Is this enough to be considered a death threat/advocating for the assassination of Trump?
And could we report this to the FBI to get him investigated/arrested/punished?
Is this enough to be considered a death threat/advocating for the assassination of Trump?
And could we report this to the FBI to get him investigated/arrested/punished?
He's Swedish
They probably wouldn't do anything
Taking someone who's fanbase is primarily little kids in elementary school serious.
Taking someone who got big from screaming at the top of his lungs at something that isn't even remotely scary to a rational being.
Taking political advice from a Youtuber.
The eternal Swede strikes again
Was waiting for a thread on this.
>these comments
>caring what youtubers say
Get the fuck off my board you underaged faggot.
Those little kids are getting brainwashed by him just as much as they get by their liberal SJW teachers and the media. No such bullshit should stand, especially not when it's actually calls for violence. You know the "liberal, tolerant" people will just as eagerly put bigots in the ovens as nazis did with Jews.
Where in the video did he threaten to kill Trump? The comments seem to be the worst thing about this video.
Meant to respond to OP.
Good thing no Pewdiepie fans can vote
for now
Kill the SWEDE!!1
If Sup Forums were to invade the comments we'd have to stay there for a day or two in order to catch them, damn i fucking hate his popularity.
This is the most adorable shit I've ever seen.
Imagine the outrage if someone adds Hillary as a patient in Vaginoscopy Simulator
Thing is that Berg in swedish means Mountain, i have problems distinguishing the names if he's a jew or not.
tl;dw: he saves trump in the end and gives him a heart of gold transplant.
Only pewds being pewds. And he made a MAGA reference a few days ago. Plus, his audience can't vote so nothing to see here.
I'll I saw was him saving Trump, chanting "USA", and proclaiming to Make Youtube Great Again.
>pic related
Exactly my thought... You can say "oh its just a silly youtube video from a guy whose fanbase is a bunch of kids" but those kids are the future of civilization and are the ones getting brainwashed by whatever this retard says and does... 45+million subscribes definitely entails some influence
The "Make youtube great again" is a meme just like the Small loan of a million likes thing.
His mom adoped him
Do you want him to not have a mom, >Sup Forums?
Sometimes I wonder how these people can type out a YouTube comment
Swedebro beat me to it. Dipshit.
You know you can make threads even if you don't have a Sup Forums gold account, right?
Sweden strikes again
How much did soros pay pewdiepie to make that video?
I'm convinced pewdiepie has tried to reach out anonymously multiple times on pol saying that he is actually red pilled and suggesting "different perspectives" to watch his videos from. This didn't seem anti-trump at all, if anything it's just a gentle guiding hand for his young audience to gravitate into trump meme magic territory, and we know what will happen then.
What a fucking cunt.
>On the hospital
Fucking swede didn't even learn english yet.
That faggot that got everything spoonfed to him because he screams on YT and said "money is not everything" when he clearly never lacked a dime dares to talk shit about The Donald, lol. Fuck that guy.
>Is this enough to be considered a death threat/advocating for the assassination of Trump?
If you kill your enemy he wins- Weed man
for once, PewDiePie does something usefull
God bless that based sperg for taking a stand against Drumpfy
Good job with giving him attention. Keep those shekels flowing.