France hands first ‘ex-Russian’ Mistral ship to Egypt
Gratz, frenchfags, why not arm some mudslimes, amirite?
France hands first ‘ex-Russian’ Mistral ship to Egypt
Gratz, frenchfags, why not arm some mudslimes, amirite?
Considering around 200 shitskins can get on small boat this ship will be able to take at least 60000 refugees in one go
Should have given it to Turkey. For teh lulz.
Inb4 this thing will be responsible for france´s crushing defeat in WW3
We're curretntly selling a lot of weapons to everyone. Give us your sheckels goys
>pic related, we tripled our exportations in 4 years
You should so much STFU Mario:
Anyway, everybody does it, especially you Luigi, how do you think politicans get their reto-commissions man ?
Pretty easy to sink it. They don't have fully integrated command and control, air power, and combined arms.
>mfw Egypt sells the ships to Russia. Hahahaha!!!
A damn shame that subhumans will be walking on those fine ships.
Fucking lost my shit to this.
In exchange for a million refugees
Russia BTFO
>Americans giving us planes
>French giving us ships
I'm pretty sure the contract forbid reselling of our weapons
tbf Egypt's military rulers are expert kebab removers even tho they are kebab themselves
Enjoy that upkeep
I don't mind the Egyptians desu senpai.
Pretty sure you are buying it.
only jews can get free stuff
I think we have an embargo on selling them weapons since de Gaulle. He knew the Jew was evil
To defeat the kebab you must understand the kebab.
Americans give us free stuff through the military aid which we use to buy more stuff from france.
really makes you think, huh?
deep and true...
Correction we are payed to recieve free stuff
As if a contract would stop them.
Trump will remedy this.
Good. Better Egypt than russkie fucks. I'd rather give it to fucking ISIS or Venezuela than russkie land
>buying military hardwerar from other contries.
that really is a sign of 3rd world.
even Sweden manage to build their own shit for fuck sake.
>inb4 algeria i no better
i know.
and we are selling them high end submarines that can penetrate US carrier fleets
>Gratz, frenchfags, why not arm some mudslimes, amirite?
Egypt is secular Syria ally.
But everybody buys hardware from everybody?
>even Sweden manage to build their own shit
Swedish miltech is shit tier.
The Egyptian millitary is doing a pretty good job at keeping mudshit jihadis from rising to power
We have 90 million people that we need to provide proper infrastructure for before we start trying to make our own weapons while also having the eternal merchant next door and isis shits propping up every here and there,also
>Using sweden as an example
Sweden barely even needs a proper military they aren't in the shitfest that is the middle east.
A single exocet missile could obliterate that ship.
still, they even have their own jet fighters !
when i think that a country of not even 10 million can pull that off, and a country like mine (almost 40) can't even get their shit together to build a car it makes me wanna off myself
i think we (MENA) should seriously consider eugenics.
not to become some ubermunsche but at least to weed out the vast number of useless retards we have.
not only they're holding us back with their uselessness, they're also violent and destructive.
That's a good progam Abdel, I would even vote to fund it with our tax shekels.
You broke the contract.
>Russia builds chassis, orders frogs to build the rest, pays good shekels
>France builds it, but refuses to give the ships to Russia, because MUH SANCTIONS
>France now has to pay double the money back + the price of the chassis
>Gives ships to Russia's ally
>Egypt sells ships for the half price to Russia
You just got jewed out of billions of taxpayer money
i honestly believe it should be applied world wide.
but some countries need it more than others.
As an Arab, I agree.
The egyptians(saudis) paid it, it's only natural they have them.
You shouldve kept it for when your PM gets out of line and Merkel has a fit.
Cucked frogs, can't even build a proper ship.
Oh man, I miss him so much, he was a bit rigid but he was a true patriot and servant of the people.
He would have clean the street from the scums we see today.
>vast number of useless retards we have.
or increase contraceptives, higher the level of education, and allow women to work and get out of the animalistic cycle of giving babies.
besides, you and Morocco are quietly prospering right now in MENA and are far away from conflicts (besides maybe Libya)
This should give Egypt and edge during the next war with Israel
>allow women to get out of the animalistic cycle of giving babies
Women should totally not give babies, c'mon, it's like, 2016, they should be focused on their careers, education and liberation!
Fucking LEAF.
Where are your ships ?
While i don't like the idea of forcing birth control i agree that mena is growing way too fucking fast for it's own good right now,it's wierd how my country went from 23million in 1955 to a whopping 94 million in 2016. that's more than tripling the population size in a matter of 56 years.
>frog logic
Why would we build ships, frog, we don't border a sea/ocean.
As if your contracts mean fuck all
Stop lying kike.
We built them, we know the technical schemes and weaknesses of the ship;
>implying anything is "undestructible"
>muh logics
>Were surrounded and procteted by the police while they desecrated the Statue of de Gaulle
These cowards are member of the ruling class and are protected by the police, the Meric's case proved that.
It's easier to surrender if you give away your Navy.
>Pay France to make you a ship
>France is a cuck for the Middle East
>Gives the ship to Egypt
Why is this allowed?
Turkey is constructing it's own in co-op with the Spanish...they'll have it modify to launch the F-35's...this french version failed to win the bid there.
Anyone have any spare torpedoes or sea mines?
deal with it, you can't into ships. Baguette's got a technical scheme you can cope with, so you better stick with it.
>implying it was supposed to be a joke