It looks like we've gone fill Austria
Pack it up lads, it's already rigged
It looks like we've gone fill Austria
Pack it up lads, it's already rigged
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I don't know if it's worse that no one is shocked or that no one will be punished once another vote is stolen from the people.
Austria 2, Britex bungalow.
Cucked weak faggots in the UK won't do anything and will continue to bleat about how superior they are while they beg us to come save them.
Enjoy your caliphate, faggots.
>waaah it's rigged
All those votes are cancelled. They won't be counted.
pretty much. I have no sympathy for them at this point. good riddance
>so upset he has no response
Ready to grovel and beg for us to save you or are you accepting your fate as a slave to the semites, darling?
Daily reminder that it's close but you will stay.
>The Electoral Commission this week confirmed that EU nationals cannot vote and would be guilty of a criminal offence if they have provided false information on their registration form.
Please don't vote or you'll be in big trouble!
>"We have seen an email from the electoral services officer at Nottingham city council to one of our supporters, which confirms this in clear and shocking terms: ‘If an elector lies during their registration, we are not able to check to see if the nationality is correct or not. We have to assume that the elector is submitting their correct nationality.’”
Jesus christ that direction of travel is fucking abysmal.
The SNP managed to move the polls 15 points in Scotland, Brexit hasn't even managed 5
Sorry for that Americlap who has nothing constructive to post.
Personally in all my experiences I never understood why the EU worked in the UK, then I visited last month. For the most part, the UK is still an amazing country, and the English countryside is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
But if we're honest, London and Manchester and Liverpool will prevent any meaningful progress. When I was over there I saw more kebab shops in London than I saw pubs, it was absurd. The EU open borders policy is by far the most mind numbingly stupid thing I've ever seen.
I guess in terms of tourism it's neat but for all other purposes all it does is attract poorer eastern Europeans and Mudslimes to richer western European countries.
On top of that, the open borders wouldn't be AS BAD if their was a universal definition of citizenship, but instead you have some countries (see; Germany) handing out refugee status and citizenship and then leaving the other members of the EU to clean up their mess
The EU is also dragging down the entire economy of Europe. Because fucktards like Greece exist the Euro went from being a strong stable currency to being about equal with the USD (which made my vacation really pleasant so cheers for that)
Anyways best of luck to you Brits in ending this God awful EU experiment. It's truly the liberal utopia, no borders, no economy, and no sense of cultural heritage. Way to go.
>We have to assume that the elector is submitting their correct nationality.
Jesus-fuck Britain, get it together.
Because farage is a controlled opposition puppet for you to think you have a choice in your browning out and displacement.
He literalyl can't make coherent arguements. I watched most of his pathetic attempts and live debates, especially that last one where he quite literally didn't push back on the leftist claims that muh schools won't even get edumacation anymore without EU doleouts!!
He's about as dangerous as cameron, but worse, because he gives you the impression he's on your side then hamstrings real chances.
whos going to punish wrong does if not the people? whos going to punish wrong does if not you? money means nothing, only the anger of the people who is ready to storm the areas filled with devils minions have any say in it at all
Great comeback tyrone, go be a nigger somewhere else
>controlled opposition puppet
They must be playing the long con then. He's been around for decades trying to get them out of the EU.
The reality is that it's an uphill battle. This isn't the French eras of the "common men" rising up against the handful of aristocracy.
There's a very real future where whites are no longer the predominant ethnicity in the UK, hell it already happened in London.
At Gatwick last week getting grilled on a 16 hour layover as an American citizen. Woman wearing a hijab carrying a Syrian passport beside me gets a smile and a wave through. Priorities are shit.
This should have been the last straw for Britain's. Your nation is being stolen from you and you aren't doing a damn thing. No revolts, no rioting, not even so much as a goddamn protest. You've already conceded defeat.
Didn't the UN literally say they would block far right from power? Like they aren't even trying to hide it.
That's common in a lot of European countries. In Germany and former Nazi occupied territories there are laws that give the government power to dissolve any political party they deem as "too far right"
Not like Brexit is going to happen. Take US when some of it's member states tried to leave... ya might kick off WWIII though so vote the right way UK.
Yes, it surprised me too. Note though that the change slightly mitigated by the fact that "don't know" (approximately 10% of participants) isn't included in the plot.
Remember that there won't be a future vote. Once you vote cuckmain, you'll stay in the EU forever.
>People vote against current agenda
>The results are disturbingly wrong, we null them
This is the face of western so called "democracy"
Thanks god putin protects us from it
Who gives a fuck?
Europe is a giant liberal cuckshed now. There is nothing there worth saving the the people are full blown SJW Redditors.
It would be helpful if Europe just kind of disappeared.
The United States is the only country that matters now.
>Vote is rigged
That's what happens when you're a monarchy
Litterally the same exact thing happens in your country.
>Oh look guys, Putin's rival suddenly backed out oh and look, Putin won 99% of the vote! Wow ! All hail glorious leader!
But what's funny is, life in Russia still sucks.
The Queen supports Brexit.
If that's true, I wonder what more do these stupid people voting to stay need
I would rather live in a white shit hole than a brown "first-world" city.
That's why I still live in West Virginia, despite being financially independent and well-off enough to move anywhere else. I don't deal with minorities here.
You're forgetting the Queen is still loyal to Britain and not the Prophet.
Of course its rigged. Do you honestly think the UK would ever be allowed to leave the EU?
1. It would piss all your closest allies and trading partners off.
2. It would piss us off and the UK loves to suck american dick.
3. It would piss china off because they're basically using their semi-cozy relationship with you to get to the rest of Europe.
4. It would piss off every single important international business in your country... especially your financial sector. You think the UK has a market anyone cares about enough to operate out of you country? Fuck no lol. They do it because its a great spot with easy access to both the European and US markets.
5. The scots want. It goes against every base english instinct to give them something they want.
Free shit and a smug sense of moral superiority that they've been feeding themselves for year now.
She allegedly (probably) said she supports Brexit, nothing official
Who the fuck lives in the city anymore other than minorities?
Every self respecting white person lives in 1st world suburbs with 90%+ white populous
>Mongolian Slav mix is white
Kek. No.
We have no democracy in Europe now.
The EU decides national policy, the EU is made up of unelected bureaucrats with no accountability.
Nobody voted for them, nobody can remove them, elected presidents and prime ministers answer to them.
When countries default on debt they install puppets, when countries vote to leave the EU in referendums they threaten them, when countries vote right wing they rig the election, they can impose sanctions and fines on countries that don't do what they want, now they released a new law saying they can ban any far right party from running in the EU and the definition of far right is entirely up to them.
It's time to start the killing.
Tell Putin to send us MANPADS.
>Please don't vote or you'll be in big trouble!
That's registration, not the act of voting, shit for brains. People who are not eligible to vote will not be issued a ballot paper at polling stations, while any ineligible postal votes will be cancelled.
nice ID
They literally said they can't tell if they've lied or not, you don't take your passport to the polling station do you?
No, but you have to identify yourself so they can check you are on the electoral register before you are given a ballot paper. Have you ever voted before? It was a computer error that meant EU nationals weren't flagged and had polling cards issued to them automatically. They know who these people are and they can simply take them off the register.
Nah, Putin is actually very popular. It's the parliament elections that get rigged.
I showed my poll card, they ticket me off the list, gave me my ballot
If you've registered flasley you'll be on that list because funnily enough you're registered.
And as I previously quoted you can register to vote without proof of citizenship
Sweet mate, enjoy slowly dying from homelessness after you sell your caravan to pay for the treatment of your life threatening toe infection.
yeah but really easy to commit fraud when voting my mate votes for my brother every election
nothing to see here !
A large portion of major hedge funds are funding brexit, because leaving the Eu would mean far less regulation for them.
It's looking more and more like democracy is being snuffed out.
Better get used to the idea of starting a war against your own government, they aren't listening to you anymore.
Same thing here when they pull the same shit with the presidential election.
You guys aren't even a blip on our radar anymore. Back in the past you could say, "I'm going to this country in Europe. They are prosperous and productive." Now I'm "What a shitheap! They let a dictatorial committee turn them into a fucking dystopia."
Oh they see the Monarchy as an evil relic of the Empire. Trust me the amount of contempt a lot of these young EUphiles have for their own nation is staggering.
>She don't bloody pay er tax and shit!
>6th largest trade partner
>not a blip on our radar
Americans are the worst posters on this board