I didn't know kylo ren was a defense minister for norway
Fucking Europeans and their cuck ministers, Good thing my government isn't like that.
This is ours
Want the obvious answer? The only NATO country that has an actual military is the US.
Why care when papa Murica is always there to save our ass.
Hopefully this will change with Donald Trump and we will have to do actual spending if NATO is to keep existing, which probably will mean we'll have to dismantle or reduce our welfare state.
That, of course, is wishful thinking.
He has some very experienced ministers, Trudeau has yet to actually do much I would consider liberal. Most of our Syrians are private sponsored, He just says a lot of stuff to placate people. Still I am happy my area is still conservative.
Leftists want to destroy the military, as has been their open objective since a fucking century. What is not to understand?
I didn't remember being asked who I want in charge of the army.
All I know is that our army is a shadow of it's former selves.
>dad told me how he was trained to fight the commies during the 70's and 80's and that we had an army big enough to fight said conflict
>tfw our army can't even fight of Belgium at this point
>tfw we sold pretty much all our shit
Netherlands is fucked if we ever get invaded.
I actually remember reading that our MOD actually wants to bring our weapons production to 0%
Bro tier
would fug
nice milf
Poland and Russia look like some stone cold motherfuckers
The only thing Weedman didn't screw up was selecting this experienced and religiously anti-Kebab beard-gas-mask patent holding soldier, this guy has done some shit. That said, he is being suppressed on certain issues, because his views aren't completely in-line with the agenda
It's almost as if Sihks have had a sorted past with muslims. hmm, really makes you think.
First post best post
He's legit crazy.
Polish minister looks like he just ordered every tenth soldier from a routed unit to be executed for cowardice.
The liberals learned from Ignatieff that they need a charismatic face to say what voters want and a cabinet to do the opposite. Most of the ministers are pretty decent and qualified, to bad the conservatives have gone to shit.
Surprisingly, despite being a socialist, ours is pretty based as a mindef.
Good luck against this guy...
Socialism. Not even once.
Elections next year. Let's hope Wilders wins, and puts someone who isn't a literal fucking secretary on the post. For fuck's sake, I am more qualified for that post than she is. And you probably are, too. You know, if you've got more of an education than fucking secretary school.
We should take the cost for rebuilding the army out of every last little leftist cuck project that demeaned our country by existing. Shit, I'd send Samsom himself into the mines if I could.
The UK has a military, it's small, but not bad
We have a faggot who is incapable of smiling like a human. Every time he grins for the camera it reminds more of an autist than someone who actually decides shit.
Ye some of the stuff he says out loud you couldnt even hear at a mental asylum.
There's not much to explain.
I smell some foul cuckery at play here.
It's kinda sad how my dad was trained to fight the commies while they're calling the shots now.
>French Righteous Clay(Netherlands)
Pick one
The Dutch army will be fully integrated into the German one, mark my words.
Well they would do that.
We've done well for what we've been left with after years of unopposed budget and personnel cuts by both the Conservatives and Labour. Certainly, no one in the European side of NATO has done as much heavy-lifting in the past 20 years than us. More fool us, I suppose...
I'd rather have a male Sikh than a dumb fucking woman
Sikhs have a pretty good military history especially as part of the British Empire.
goofy af
The most militarily active EU country says hello
Macierewicz might seem based to a foreigner, but really he's just another postcommunist, only with a larger dose of insanity.
like what?
>minister of defence
Literally a meaningless position, just the middleman between the field marshals and the prime minister
this guy looks based as fuck, I'd take him over Macierewicz any time
He's anti-communist but still remains in a statist kind-of-but-not-really-capitalist party like all conservatists.
PiS is straight socialist, the difference between SLD and PiS is that the former say the PRL was cool and the latter say that it was not, the former say there is no God and the latter say there is one.
>defense minister
If Spain ever did something right, is choosing our Def Min