A poo, a pakistani, a persian and an arab?
How do you tell the difference between?
Who cares, none are white
First post, shit post. (no pun)
the borders that they are corralled into?
I mean in looks, genius.
I'm Sikh and I get confused by Sikhs and Persians sometimes.
Thing is, just like people in China, Korea and Japan look similar, so do darker Caucasian people.
I just go by names. Arabs and Persians also look closer to European than we do.
>Pakistani, persian, arab
They are sneaky, hypocrit and envious, like every muslim on this planet
They are creepy but good lads, mostly
Poos and Pakistanis are mostly darker skinned than Arabs and Persians. That's about it.
Where do you think the guy in pic related is from, sikhbro?
I dont
Ivan, how do you tell the difference between a russian, Ukrainian and lithuanian?
Color and consistency.
Check what's in their hand.
Bomb - Arab
E-cig / Vape - Persian
Poo - Poo
No poo - Pakistan
that's fucking digusting, austria. Trust you germans to save pictures of scat.
>How do you tell the difference between?
Looks like a spic.
Levantine arab here.
Northern poos and pakistanis looks pretty much the same, but they're a lot different from the rest.
Arabs and persian men look alike, but the difference is more clear if we're talking about women. Persian women have lighter/pinky skin in general and they are attractive as fugg. I'd be glad to marry a levantine woman, but GOD I'd open an exception for persians.
>Basically a Paki with a rounder face
>Arab mixed with poo
>You'll think they're dark Italian until they tell you otherwise
>Dark Italian mixed with happy merchant
poo smells bad
pakistani smells bad
persian smells bad
arab have a german passport
Wait. You think you're Caucasian?
Indians/persians/arabs are dark whites, according to genetics and anthropology.
how is this a pun?
Slavic Philippines, go play a video game.
Not even close lol. Semitic was never considered white. You're as genetically related to whites as you are to Asians. Stop trying to associate with greatness. This is almost as bad as we wuz kangz.
>ttfw you would never have a based and nice american grandad like hickok
Why live ?
A poo is a filthy animal that worships a goat and shits in the street while raping any woman he can
A Paki is a filthy animal that shits in the corner and worships a goat fucker while raping any girl he can
Persian is a filthy animal that shits on the toilet and worships a goat fucker while beating any girl he can
A Arab is a filthy animal who shits around the toilet, worships a goat fucker while raping boys and beheading any woman he can.
>poo, a pakistani
Only religion is different for a Northern Indian and a Paki.
Dude, middle eastern people are dark skinned caucasoids. Why you so mad, though?
I guess the EU should let you guys in when your put it that way LOL.
Panjabi here. We are not dark whites. Our features are not the same as Euros.
There are indo-european caucasoids and semitic caucasoids.
They are close, but not that close. They're different enough to classify them in different ways. But yeah, both are caucasians because of muh skull.
You guys don't look nordic. But have you ever met a greek or a southern italian? They look like you.
Kill them both and see which one goes to Allah.
No they don't look like that, and any similarities are because they sit at the shitskin-white interface where the ottomans forced mixing of those shitty poo genes into the white native populations for centuries.
One smells like poo, one smells like goat, and one smells like a rug.
I cant explain it but I can
>A poo, a pakistani
Literally one and the same; much darker than arabs and persians
>persians and arabs
persians or iranian? iran's a clusterfuck of phenotypes. they can look levantine, mediterranean, slavic, and even in the east, slightly turkic. levantines also look more mediterranean than saudi's for example.
there's a huge difference between all of them.
instead of racebaiting with this BS, start some threads that are actually interesting, Chong
With a nose like this, I'm sure you can.
Dude you're obviously middle eastern. because most normal people can't tell the difference between an East Indian, arab and iranian.
you gut one and determine based on what they ate
Same nigger shit.
the pakis speaks british, the poo american, the persian farsi and the arab swedish
Persians and arabs are literal niggers who live in arid areas.
>honorable character is less important than visual characteristics
It only takes a 10 minute conversation with a few drinks to get to know someone. Working with someone can tell you a lot about them as well.
If you're going to be a lying, fence sitting, appropriate speech type of cunt, then you're an ugly human that is stuck in survival mode and is not content with your own morality.
If you can't work straight through a job without mentioning some part of your body being sore or being tired, then you're an insufferable cunt who has little altruism/empathy, because we all feel the same fucking way, we just suck it up and keep working.
That being said, i'v known more shitty white people than I have colored (this mainly due to the fact i'v known a much higher amount of white people compared to color), in these regards.
The real difference to look for in men is in those characteristics, if you give a shit about what they look like, then you probably are a fag and like looking at men.
All humans are biped menkeys by the same logic. These folks are to us what niggers are to chinese: nothing.
literally the first google search results for each man
you have to be stupid or uncultured to not be able to differentiate, and even if you could, what reason could you possibly have to make the distinction? to post long essays accompanied by frogs on a mongolian imageboard to make your day a little less shitty?
Way to go off topic and shit post your paragraph, ted.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING YOU POO. Semites and persians are sandniggers or sandindians, whatever.
Normal as in white? Yes we can.
Indians have the darkest skin, muppet style features similar to abbos, and a dense retard stare.
Arabs have nappier hair, bigger noises, and a deformed asymmetrical face with more bold edges.
A paki is like a mix of these 2 with often the goblin style nose and bushy hair features of a Sri lankan. They have beadiest eyes.
Persians are like Arabs with lighter skin and more pronounced but less bold edges in their face features.
Those three guys look similar. Also the one on the far right isn't representative, he's above average looking than normal people.
pakistani, arab, and iranian from left to right respectively
then keep fucking scrolling through google images and find out instead of starting retarded empty threads
Indians don't look like australian abbos, you stupid fuck. I don't know what kind of poo in loos, you've met.
Sorry, here...
>Indian, Turban wearing stinky fucker
>Persian, Sunglasses all the time with expensive car and no extra money stinky from too much perfume fucker
>Paki, might as well be an Indian
>Arab, just say some shit about the Quran
My bad. I knew it as soon as I posted it.
Forgive me Sup Forums.
Is it shitting in the street? No? Maybe a paki then
Is it raping a boy? No? Maybe an arab then
Is it raping a girl? No? It's persian.
They got the gummy bear abbo muppet look, get over it.
Poo in Loos generally have rounder faces with a greater eye distance and some have distinct European features while pakis have smaller arab-looking faces. Arabs are lighter pakis.
Persians have lighter skin
Pakis are basically northern poos
Arabs are darker than pakis and persians
Like you
Just look at their rockets.
I don't know why, you guys keepi shilling this "iranians are white" meme, this is what a normal iranian looks like, basically looks the same as a paki.
The poo will smell the worst, the paki will have a deep sense of arrogance, the Persian will be dressed nicely, and the Arab will come off as the most disingenuous piece of shit you've ever met.
I think the average indian has a darker skin complexion.
Maybe. I honestly don't notice differences in color.
Freddie Mercury has one of the face types that I think of as quintessentially "Persian" (and yes it's true that his parents were "Indian", but they were Parsi, a mostly Persian population with a likely high degree of inbreeding). I had an organic chem lab TA that kind of looked like him (the TA was a woman). There are a few other Persian face types...
During the XIX some people considered semits whites, especially the italians.
Actually, before Mussolini started to flirting with Germany the average consensus was that medieterranian europeans are closer to semits than with nordics
He could pass for a yellow skinned indian. many bollywood actors look like him.
Iranians are Caucasian which is not synonymous with white. If you had half a brain you'd be able to make that distinction. They look darker on average given their location with respect to the equator. This whole "white" thing is a meme anyway. It'd be more intelligent to say European.
He's also an Bedouin Jew from his mom's side. Changed his name in his youth to hide that fact.
How pathetic is your life to be baiting with this shit constantly. Seriously, every day you make a new thread about "shitskins" and "mudslimes". Get your ass outside and get a job and stop leeching off welfare. I mean I'm kind of glad you have a medium that helps you deal with your severe mental issues but seek help from a professional. It's not healthy.
Seriously man.
Parsi's are more Indian than they are ""Persian"". North Indians are more whiter than they are on average. The male population that arrived in India married into the native Hindustani population.
Dude you're a butthurt persian who wants to be white. If you think anglos in canada will ever accept you as one of their own, you're dreaming.
Uses chemical weapons, hates the USA, lives in sweden
Uses "biological" weapons, has seven programing doctorates, knows nothing about code, lives in the US
Talks with brittish accent, posts under brittish flag, loves the queen, lives in the UK
Wears a vest, wich is the bomb in arab fashion, lives in germoney
t.b.h the constant "x is not white" threads from North Americans is pretty annoying after a while. Who cares if Russians are white?
Paki and idians are genetically the same.
the most noticeable difference is religion.
arabs are slightly lighter skinned and don't usually smell like shit.
Hmm... I can see what you're saying, especially regarding the eyes, but to me there are slight nuances to the nose and mouth shape. I have a couple other examples, but I don't want to put up pics of people I know.
the paki gets to be mayor of london
It's mostly because the nazis considered them white.
Anyway, I dont know much about the ancestors of Ahmadinejad. Seens that his mother has the blood of Muhammad in her veins though...
Also, persians are around 60% of the iranian population...
Ah, perfidious Portugal at it again! So much for greatest ally
It's all shitskin to me
I don't want to be white are you kidding me? My ancestors had developed postal systems and trade routes when yours were still farmers at best. We have a 4,000 year history, rich culture, rich language, and have excelled in every field.
Sure, we've gotten cucked hard by Islam, but time will pass. As money enters the economy no one will give a shit anymore and the regime will collapse.
And "whites" are the ones so desperate to be non-white. I don't know a single white girl who hasn't tanned, dated non-whites, preferred ethnic meals other than her own - which don't exist really, wanted to learn another language, or enjoyed listening to foreign music.
Slav's, who you guys constantly make fun of, are the only respectable "whites". They're the only ones left with any testosterone to deal with this Islam problem that's infested the world.
Thanks to your allies, Saudi Arabia.
Genetic tests inconclusive, but you may be right. That doesn't stop an individual from strongly expressing phenotypes from one particular part of his/her lineage.
if you wanted portugal as your ally, you would be voting to ban islam, not to leave the EU
>And "whites" are the ones so desperate to be non-white.
Ha, no.
>I don't know a single white girl who hasn't tanned, dated non-whites, preferred ethnic meals other than her own - which don't exist really, wanted to learn another language, or enjoyed listening to foreign music.
You're right, you don't know a single white girl.
The EU is shit though.
Yeah, I know. But soon you'll leave and immigration will stay open only for Indians and Pakis. It will be great.
It was that way anyway. Brexit would open the door to stopping these issues in the long term. Stay cuck'd by the EU.
Feel free to throw empty insults and be offended as you please, but it's all true. I don't another non-middleastern country that has "Sharia Zones".
Literally no difference
Pakistanis and Persians both have arab blood so it's hard to tell the difference
As I've mentioned before, he's not Persian and not even an ethnic Iranian.
I'm not going to give you any more (You)'s. It's just adding insult to injury.
Lol that pic just says it all. iranians look just like east indians or arabs. I don't understand these people who think iranians are somehow white.
If by "ethnic meals" you mean fast food you'd be correct. If by "foreign music" you mean normie tier shit like Justin Beiber you'd be correct. If by dated non-whites you mean tanned Chad you'd be correct. Anyway, how does getting a tan mean you don't want to be white? Are tanned white people not white? By the way, when women say "tall, dark and handsome" they mean Chad with a tan, not some whiny manlet Arab with a bomb strapped to his chest.
How do you explain the paki looking soldiers? are they not ethnic persians too?
Are all of you so fucking retarded or just posting to attract Iranian diaspora?
I would spend the next hour posting genetic evidence that shows Iranians twice the East Asian component than the do Arab, which is minuscule within itself, but there would be no point. You're all just edge faggots.
> A Paki will stalk you and rape you
> An Indian will gang rape and kill you
> An Arab will rape you and have you killed afterwards.
Nose and facial features are different
Most Indians are also darker