New Documentary on British tv called 'Single Mum's on benefits".

First thing I see is a self-righteous single mum with 3 mixed race kids.

"I'm not going to work because why should I put my kids in childcare from 8am to 6 at night."

Fuck this cunt.

>Sup Forums is always right

Other urls found in this thread:


british women are disgusting. they look like fucking mr. potato heads niggerspawn or not

You are just a jealous wagecuck.

show us the clip then, you raging heterophobe

This is where the non-burgers get triggered, spam pictures of fat American chicks and pretend American obesity statistics are not mostly because of blacks and hispanics.

>an ugly used goods slag who every chav snagged, is now sloppy seconds to niggers
>degenerate western women
More news at 11


Well they would probably end up even worse in life if they were essentially raised by a daycare worker, there's always that like 1 in a million chance she's raising them to be upstanding individuals.

Well considering that putting children in daycares have the same physiological and psychological effects on the child as maternal abandonment, she does have a point.

Although she shouldn't be in that situation in the first place and made huge mistake. Her kids will have a terrible development either way without a father.


M8, I've been to your gaff. White fat fucks in electric wheelchairs everywhere lel

You're.spot on about British being ugly though. That's why us limey men go to your wimminz when visiting you.

Avram Goldbertburgstein

Ishmael Morty Shekelgoldstein

Tbh, fat fucks on mobility scooters make me feel patriotic. They radiate an aura that raises morale

>Myleene Klass is slammed for turning up to interview single mothers on benefits in a £31,000 jeep
>Myleene's luxury car
Since when is a fucking Hyundai a luxury car?

paying taxes is literally cuckoldry

Hey, is this the same bitch whose picture is seen sometimes here? She's got like 7-8 niglets in it

She literally admits she has kids for the gibsmedats.. incredible.. self admitted social fraud right there. "but you have to help me now cause it's for the childreeen!"
Un fucking believable.. Does she realize it's other hardworking people paying for her entire fucking life? What a thief she is.

That's ridiculous. How fucking dare you try to draw your faggot conspiracy conclusions with no evidence.

The UK's Director-General of the BBC is (((Samuel Taylor))), the manager of all state-broadcast news is BBC News Director (((James Harding)), who replaced (((Helen Boaden))) when she left do become the director of BBC Radio. The FOX/VIACOM and British news conglomerate SKY News was owned by (((Richard Murdoch))), son of wealthy Australian philanthropist (((Elisabeth Greene))). Unlike them, Channel Four is operated by CEO (((David Abraham))).

This show, is produced by ITV, as managed by Chief Executive (((Adam Crozier))).

You are a filthy fucking racist.

>3 mixed race kids

>only 3


What the fuck?


the dad lives in a separate apartment so she can claim to be a single mom

All these muslims with multiple wives get their wives to claim to be single moms
getting welfare

That maniacal visage is the stuff of nightmares



why are trench guns so cool

> the dad
> singular

She's like a famous object of hate in the UK. From what I remember she was a lap dancer before she began her career as a cumrag.

I think her womb was in danger of collapsing (literally... she shit out so many bits of chocolate crotchfruit that her WOMB WAS COLLAPSING) and she had a hysterectomy.

Now i know why we used to sterilize certain people back in the days..

Shut up, Sweden.

Jesus, that psychopathic look in her eyes.

Even her kids seem to be disgusted by it.

Yes, yes we are.

Ayy Sweden i will call the LGBT certified police!
This is another shoah!

no, you shut up, sweden

Jesus fucking Christ

Someone nuke England

oy vey

>Has 88 in his digits