I'm killing myself tonight. No livestream. All I want is efficient and painless methods.. please

I'm killing myself tonight. No livestream. All I want is efficient and painless methods.. please.

Is it possible to do a flip hanging from a noose?

Not sure.. a method that also may be something I cant stop once I do it may be nice, like dropping from a building.. (I cant, rural house)

fuck off, loser

2 energy drinks. In a row.

Chug? If so can do right now

I love you OP. Don't do it. Have hope.

If you really wanted to die you wouldm't ask us, this answer is easy to find so stop attention whoring and try being a man, men don't fucking kill themselves, they find something to die for.

I'm dying over the person I just lost.

I'm sorry for your loss. I lost someone very close to me aswell and I've felt like you. I admitted myself to a hospital at the time, but it didn't help. Askyourself thos though, are you honering the person you lost by taking away one of the most important things they left behind, the part of them the lives in you? Would you really kill that?

Here is another question, do you think the person you lost would wish this fate on you? Do you feel you deserve it?

don't user

I know she'd want me to be with her..

I suggest that instead of killing yourself you suffer this pain for as long as it takes. If you survive the pain will kill your ego which is really what is causing you suffering, not your loved one, your loved one is still with you and always will be. Your ego on the other hand is corrupting the momory of the one you loved, this is what is killing you. Let the ego die and become reborned enlightened.

She can't think very highly off you then. If she felt you where a good man fighting a good fight, she'd never want to be responsible for taking that from a world that sorely needs good men.

are you fucking stupid?

Science fanatic? Have you not heard of ego death?

Trampoline and ceiling fan.

Orange juice and toothpaste.

Jump off a super tall building.

Well op fentanyl is the way to go these days but seriously try to live. I suggest to Live in the underworld where the excitement happens. You can play games with your life, battle dragons for there gold and run with wolves for profit. You decide your fate. It's really fun op. Use that destructive power to summon Pepe into your life and become a god of chaos. Like me OP. Just like me. Kek

Truck, jack and Jenga

>The stillness of the winter night
>The frozen water's icy skin
>Is broken by the boatman's oar
>Be still and let me in

wasted quads

>Become a god of chaos. Like me. Just like me. Heh.

Jump off a high place, head first. Your spinal cord will be snapped so no pain.

I don't know what thighs have to do with any of what I said, if you have something to share feel free

Head on Railway


If you jump off your roof onto your head, you could probably snap your neck and die. But there is a large margin for error.

If you need a quick fix you can always try Ayahuasca. Might fuck you up but considering your about to die anyway, might as well give it a shot, might even get to talk with the one you lost.

Lol, that won't kill you.

If you have an old car (pre 1976) you could take some sleeping pills and fall asleep in your car while you run it in your garage. Pretty painless way to kill your self. Or you could do the methane tank technique.

Thats what I was thinking

I would use Xanax, because that shit knocks you out fast and you won't wake up.

Dont user

Lmao where did you find this picture

just die of old age

0% of Sup Forumstards will get that far

Perhaps you're suggesting he leaves Sup Forums? Probably a good thing if he values mental health

fuck off, faggot

Well, once you got the thought of suicide ingrained in your brain only a bullet gets it out for good, otherwise you'll always think of it again when you're depressed, and aging will only make it worse. So, if you are in your 20s or 30s now that's a whole life (of mature adulthood) ahead of you before you're even old, and most suicides are done at that threshold of old age around one's sixties, so reaching actual old age with Sup Forums or without Sup Forums just sounds unlikely. I think about suicide every day and even got a rather foolproof plan and only need a gun to go through with it and I'll get a gun later on. I'm sure others here will also be able to obtain at least one pathway to success in killing themselves. OK, of course some won't do it but out of the posters in this thread several will literally kill themselves before old age, I bet. Unless I'm wrong. But I know I will.

I dont value it

I don't have the image, but there was an informative pic detailing how to an hero using helium. It's quick, efficient, cheap and painless.

See you on the other side user.


Best the world record for masturbation. That Brazilian kid did 42 times before dying. Go for 43.

Hanging and choking from a noose is probably the easiest way

The hardest thing you can do is make the decision to try and turn things around

strangling*, not choking
when hanging you'll pass out swiftly because of lack of blood flow to the head and then die

Just saying in case you think it's about being able to breathe. You can breathe in a noose and still die, so be careful.

stop listening to the faggots.carbon monoxide poisoning, you just fall asleep and thats it. btw theres nothing after, you wont feel relief or happiness, you will be nothing.

In 30 years, we'll be 50-60 year olds posting on Sup Forums

Some of us will be. But I'm definitely gonna go see what the other world is like before-2020-ish. I hope it'll be in 2018.

k. Clearly fake.

no, youre NOT