
NSA was authorized by congress and obama to do it. everyone knows politicians are above the law
Redditors and libertarians forget he sold secrets to Russia and China, and basically helped make America more vulnerable.
Why do you think Russia is giving him refuge? To be nice?
Congress had no knowledge of it, and these programs were in place since the Bush administration.
"had no knowledge"
Yes he was a FSB operative from the beginning.
FSB (ex-KGB)
A heroic traitor
He did a service to the pepole, but the way he did it is treasonous
But he broke the law and should come home to face the jail time he knew he was going to get when he did it instead if bring a pussy
Exactly you never saw this being talked on mainstream media for obvious reasons
>didn't implicate any jews
>If it was, he could have stayed here and sought protection as a legit whistle-blower.
Bush puts whistleblowers in prison
Obama puts whistleblowers in prison
No justice for those who sacrifice