what has Sup Forums read, if anything?
Your most important political book?
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1984 obviously
If you asked a year or to ago I would have said anything by Huxley, but the EU is going full fucking totalitarian.
The Education of Henry Adams. Dude was a bigger Jew hater than I am. Based.
Plunder and Deceit by (((Mark Levin)))
Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
Capitalism & Freedom by (((Milton Friedman)))
Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism by Lawrence Reed
Currently reading The Road to Serfdom by Hayek and then Democrwcy: The God that Failed by Hoppe.
Nice book if americans could read.
Shouldn't you be injecting silicone into your cock?
Reading is for fucking nerds LOL
Have fun being hunched over a book while I'm outside getting endless pussy, four-eyes.
The Prince, Michavelli
I've read most of Shapiro's books but now they kind have lost there effect.
Player piano - Kurt Vonnegut
confessions of an economic hit man - John Perkins
the Prince - Machiavelli
a troublesome inheritance - Nicholas Wade
capitalism and freedom - Milton Friedman
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Hmm... i read quite a bit of philosophy. Maybe leviathan by hobbes. SSR by Kuhn had some influence.
Can trump supporters read complicated stuffs?
Idk, coz EVERY single poll shows the biggest predictor of whether a guy is a Trump supporter is that he is not college-educated i.e didn't read shit after high school.
I don't trust responses on Sup Forums saying they read Adam Smith n shit.
The international Jew.
Protocols of the learned elders of Zion.
Gold in the Furnace.
The War on Men.
Legalizing Misandry.
Not out of Africa.
White Identity.
Aristotle's works on politics are must read.
The Unabomber Manifesto was a real eye-opener.
I was a leftist at the time when I read it, and it made me realize what I was part of. It shattered my world.
Can indians use toilets?
Idk, coz EVERY single poll shows the biggest predictor of whether a guy is Indian is that he shits in the street i.e didn't use toilets
I don't trust responses on Sup Forums saying they poo in loo
I read Crippled America a while back
Currently lending it out to a friend so no image
It also happens that most college-"educated" people are also liberals, so there ya go. They would vote for a nigger two times and watch their country die due to all the white guilt the Jewish Marxist media has infilled in them, rather than vote for a self made nationalist who would gas the kikes and bring back the american dream.
College is nothing but a meme. It's a liberal brainwashing center. Kill yourself Pajeet.
Green eggs n ham. After reading it i decided to not use context clues or intuition on anything. Now i just pretend to like everything and if its different, even only in color, i will praise it like theres no tomorrow. I am now a Hildog.
inb4 somebody gets triggered by the name
Starship Troopers. Nothing like the movie.
Animal Farm
Fahrenheit 451
Brave New World
Wealth of Nations
Tragedy and Hope
Anglo-American Establishment
Art of War
The Prince
I never read the book but I know the whole "service equals citizenship" thing in the movie was supposed to have a "point"
What exactly was that point? I just dont get how that could be a bad thing.
This desu
You enlist and serve for at least 2 years.
You can't vote while your in service.
After you return to citizenship, then you can vote and run for office.
It's been a little bit since I've read it but I think that's a very valid point.
Anarchist Cookbook
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The International Jew by Henry Ford
The Necronomicon
The Communist Manifesto by Marx should be required reading in ALL schools
Dune and many other short stories by Frank Herbert made me think critically about human social and political structure, especially with regard to technology. The dune series gets a little long winded but it illustrates some very interesting dynamics in human behavior. Also foresees the dominance and perpetuation of Islam, although Herbert seems to be a bit of a fan.
Submission by Michel Houellebecq is what I'm currently reading.
The Republic-Plato
Demons by Dostoyevsky
No More Mr. Nice Guy
The Superior Man
The Rationale Male 1 and 2
Enjoy the Decline
Everything from Rollo May
Starting Strength
So many good books out there
Not political persee
but its a redpill you dont want to take
seriously this book will mess with your head
>Not political persee
actually its got politics in its name so i guess i was wrong about that
>Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism by Lawrence Reed
That one's on my to-read list. How is it?