Anyone plan on seeing BLM the movie?

Anyone plan on seeing BLM the movie?





Boycotting on count of name being shared with a racial group from a by-gone era

Just another movie to fill (((their))) pockets from exploiting blacks turned hotep.

I don't know anything about Black Panther.
I'll watch it I guess.

Make Afrika Great Again!

Already have over 400 sock accounts to downvote it. Spent a week writing up 400 reviews.

I don't hate black people so I'll watch it.
I fucking hate the constant "U MAD WITE BOI" posting, but I don't hate black people.
So yes, I'll watch it and probably not hate it unless it's actually shit.

Nope. Stopped watching cape-shit after deadpool and really have no interest in more formulaic cash grabbing.

I'll be interested to see how this one does in the box office though because on the one hand they've clearly excited the BLM/Kangs crowd and on the other hand those people have no money.

Bureau of Land Management is really fucking boring.

I'm looking forward to it.

I heard Michael B Jordan actually does a good job as this film's villain.

Why is it catching so much flak? Because it has a black lead? There are some good all black movies. And black leads arent all bad, Blade movies are aight for well paced action.

Though superhero movies in general are trash and dumb to smoke.

Imagine having such a fragile ego that a movie makes you have an autistic fit of rage.
Superior race indeed.


Americans are so stupid they fight over a single b.s. action movie. There is no denying "african americans" are low iq but other americans aren't geniuses either.


He took in Cap and Bucky.

That tweet is fucking stupid. We had Blade and Spawn already. A black lead hero, while uncommmon, isn't breaking any new ground.

Wow that's sad as shit

My liberal SJW friend wants to see it with me. Dude's never had a black friend LOL.

What about Blade?

Blade sucks. Snipes is a lazy actor who just smokes weed and won't come out of his trailer so they have to use stand ins.

what's with this retarded multiple brackets and quotation marks thing? it's like screaming look at me, i'm a huge faggot.


i cant handle giant angry green men, magic hammers, billionaire playboys turned vigilante, i can even handle anthropomorphic trees and rodents. i however cannot wrap my mind around a secret all black african country that is more technologically advanced than the rest of the world by like 100 years. shits just stupid.

Most black people watching the film summed up.

and nobody gave a shit they were black, why is this a thing now, though?

Working Title: Nigger Fantasy

Yeah it looks like good entertainment for an hour or two. As with every movie I watch, I’ll wait untill it’s available online

You realize that u madwhiteboi is 90% of the time race baiting by white racists?

Better have an all black focused movie, rather than have the current forced black characters in otherwise all white movies. Afaik it doesnt even help the black audience relate to those, its a wasted effort.
Have an all black movie, thats fine, people relate to familiar things, just dont force the mix in other movies if it doesnt come natural.

Luke Cage?

>Anyone plan on seeing BLM the movie?

I want it to tank worse than Ishtar and Heaven's Gate combined.

It's only a "thing" now because the internet has allowed the dumb blacks (niggers) and their SJW lapdogs to have an easier time screaming and stomping their feet over "unfair" treatment.

Blacks think Wakanda is a real place and part of their history

This is all just so sad


You don't have a choice, dummy. Maxine Waters and Elijah Cummings just passed a law making it required viewing for all Americans. Mobile projector units are going to every neighborhood in the country so we can all bask in the Africany goodness. You will be taxed accordingly of course, with all proceeds going the Wakanda Negro College Fund.

Kek. Are you 12 or just autistic?


Roger Ebert gave Black Panther a thumbs down, saying, "Not enough nigger tits".

yeah looks cool

Whites think Arya is a real place and part of their history

This is all just so sad

I think because in Blade and Spawn the villains and main story points were related wealthy white guys, whereas in Black Panther the villain is a black guy, so its all black.

You misspelled 100%, whiteboi.

You goin to jail. They gonna put you UNDER the jail.

shouldn't the blacks get angry then for a black guy being vilified?

Do they, though? Do they REALLY, user? Are you really, really sure about that user?

I’m not interested in anymore of Marvel’s sjw-infested shit. It’s geting as bad as Star Wars.

Ha! Nerd

>make black superhero movie
>hire CGI effects team of Asians, whites and Middle Eastern people to create sci-fi images for it
>"Here's a fictional advanced civilization black people can feel proud of."
>droves of nogs go to see it
>"reparations" mfw

Black's love black on black violent though





Can’t wait to see this movie in the future reenacted with white actors, who are a minority by then.


In Wakanda, they have a saying: "WORRRLLLSTAAAA!"

>Anyone plan on seeing BLM the movie?

I'm waiting for the all female reboot with an all white, hetrosexual cast

This is going to be the years biggest blockbuster because it's basically free for kids to go see it.

There are hundreds if not thousands of campaigns like this.




>point out Arya on a map
>all these "Aryans" running around wiggin out


who's written the comics? i don't think they were black either



white power




That's such a pathetic waste of time.

Cishet White boy- The Post.

Racist ass meme STFU

What about Shaft? What about Dolemite?

Luckily, Europe is educated and open to progressiveness.



Not because it's a black character, but because Marvel movies - actually 99% of all super hero movies - are utter trash aimed at emotional stunted dorks (and children).

I grew out of that shit long ago.

user, do you have friends?

Blade 1 was pretty good


Doubt they'll let you tho for at least a month, they're blocking negative reviews because racism.

Yes because I love black people but I hate niggers

white power brother

Can't believe some of the tweets here, that's nuts and we wonder why there are more crimes in areas of dense black populations. Niggers and pahjeets are cancer of the highest order, yes that includes Jews.


I never thought 1984 would happen this way. It won't be the Government that does it, we'll gladly do it to ourselves.

Any opinion that doesn't support someone's "truth" will be squashed.

Casual American racism at its finest. Your country is fucked up.


blocking retards with 400 "sock accounts" isnt Orwellian, its just a good idea. But whatever, movie will probably suck anyway, its marvel innit?

>tfw when they easily ban all your accounts and you wasted all this time

>nice try chomo
but u said you can't handle green men, magic hammers, etc.

Is this for fucking real? Do they ACTUALLY believe it’s a film based on history?

it's the black pander

some do most probably

Fuck no, just for the fact that BLM/SJWs are trying to turn it into something other than just a god damned movie


nigga's gona nigg

What about redtails. Real history and sheeeeit.