
I've come to bargain.




Is this the new baneposting then?

The dawn of the Strangepost is upon you

Have we started a fire?

Perhaps, but fi...

...excuse me.

Dormammu, I've co-

Why didn't he just use his time powers to save Tilda swinton?

Because he didn't want to? This way he gets to be the head honcho.

so what are the implications of that much time alteration?

That Strange's mind grew older but his body did not.

Why didn't he just use the time thingy on his hands?

Because mind over matter


you're a big hot head

They actually covered it pretty well. All the glitching out during the reversal were the characters outside of Strange's spells going through unwinding alternate realities, while Strange himself simultaneously creates a new one with the spell, bringing Wong and Mordo into his spell along the way, until he (original) Strange, original Mordo, and alternate past reality Wong he picked up along the way. That's why Wong laughed at the end, he's different.

He picked up along the way are left in a newly created alternate reality where the confrontation is yet to happen, which could possibly play out in a way similar to that which was seen during the rewind.

Sorry I completely didn't finish my thought.

i feel weirdly satisfied that i get to see dormammu's name here all the time now

For you.

I have a slight problem with everything being so "sparky" on their manifests.

I only recall gelatinous blobs of colored aura around things, but never sparks.

Can anyone verify/deny/explain?

In English, doc!

Is everyone just watching this at the theater or what?