Hi welcome back to Sup Forums talk where we
>regurgitate pol memes
*normies* heh *counter-signaling* heh heh *oy vey* heh *poz* *redpill*
>talk like teenagers even though we're in our mid 40s
>just fuck our shit up
These guys are straight up retards. I listened to it for 20 minutes, but stopped due to cringe overload. If you're reading this, KYS. Trump and the alt-right are better off without you.
Hi welcome back to Sup Forums talk where we
Other urls found in this thread:
Fash the Nation is great but everything else is garbage
>(((these guys)))
Where can I watch this?
It's all shit. Nationalism doesn't need retards like this fucking shit up. I wouldn't be surprised if they are funded by Soros to delegitimize the alt-right. They are that stupid.
Every autist can now have their own shitty TRS 3 hour podcast to regurgitate pol memes. Whoever listens to this cancer is truly retarded
Alt-rights are fucking gay you cuckservitive
The right stuff dot biz
TRS is bringing more people further right than a Sup Forums autism board ever could.
The alt right also isn't dumb, it allows right wing ideologies to join forces under a common goal - to end white genocide.
i hate you retarded natsocs.
I'm natsoc my self, and I'm ashamed you are such low iq retards to not understand the importance of gaining numbers.
The jew is shitting himself at the thought of the alt right.
The internet killed nationalism . The internet is inherently globalist
until you realize this and take an anti-world wide web stance you'll never get anywhere
You been to their forum? Their audience is maybe 5000 regular listeners across all podcasts. The only people who listen to TRS are people who where already exposed to pol and daily stormer and let the cancer get far into their brain
Its pretty autistic mate but its just a bit of fun.
Some episodes are worse than others though. Sometimes its good shitposting, sometimes its not.
Are you stupid? Sperging out and referencing online memes is the worst way to attract people. At least Sup Forums is funny, and interactive.
man, i´ve never though that shoa triggered so much you kikes
Doesent even make sense.
Still kinda funny.
This thread is terrible and OP should oven himself.
This sums it up perfectly
And? It can grow. it's the perfect red pill for people who are just coming to accept the jews as the enemy.
It's like pol in radio form, which is preferable to a lot of people.
We have to think long term.
The reason i got involved with gaymergate wasn't because I'm a sperg that plays vidya, I understood sjws and their modus operandi already back in 07.
I did it so I could inject right wing propaganda into an audience fed up with the left, the give them the answer's they sought before fags like Sargon co-opted it.
Stop alienating people on the far right for not being EXACTLY like you are.
As long as they aren't leftists I really don't care.
Stormfags haven't accomplished shit in the last 40 years.
It's the perfect way to reach a younger audience/people who don't obsess over statistics 24/7.
Not everything needs to be high brow and serious.
(((OP))) is a Dirty Jew.
They are stormfags. They are stormfags with an unrelatble retarded subculture to the casual observer. To find this shit funny or appealing you litteraly need a degree in pol memes.
Say what you want about Sargon he has a massive following that dwarfs TRS
Wow this Jew sounds triggered
*speaks in Jewish voice*
>oy vey wow muh holocaust six billion
Heh heh
>Implying Denmark matters
*Co-hosts giggle like little girls*
>Normies shilling for Jews
*Bane soundclip*
Great show guys!!
>i hate you retarded natsocs.
>I'm natsoc my self
10/10 subtle Swedecuck memeing.
The whole "master race" thing falls apart when you speak like a 15 year old. I'd rather hear Jared Taylor or even Gavin, who knows he is a retard, to this garbage. TRS would have been gassed in the Third Reich.
I agree with your post. It's pretty fucking lame. It takes them three hours to rehash old news from the past week. I have listened to a few episodes. They rarely impressed me with their intellect. Most of the time they sounded juvenile at best. It seems like the dumber the person is, the more airtime they were given. It also seemed like they intentionally talked over anyone trying to make a decent contribution. The only redeeming quality of the show was the song parodies they make. I found them to be extremely well made and funny.
>we came to Sup Forums to reference Sup Forums in the third-person singular while saying "cuck", "retard", "virgin", and "stormfag" over and over and over and over and over
If you aren't getting paid to be here, you must be some kind of godawful subhumans, trigglypuff-tier.
The merchant minute is what's really worth it, and he puts those up on youtube, albeit censored.
What do you want me to say? Implying a commie couldn't hate fellow commies.
But what I >really< hate is the attitude that isolating the movement is a good thing.
That those with an ideology not "Pure" enough must be ejected from the ranks.
Maybe that will be the case some day, but the struggle now is gaining numbers.
My main goal is to stop white genocide, nothing else. And if that means I have to associate with ancaps like cantwell that's fine - as long as our common goal is that of saving the white race.
The time for autistic ideological purity HAS FUCKING PASSED. America is 60% white and shrinking rapidly.
>it's not single dubs
>it's not double dubs
>it's fucking T R I P L E D U B S
I know several members of my church who are in their late 20's early 30's they are red-pilled on degeneracy faggots and refugees.
They have families they have successful careers and businesses, they aren't Jew wise but I would never show them shit like pol or the Daily Shoah. These are the people that Le movement needs to attract not Autists who take memes seriously and listen to shitty 3 hour podcasts
who the fuck are you and why would you go out on a limb to shit on this show? these guys have the funniest radio show i've listened to pretty much ever. they also practice anti-leftist argument techniques constantly, which a Sup Forums user should appreciate. enoch and ghoul are usually on their game.
You're the one sperging out here faggot.
I listened to a couple shows and they were pretty good, but yeah sometimes they get autistic with all the me-meing
You guys would rather post shitty memes and try to out-edge eachother while pretending you don't take any of this shit seriously. The cynicism on this board is unpalpable. You come here just to accuse everyone else of being autistic or jewish while simultaniously posting "praise kek" and complaining about low hanging fruit like sjws or anti-Trump protesters.
Well, Canada still has tiem left to fuck around with peaceful reform. Others aren't so lucky.
No, we need to attract young people and form them into radical extremists ready to kill for the race.
> ready to kill for their race
Weapons grade autism right here
No, it isn't. It being realistic. Either you kill or you die. If you aren't man enough to take action, then go suck of trueado and wait 20 years until you are in the same situation we are.
the tds guys have been phoning it in for a while
merchant minute is still good though
This, honestly.
The show is great. It's funny too.
Some cast are good some are complete shit but hey it better that listening to Jewish media
listen to Fash the nation it far superior
Got a screenshot when he forgot to turn off his webcam.
You are a tough Internet swedekek aren't you? So brave of you calling for violence from the safety of the basement. I have shit to lose and most people have shit to lose. Put your money where your mouth is and lead by example then
Canada doesnt need 20 years to become like you, they already are, probably even worse. They essentially are the Sweden of the west already.
The Daily Shoah is pretty garbage, but some of the other podcasts are pretty comfy. Fash The Nation is fun, The Fatherland is meh. Radio Free Skyrim and Fash Brittania are okay as well.
The problem with Daily Shoah is that it is too meme-centric and it is essentially like the Comedy Central show it took its name from. But maybe that was their intention.
dude the show is funny
don't get all mad bc you don't have people to banter with
even if it's a "friend simulator" who cares
Yesterday an article was posted about The Daily Shoah and other similar youtube channels by that group, along with the meaning of the triple parenthesis. Today I see a thread mocking it and how the alt right sucks and etc etc etc.
Pure coincidence.
dont take this the wrong way, but do you seriously have autism?
Yes, when it comes to marxism/feminism front
But our economy is collapsing. There is no housing left.
Our prime minister is literally retarded and has fetal alcohol syndrome (look at his smooth upper lip and deformed face)
A brilliant quote from the retard:
>"Yes, well first of all we, we are in the middle of what I mean seriously when I'm saying, when I express a, a big thank you to all the people doing such a great job, because it is a humanitarian effort, it's just as the Minister for Justice and Migration just said. What we are actually doing is that we are saving lives when people who come from bombs, from, from killing, from oppression, their lives are shattered. We, we help them and that is a, that is a great humanitarian effort, and of course now that we can see the number of people who need it, that are seeking protection, then it is one of the greatest humanitarian efforts. And that we are facing a crisis situation, that is in part why I, we are outlining today that we are also preparing for a situation where we may need to house people in tents, because we stand up with the humanitarian refugee policy, right of asylum, but we can now also see that we cannot close our eyes to the fact that there are more coming than ever in such a short time, and we need to provide a roof over their heads. Then it is -- other things may be required."
>zero points refuted
>attempts to strawman me as a pol neckbeard
Nice try leaf man. I like your part about low hanging fruit. It is a major waste of time to pay attention to every disagreeable word that the left says. You obviously have never listened to a TRS episode because they devote a fuckload of time to it.
>Trump and the alt-right
they literally popularised the alt right
the alt right isn't Milo sucking nigger cocks, sorry, I know Sup Forums really wants it to be like that
i always found people using maymays irl cringey as fuck. i remember when it was heavily frowned upon on Sup Forums in general, seems that isn't the case anymore. fucking newfags.
Damn, you guys are terrible, we here aren't great but if our prime-minister said that it be front-page news saying how retarded he is, probably because Wilders would be constantly bringing it up.
It is however a good thing that your economy is going to the shitters especially with far-left Social Democrats at the helm, this means that the average Swedes won't have the luxury to vote for retarded left-wing parties(which probably alot of them will do anyway) and give more power the the far-right, similiar to what happened in Weimar Germany.
The Daily Shoah this week wasn't that great, so I see why some people new to it are against it. But there are many really great episodes out there. A few of their episodes are pretty useless and full of memes, but there are many that are very well thought out. They bring up many points I haven't seen in Sup Forums. It's also the pot calling the kettle black because Sup Forums is also filled with memes.
No, it's not a good thing. An economic collapse causes damage that's straightforward enough to fix, but fixing the problem of a bunch of shitskin muslims now occupying their country is hard to fix. You'd have to either deport them or kill them. The more likely outcome is they stay, making the damage permanent.
I've listened to a handful of episodes, and honestly, I just can't stomach anymore. At first it feels like a fun irl Sup Forums simulation, but their memeing gets tired, fast. It doesn't help that they're in their late 30s or something.
Also, there was this one episode that featured some balding game designer, who literally could not stop himself from Jewing it up, pic related. They did their damage control, and then sort of ribbed on him after he left.
Who here /TradYouth/?
Let's BTFO op by discussing the numerous successes of socialism and share tips on how to be a fat weak-jawed faggot. Feels good to be part of the master race.
Its also a den of faggots. Remember Dante the forum mod? He's not the only one by far.
post episode nigger
Vox day?
this episode is actually really good because 7th son isn't dropping dumb sound effects every 2 seconds
Yeah, that guy.
I see what you are saying. You think I take them too seriously and that the podcast is just for fun. I don't have three hours a week to waste on news and memes I get much faster from pol. Some people have advised me to play it in the background while I do other stuff. I would rather higher quality shows but shorter in duration. Yes I have autism.