Donald Trump Responds to PGA Move to Mexico: ‘Hope They Have Kidnapping Insurance’

>“They move the World Golf Championships from Miami to Mexico City,” Trump commented. “They moved the PGA Tour, moved the World Golf Championships from Miami, where they’re furious to Mexico City.”

>“If I become your president, this stuff is all going to stop,” Trump added. He went on to criticize the U.S. economy for being taken advantage of by Mexico.

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lmao, I fucking love this man!

Voting for him just for his sense of humor.

But USA has more kidnappings than Mexico.


What's funny is the PGA held a tournament in Mexico before - 6 people got robbed at gun point

Trump really hates Mexicans. HeHE

cant they come up with an agreement?
trump gets to advertize his stuff in exchange for helping to fund the event

Trump btfo

That's only because the US has more Mexicans than Mexico.

By Mexicans :^)

Who dise you this, juan?

These are bants you'd only expect from an Australian. America needs its first shitposting president

His genuine concern is truly presidential. God bless this man!

>“If I become your president, this stuff is all going to stop,” Trump added.
Oh really?

Probably because they actually find the victim not ground up into taco meat by the cartels

Jesus Christ Leaf, I almost died from laughter.

If by "Mexican" you mean brown critter that speaks proto-spanish yeah.

Something something not beneficial to work in America something something Trump's policies fix that something something go to his website.

Go away.

>But USA has more kidnappings than Mexico.

lets see that data hombre

>mira mama!
>i can make up shit and post on the internet!

Is that not what a Mexican is

I wouldn't be surprised if the Donald shitposted here with a Aussie proxy.

Fucking hell

Not at all, specially in the language department

>Not understanding what a brand is

Kill yourself nigger

>A kidnapping case only counts if the victim is found

You ain't very bright.

Leaf delivers.

How the hell can anyone live in Mexico? Isn't there country like one giant Detroit? I saw a video online of people getting bedded, there arms and legs cut off, and then there body parts were thrown into a barrel full of acid. No care for human life. Are those the kind of people we want in our country?

>licensing your name out to a brand that uses factories in places you say are killing the American economy

I would ask you to kill yourself but I am sure plenty of people already have tried + failed with that approach.

[citation needed]

nice try rodriguez

>I wholeheartedly expected this product to somehow be the only one that is handmade in the USA by american workers....


The PGA dumped Trump because they couldn't get sponsorship with his name was involved. Trump is a shitty businessman.


>US manufacturing is dead hurrrdeeedurrrr


The bants are already presidential-tier.

>output in USD
hurr durr

Not for much longer, my Northern friend.

To be fair they're descended from a bunch of warlike psychopathic savages who did blood sacrifices and ate people's hearts

>Trump is a shitty businessman.

>literally a self made billionaire who build tens if not hundreds of buildings all over the world, owns hundreds of companies and has now locked in the republican nomination in May, blowing 16 competitiors out the water and causing massive butthurt and liberal aneurysms all over the world

Yea really shitty

You're being fucking stupid


Why are all those amerifats laughing at this?

If i was in their place i'd feel like crying

Detroit, St. Louis, New Orleans etc. are more dangerous than any place in Mexico, makes you think.

>reddit image name
nobody noticed this?

butt-blasted mexican piece of shit

who would not what 4 years of bantz

cuck votes should count as .5 of a normal vote

you don't report your kidnappings taco.

Let's see the tax returns because he's a failure and a con man.

Just look up the number of kidnappings per 100,000 people of USA and compare them with Mexico's it isn't that hard buddy.


I would say this dude. This is what I would say on pol in response to free trade and immigration. "Oh yeah? Immigration adds whatever amount of money to the US economy? Well how much would everyone buying kidnapping insurance add because thats what you GET with Mexico"

Man I really wish Trump browses pol and that he lifted that line and I somehow made some small contribution to his campaign.

Bullshit. Cancun and Acapulco are fucking fucked.

>fill entire school buses with women and children and steal their kidneys

Mexico is the number one most cucked nation. They wake up every day pleased that their country is so fucked up they only way they can make money is to go somewhere else and mail the cash back home to their wives who can't even leave the house without losing an organ.

Ayy el mara de mierda

Start saving Paco, that wall ain't gonna pay for itself


Dude what? Acapulco is a shithole but Cancun is top tier.

>>“If I become your president, this stuff is all going to stop,” Trump added.
>Oh really?

He's would expand trade with China and Mexico if he got elected.

>knows what Reddit image names look like

Where's my gravel, Eddie?

There's alot of white Americans living in Mexico. You should ask them

>not knowing your enemy
you already lost

who else has trump-tier bantz? anyone?

>kidnaps entire bus worth of people
>100s mexican execution videos on best gore and liveleaks
>implying you report you kidnappings

That's exactly what a m*xican is.

I do, loser. Believe me

>competing with other companies by doing what they do because it isn't profitable to do what you know is right
>saying that it's bullshit that your only option is to go against your conscience if you want to make money

really makes u think

I am now a #cruzmissile

Come on, it's not that bad. It's been weeks since I've seen people thrown into a barrel of acid.

I am already masturbating over the verbal slap downs hes gonna give merkel next year

¿Necesitas más sal con tu tacquito Pablo? :^)))))

He's really riding that mexican boogeyman bandwagon

Props to the guy, though, he's got an amazing PR team

Illegal immigrants!!!! Paco why can't you understand my englando???
Porque tu no comprendes?

Cancun is a shithole, filled with frat faggots and Griswald tourists.

Playa del Carmen is where it's at. Neither place is safe for gringos anymore.

How can Mexicans be so nationalistic when their country is so shit? They call us racist but they dump their indigenous trash across our borders for the exact reason that they don't want them in our country. That's why they're so butthurt about the prospect of them being sent back.

Meant to type Culiacan

niggers, niggers everywhere.
Dominicans are the cancer of Hispanics. literally Hati tier. even when you speak you sound like you are too tired to do so.

top bantz

kek, pga btfo

>mexico has the most amount of kidnappings/extortions
>of every country on the planet
>in absolute terms

Holy fuck, does Trump read all my online postings? Kidnappings was literally the first thing I mentioned. I swear to God, I'm either way more trendy than I thought, or someone is spying on me.

The Bantz are real

Literally can't be stopped

What's wrong with the city?

We have like three major ghettos where most of the violence geberates , gun ownership is high and redneck culture is strong in those ugly places

Taking that aside, the city is doing great, jobs are plentyful to the educated

Love how the news says 11 million illegal immigrants when everyone knows it's more like 30+ million

USA is huge, there are still acre of land unused. Mexico usually festers around Cali and Texas.

It's why a lot of kiddies don't think illegals are a huge problem.

I think the number refers to the estimated total amount of Mexican illegals, the rest should be for the total amount of illegals from everywhere around the world

Only mentioning the Mexican number makes it seem like there aren't that many illegals in the US

That's what I think

Not gonna lie, I hope Mexico proves him right.

>Mexicans are so hard-working and really enrich our country!
Why isn't Mexico super-excited to get all of these amazing productive immigrants back home?

Only if you count buses full of people as a single kidnapping, which you probably do.

photo by le reddit user alakazam318

>if by mexican you mean mexican

>complains about immigrants
>can't speak english

Talk to us when your cops don't murder you with impunity.

talk to us when YOUR cops don't murder with impunity

isn't the most dangerous cartel in your country literally made up of ex-military and police?

>isn't the most dangerous cartel in your country literally made up of ex-military and police?
>still less dangerous then our actual police.

Considering the widespread corruption, gun crime, and obesity I'd guess Mexico's police are just a much more violent version of ours with even less restrictions.

Please have actual opinions instead of memeing arrowing like a condescending tool.

>complain about "meme arrowing"
>on Sup Forums
fuck off, kike.