How to RedPill my old friend?

Sup Forums,

I have a bit of a problem. An old friend I know from high school just got into contact with me again. She is a very nice person, as a person. However, she is a die-hard Bernie supporter. She asked me who I was voting for, and I told her that I've been backing Mr. Trump since day 0. She then went on the expected and typical rant, regurgitating the exact same dreck and drivel spewed by the MSM. "But he's such a racist, sexist, xenophobe, misogynist, etc." Then went on about how he's really bankrupt, isn't a politician, is not qualified, etc. All of this is so frustrating. Now, I did manage to get in some key points. We did not really argue, but she just couldn't listen. No logic. No reason. No getting through. I guess she's one of these so called secular liberal humanists. Which is very disturbing. I, personally, do not want to be ever associated with someone who aligns themselves with such a group.

I need a way to get through. I want to RedPill this bitch so badly. I just need some good ideas. What are the best ways. I'm being totally serious. I want to save this girl's mind. If it isn't too late....

Thank you very much in advance.

First off, stop using redpill as a term.

Second, only autists think there's a magic switch that you can flip to "redpill"""" someone.

Maybe it was that easy to "open your eyes" but that just means that you're weakminded and easily persuaded. Meaning you're more likely to be a liability to our cause.

The fact that you want to be spoonfed on how to spoonfeed someone indicates that this is more likely than not.

This helps. Which term would you prefer I use?

It doesn't really make a difference annon

You will reveal your power level and go full autist all because she has differing opinions to you

These are not facts. You are making assumptions. I'm merely asking for suggestions on topics. On issues. Points. Apparently you have none.

Most of these leftists cannot be saved anyways. So I guess just fuck 'em.

This is also untrue. She was immediately triggered. I was calm and collected. I could not help but to laugh when she began the rants. You, also, apparently have no suggestions.

It's an impossibility. "Secular liberal humanists" AKA libtards earn the "tard" moniker by their refusal to gain a proper understanding of reality. They clamp hands to ears when told the truth, blindfold themselves to demonstrated history, and simply refuse to read anything that in any way might suggest a contrast to their naive notions of a perfect all controlling nanny state empire doling out entitlements for all from cradle to grave.

You cannot influence those who live within intentional, emotionally controlled ignorance. Only time and eventual maturity can cure a libtard.

I believe you are right. This is what I pretty much figured, anyways. I just thought I would ask. Thank you.

She obviously is a big fan of guilt products. Sell her some of the fresh new guilt.

Hahaha! Yes, this may be something.

I'm suggesting you will loose your friendship if you keep trying to "red pill" her as you keep saying

Standing laughing at her because you think she is wrong is a good way to fuck things up

I could not help but to laugh when she was saying exactly the same things she was told by the MSM. I also explained this. We agreed to disagree at the end. Before I left I said "I hope you don't hate me now that I want to make America great again." She said "Of course not." She hugged me. Then said "America was never great anyways." My closing statement was, before a formal goodbye and take care, "You have no idea how lucky we are to be here, especially in (city where I live)." We agreed to disagree. It was not a big deal. She really is a good person. But then, as my father always said at times... "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Unfortunately my sister is a libtard and I gave up on discussing anything political years ago
I was always calm with my points
But she would flip out spewing her talking points repeating the same crap she saw on comedy central the previous day
We now get along pretty well now that we talk about recipes and cooking

This is pretty much it. What's so funny is that these people always scream buzzwords like equality and tolerance. But they themselves are the most intolerant people around.

Isn't this the general division of politics? Even going back to Machiavelli in "The Prince". It's better to look at the world how it is, rather than how it should be or how you want it.
Rights look at it how they precieve it.
Leftist look at how they think it should be.


Thing is, though...facts are facts. And indeed, facts they are.

What term would you prefer I use?

Simply call them a bigot because they apparently are unable to be tolerant of other's point of views such as yours. Why not use the same weapon as they have?

Yes, that is a good point. Thank you.

I use their "words" against them all the time
They're like children
They can't handle it

Just like the OP pic. PAMPERED. "WAAAA!! MY FEEWINGS!! WAAAA!!!"

99% of my friends are die-hard Bernie supporters, I come from a very liberal area of a very liberal state, having grown up in a liberal family, living in a liberal community.

I think Bernie uses a lot of buzzwords to get people of my generation (millennials) on his side, things that would sound great as an idea, but logically could not be attained. It enrages me that most people will support Bernie and hate trump simply over the social standard/pressure of others. I think people should look into the policies of the different political candidates, and make a decision for themselves, before acting so extreme towards the opposition. People I know would probably start to hate me if I said I supported Trump unironically.

I can deal with most of the people I am friends/associates with doing this kind of shit because I am not political myself. I have very little interest in politics, I don't care for Bernie, Hillary, or Trump (I do think Trump can be pretty hilarious though). I come from a family that has always had loud political arguments, and I don't want to continue that trend. OP, don't try and "redpill" your friend, you're just going to lose her. There's no talking sense in people our age who are pro Bernie. Accept the fact that many people in our generation are supporting Bernie simply out of the fact that everyone else is.

>actually arguing politics with people

You will NEVER convince ANYONE to change their opinions unless they are weak willed spinless faggots

Here's a cheat sheet. You can use this or just show it too her. untruthaboutdonaldtrump [dot] com

>>>Now, I did manage to get in some key points.

What would those be?

Thank you for this. Indeed, Bernie does speak some truth. His solutions are disasterpieces. He's an old jewish communist. Not much else to be said. But again, thank you for this.

I was not arguing. There was no argument.

Thank you very much.

For one, she said he went bankrupt. I pointed out that sure, he has ventured into many markets. He himself did not go bankrupt. Some of his ideas did, however. Another point was he is not funded by the predatory banks like Goldman Sachs, who's sole purpose is to buy influence between money and politics. Media. Buying politicians. Career politicians. Another key point I was trying to make was regarding his remarks on illegal immigrants. When she asked me "Do you know what he has said about Mexicans?" I rebutted with he facts. But again, she just did not care about the facts. There are some other points I was trying to make, but none of them got through to her. One key point is that Trump is no liar. He tells the truth, no matter how terrible. The brutal truth. I can go on, but you should already know, since you are here.

Just checked it out. Again, thank you very much. This is really what I was asking for. Stuff like this. Even single-image 'meme' redpills. Sorry, but I'm not sorry for using the term. Single-image redpolls are very effective. But this site is great, thank you once more.

Two things:
1)its human nature to not want to budge on an opinion after it has been firmly established, so it is very hard for a person to change his opinion externally. I.e, our opinion changes internally after we ourselves given deep thoughts regarding current opinion after seeing facts and evidence, as well as anecdotes.

2)as an extension to one, don't force a narrative: provide her with facts, stories or experience that shows that her view (or her group's view) is not in the right. Show her footages of trump supporters attacked; explain to her how basic economy works, etc.

But if after all of this her opinion still remains, or if she has not reconsider her opinion, then youll have to ask if this is someone you want to befriend.

Friends are nice to have, but you don't need them to live.

You are absolutely correct. I, in fact, did mention the facts about how violent Bernie supporters would go into a Trump rally and start punching people. I talked about the BLM bowel movement being funded by George Soros, who she has never heard of (of course). I went into this after she tried telling me that the Trump supporters are the violent ones. I talked about the community agitators. Agent provocateurs. She had no clue but seemed not to care. I only try to focus on the facts. As I've said before. Facts are FACTS. And facts they are, indeed. Thank you as well for this. I greatly appreciate it.

BTW, I have a handful of real friends. Friends that not only are on the side of history, but are real. True. Some that I've known since I was two years old. And that's all I really need and want. My mother used to always tell me "If you have one true friend in life - you are lucky."

start taking new gf applications into consideration.

Try harder next time.