Be honest, what's REALLY so bad about Europe becoming Islamic?

Be honest, what's REALLY so bad about Europe becoming Islamic?

Islam is against degeneracy, will purge out heathens and restore Europe to traditional family values
It's even socially accepted to grow a neckbeard

I honestly don't see anything wrong with an islamic Europe, or world for that matter

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The permanent destruction of the European race due to Islamic-implemented practices of inbreeding.

The European race can survive subjugation from an outside religion (see Christianity). But inbreeding will forever destroy the genetic stock of the European people.

They want to control us even more than what EU already wants to and they are primitive as fuck

You can always go to Raqqa or Mosul if you want to experience the future Europe

>what's REALLY so bad about Europe becoming Islamic

I'm a Christian and Islam is a demon-worshiping heresy.

We will defend our land and our people from the invader.

Deus vult!

Demon worshippers
>vs woman worship

Both seem shitty to me

I don't want my hand cut off if some guy accuses me of stealing his bread.

Fuck off, Ali.

Nigga i'm a Muslim and would rather be killed if i were to live in a Shari'a governed place t.b.h fa.m (which is what would happen anyway)

>Islam is against degeneracy,
It's even socially accepted to grow a neckbeard

Look at the state of your country, ahmed they are all destroyed, or are soon to be destroyed by a civil war,

>will purge out heathens and restore Europe to traditional family values

You are the heanthens, ahmed, and the europeans didn't practice polygamy or child raping.

no free exchange of ideas, the same problem they are having right now

Islam is pure degeneracy. It destroys civilized nations.

Christians dont worship any females. The cult of Mary isnt Christian, just look at the Pope's recent BS

yeah but at least they arent SJWs

Go back to your own country, take a look around, and then tell us, oh wait, you wont have internet or plumbing in your shithole country.

Fuck out of Scandinavia god damn camelpounder

>Be honest, what's REALLY so bad about Europe becoming Islamic?
>Muslim religion
There's your fucking answer you Islamist shill

Nothing really, it's just that Sup Forums won't get to join the sekrit Islamic club and will be the ones getting cuck'd.

Hitler said Islam was the master religion, by natural law it's obvious they'd conquer the world one way or another

Islam is just Arab National Socialism. The end result is everyone is Arab.

>Muslims do everything the Imam tells them
>Control a few Imams and you control the entire population

It'll be kiddy fiddling priests all over again

Also, I really like rashers and sausages.

Then why are Muslim nations hellholes that Muslims seek to escape from?

Europe becoming Islamic means the streets will be controlled by gangs with their own interpretation of Shariah. You will lose all your Western freedoms out of fear.

he said no such thing , he wanted to play the sympathy card to get the islamists on his side and do his bidding you mongoloid.

he would´ve never wanted a woman to wear a burkha or sharia law.

god damn burgers are so stupid.

It's not about religion, it's about demographics.

I'd rather not live in a country full of average IQ 75 niggers and shitskins.

All the Muslims

What's so bad about someone raping your mother with a pick axe?

t. ahmed

this & It's one thing to move in the wrong direction, another to stay stagnant, another to go backwards, but Islam... why not start inviting Abo's in to become the #1 race of Europe or Cavemen...

This is from his secret conversations, and he never said it directly to any Muslims or the public and only among his inner circle and other high-ranking officers.

He even wanted Europe to become Muslim in the future so Islam could uncuck Europe and turn it in to a warrior race like the Germans already were.

What's with all the ginger muslim converts?

Muslims writing like niggers are so common and so annoying I want to stab you all in the chest with spoon until I carve your heart out.

This. Inbreeding destroyed the ME. That's why the number of Islamic scientists decreased with time.

> Calling a goat fucker your prophet
> Scandinavian degenerate flag check

Just restore the Kalmar union already. We can't distinguish you from the Swedes anymore,

don´t call me that , im hungarian you imagepasting donkey.

do you know what that image even implies?
it means SIMILARITIES not THE SAME ideals as NAZIS.

if you think hitler would´ve let stoning and all the stupid shit in islam fly you are wrong and it makes baby hitler jesus spirit angry.

Islam is just as degenerate, it's just other side of the spectrum.

>I honestly don't see anything wrong with an islamic Europe, or world for that matter

Islam has produced next to nothing in the fields of science, technology. art and literature in almost all of its history, because the basis of the religion is that Allah is everything you need and all the truth you can acquire, so why try harder and search deeper, right?

Get out with this shit, I want Earthlings to conquer galaxy, not to be stuck here for eternity.

Islam is the worst form of degeneracy.

yeah durka durka to you too mahkmood

Well, the guy in your picture doesn't actually fit in the image of high moral virtues. Rather he looks like a below loser tier illiterate unemployed dumbass who is nothing but a burden to society.

I want all of that, but without Islam.

Islam isn't just a religion, it is a form of government. I can't and won't live under Islam.

You already do Sven

>Been to Africa
>Been to the Middle East

>Have yet to go to Europe which i'v always wanted to

I can tell you that the first two are absolute fucking shit holes and it's not a meme that the people are both retarded logically and spiritually (morally).
If Europe becomes that... then i'll literally have a dream crushed. soo... That's what's bad about the Islamification of Europe... It's a fucking disaster...

PFF, leave it to an American.

We co-exist, yes, but Islam has no authority..yet.

1.) Look at any islamic country, how succesful they are, what they have to offer, what they contributed to humanity's progress, what they have to offer economically, culturally, scientifically etc. anything.
2.) Rethink your position, consider suicide.

>islam has no authority yet
>1000 threads on how Islam has authority in Sweden

id rather live in dubai than your cucked shithole 2bh lad

> Be honest, what's REALLY so bad about Europe becoming Islamic?

Because these cunts will want me dead.

>sources to back up you ridiculous claims

No pork and no alcohol so 90% of the culinary culture of my country would be destroyed

>Islam is against degeneracy, will purge out heathens and restore Europe to traditional family values
It's even socially accepted to grow a neckbeard

Have seen Muslim country ?
Countless terrorist attack because even between muslim they can't get along.
Horrifying exection for bullshit (sorvery is still a crime in Saudia Arabia)
Honor crime
People watching each other permanently if they practice the religion correctly (specially in ramadan)

The destruction of pure white people

You will soon enough

I'd rather just restore Christianity tbqh. Islam = raping of our women, muddying of our race and the regression of our people. Wow, what could go wrong with that?

Fuck off ahmed

Dude have you seen my country


Wayne Rooney quit football to become a Muslim?

been a while now, how are those sourcers and proof coming along? When there is a Sharia zone outside my door then I'll be inclined to believe you. Until then how about you take a seat and listen.

In Sweden, what we have is a metapolitical war. It is a war of public opinion and we are winning.

Gör något 6'e juni, jag ska nog hitta på något.

It's a shitty cover for Arab nationalism, enjoy.

On a cultural spectrum, European, multicultural, feminist, diversity-obsessed, democratic socialism is on the left, and fundamentalist, Wahhabist, Islamic caliphates are on the right.

Moderate, Anglo-centric, nationlism is the sensible centrist position.