American Cultures
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Cuckifornia - especially SoCal - should really be it's own culture.
Inb4 a bunch of rural retards scream "we are not like the cities!!!1!!111"
What kind of culture is "tide water?" I'm from Maryland
Eh, I read it on another culture map. I don't know where that guy got it.
make a libcuck cutout for austin tx and move northern idaho to the ''culture?'' cattegory
I'm okay with this.
You need to split "the northwest" along the cascades. Spokanistan, the Yakima Valley and eastern Oregon don't belong with the Puget Sound/ Willamette Valley.
I live in Virginia Beach, and we have more in common with Alabama than we do with Baltimore or DC
The Ozarks (Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas) are pretty much an extension of Appalachia.
why "Mountain men". Why not call them hillbillies?
Is Pittsburgh Mountain Men or Yankee? Can't really tell, it's located in Southwestern PA
Fixed your Nigwater border
You put mountain men on the pussy mountains. Also, at least half of Missouri is Dixie, the lower half went confederate
What kind of culture is "Lower Canada"?
wtf is "tide water"?
Rednecks and nogs. Similar to Dixie.
You can extend Southwest culture to Colorado, it's mostly Californians here with a few weird mountain cults.
They talk kinda funny, now doncha know?
my area fixed
>American cultures
>Actually managing to divide a no culture into several cultures
You really are the greatest, America
Pittsburg should be mountain men
They waRsh dishes and visit Warshington DC
>Some retard that has spent almost no time living in the rest of the country, thinks he knows how other states think and feel
>cultural juggernaut so powerful other cultures the world over adopt parts of your culture
>no culture
why are french "intellectuals" always so mouthy far, far outside their depth?
so why is it distinct from Dixie
Then don't fucking lump me in with the Minnesotans that speak like that. If anything we belong with Wyoming and Montana. Glorious outdoors and amazing open spaces. Not Somali niggers and weird accents.
never change, france
literally don't, because I can't wait to see your shitty culture of misplaced snobbery be outbred go extinct.
Meanwhile Paris looks more like Nigeria these days.
Your culture wont survive.
No, the damn Confederates kept invading us to claim our clay. Fucking rebs, you were just as bad as the yanks and jayhawkers.
way more faggots and faggotlovers
It's just a geological region.
Because OP is a retard. You know the sterotypical white trash American? Take that and make it 10 times worse and you have the tards that like in the Appalachians. A place that's produced creatures like this fine specimen here.
Francastan be quiet.
>Carolina culture noticeably absent
>"""lower canada""""
>Mormons and not Deseret
>Yankee including that much of PA
Western Dakotas should be with "Culture?" as they have little to do with Minnesota ethnically or socially.
Minnesota is a shithole filled with Swedes and their pet shitskins.
Thank you.
>florida is anything like the rest of the states
Virginia checking in. I really don't know what it is but I see it everywhere on all sorts of maps.
Nope, all y'all got are niggers and college kids. Sounds like Baltimore/DC.
Front Royal btw
It's just one of the geographical regions of VA
I see Maryland and NoVa bunched with one another but most of VA should be Dixie culture
That is not America, its just the United States
Fuck you. Ohio has culture!
>cincinnati chili dogs
>OSU Buckeyes (gay, but true)
>Founders of Flight and Cheeze Its
>objectively the best flag in the Union
>Toledo is the sex trafficking capital of the world
>several famous amusement parks
>P&G from here
W-we have culture!
This map is awful and threads like this are shitty because we will never reach agreement on it. Just divide the country into Northeast/Midwest/South/West (Texas can have its own special snowflake category for being big faggots)
No it isn't chilifag. We are America. You are south America.
the part with the ? is filled with polite people who mind their own business
eat shit
As a Texan, I approve.
Damn, so basically white niggers (who hate niggers).
You see that mason dixon line? where is kentucky in relation to that mason dixon line?
Don't be a pedantic faggot you salty Texican
>Dixie south of Ocala
that died a whole ago, now it's nigger central
seriously louisiana is the southern chicago
>nobody ever notices that there's at least three people in the room when this pic was taken
They're actually worse, tbqh senpai
>Tampa Bay
>cuban americana
You have no idea what you're talking about.
have you been to North florida.
Obviously not nigger, we have TRUMP2016 culture
This, Colorado is full, fuck off Commiefornia.
dont you EVER DARE to associate Oregon & California again you derelict inbred
either than that yeah pretty good i guess
>be not Texan
>live in shit Florida
>want some individuality
You can't tell the difference between Georgia and everything north of Orlando and every thing to the south is little havana
>never change, france
Oh don't worry, my Burger friend, we won't.
I'm outside of Philly and east of Amish lancaster, ever go to Shady Maple?
It's called an empire.
[spoilersdon'tworkonpol]you're part of it[/spoilersdon'tworkonpol]
>Founders of Flight
Ummm North Carolina dissagrees
Update "culture?" To corn and Navajo to whiskey
Fixed your map
dear god,
skip to 6:30
Just under it?
I live in the Greater New Orleans area and this is mostly true. I'd like to believe that there are some cajun strongholds in this state, but they're far outnumbered by nigs and other trash that's moving here (Californian whites & spics).
If any other Louisiana anons want to fill me in on how well cajun culture is doing west of Jefferson/Orleans Parish, I'd be very grateful. According to wikipedia, cajuns just seem to be an ever-shrinking minority that will be mixed out of existence in the next two generations or so.
Replace Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio with lower lakes
Norcal and Oregon seem pretty similar imo
Is that Carl the Cuck in Nyc?
I live in south eastern PA and it is mostly german descendants who are great, if you are the right color and religion.
Philly is a completely different story because it's overflowing with nigs and azns.
Kentucky isn't Southern, it's a weird mix of a bunch of shit.
And why is Alaska blank?
> For a cultural enrichment that won't leave you with AIDs, try Sup Forums!
>Where it was dreamed, conceived, designed, built and tested don't matter. Only where it first flew.
wew lad