Lilly Singh

As a Pajeet, this video fucking pisses me off. Why does this bitch get triggered by retarded comments? Fucking Filthy Frank receives a shit ton of comments like that too but at least he responds to it with humor and doesn't act like a sensitive fuck. Sup Forums, please dislike this video into oblivion. For some reason, this bullshit is trending on YouTube and all it is, is basically more bs liberal propaganda.


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haha ABCD

Kys fucking nu-male Pajeet

>"surely Sup Forums will love me after this post!"
dumb cuck


Why are you so self-hating, Ramvekar? She's literally one of the only famous Indian youtubers. You should support her

I'm not even taking a Sup Forumstard angle to this, but I can't but wonder: who the hell feels this is any good? The video and her attempts at being funny are frankly just dreadful. It's hard to think of how she could possibly be more unoriginal and have less substance.

I think her comedic timing is a bit slow

> On this trip, we're going to India. That's across the ocean, so you can't drive your trailer through it.
> *looks at camera with funny face*
> *5 second pause*
> pause more
> pause
> pause

next joke
> We're going through the Suez Canal and into the Red Sea. It's narrow, like your worldview.
> *looks at camera with funny face*
> *5 second pause*
> pause more
> pause
> pause

>pronouncing pakistan as pockiston

Why won't she respond to the POO IN LOO meme?

As a wh*tey nothing pisses me off than shitskins betraying their own race and culture like a cuck because they want the approval of wh*tey cucks. Just pathetic, KYS nigger

That's actually how it's pronounced you fucking nigger. Americans have a nigger culture where they need to yell everything and pronounce everything louder. You probably pronounce France, Fr-ah-nce and not Fr-once


Do you guys think she's getting BLEACHED or no?

All the westernized Indian women are dating white men

Thanks for dis info

edgy autist get what he deserved

video is completely lefty, but not cringe or sjw brainwashing.

Democrats would have a chance if they start make videos like this instead of tuckfrump autism etc.

this lol

SupPOOrt her, Pajeet.

Why are women awful at making comedy?

I know a lot of girls personally and they can be super funny when it's spontaneous, not planned or anything, just hanging out normally yknow.

But when it's planned, it all goes to shit. What is it? A misconception of what is funny? Lack of flow?..

lol kill yourself

I think it's delivery.
It either comes off as forced or too meek.
Could be sexism or innate but outcomes still the same

Is she Paki or Indian diaspora?


I wish she was a fucking Paki though

> betraying my race and culture

How? Cuz I think she's dumb for creating the video?

>video not cringe
Everything in it was cringe m8. Especially since she's the most popular Indian YouTubers so she does have a whole lot of influence on how Indians are seen online..

Well thank god cuz there's no way I'd fuck an Indian chick. They all think they're hot shit and are annoying as fuck. Also, fucking them is basically like sticking your dick in a hairball. I'd rather have a nice qt Latina babe.

I basically did by clicking on her shit video

Lack of originality, women take cues from the world around them, they react instead of innovate.

Anything a girl writes will be a rehashed is a version of comedy tropes that have been around for years

Also, aversion to taking risks, for example making rape/terrorist jokes.

she's kinda ugly tbf

that's how niggers think they win arguments, say something cheap and simple like a rap battle then the first person to stop and think critically about the nature of the argument loses

male voice is funnier because it has a skewed tonal density. women can write comedy but it must be read in a male voice.