This map is perfect. everyone should be happy with htis
This map is perfect. everyone should be happy with htis
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What's the deal with Galicia? Is it a meme or what?
Galicians are ethnically and linguistically Portuguese
>it's this fucking gypo retard again
Thanks for shitting up Sup Forums
My grandparents are galician.
They hated Portuguese people.
Stop memeing
>Austria exists
Dropped from fucking orbit.
Austrians are ethnically and linguistically German
Austria has too much history, traditions and culture to be annexed by Germany
FYROMians hate Bulgarians but we all know what they are
Go fuck yourself if you think Ulstermen will surrender their land and birthright to the Irish, pissant. Try again.
all the prinsdoms currently inside germany have lots of history
>surrender their land and birthright
if its their land why do they let england own it
your so full of shit btw im from ulster unlike you dickhead.
No. It doesn't. Their history, traditions and culture are all German. Look at Bavaria for example, where many of that German traditions & culture are also cherished. Their history was also exclusively Germans as they were the leader of the H.R.R.D.N., the German Confederation and voted 99% for an Anschluss in 1920.
You have a lot of time spamming this piece of shit several times a day for months straight on.
I bet you're that peasant Bulgarian who sperged out when he couldn't understand that Traditionalism does not equal fiefdom.
This map is more perfect :)
Nazis are as stupid as SJWs
You're literally telling me that a 99% vote was legit haha
Grossgermanium kiddies
Reminder that this is what you look like
This entire map is a fucking meme. >>>/gsg/
Forgot my source:
Wales isn't independent.
>The same people migrated and intermarried back and forth for hundreds of years before the Romans
>Waves of Celts did the same after
>Tens of thousands of Scots forcibly resettled there (Ulster Plantation) in 17th century
>They built something out of Ulster where before it was bog and nothing
The land belongs to the Northern Irish. You can pretend you're from there, it doesn't change the fact. They will never give it up. Try again faggot.
About as legit as Bulgaria's referendum in 1946 whether to be a republic or monarchy
It was a legit referendum. There was no opposition for an anschluss as there was literally no reason for Austria to stay independent.
Northern Irish are British. England doesn't "own" it, it IS the United Kingdom. You have the history knowledge of a 13 yr old.
>It was a legit referendum
I can't tell if this is bait
There was no one voting against it. The result comes from that. It was also legitimate. Why do you think it was not?
>perfect map
>Poland exist
There is no such thing as 99% agreement, that is impossible
You're too young to post on here
You showed them!!
we have one of these every single fucking day, and never, ever, does denmark have slesvig-holstein and skåne-blekinge.
you have seen how norway, germany, and sweden likes the refugees. give us back our land.
fuck off you niggers.
Even wikipedia says it was legit man. You're just a triggered bulgarian who posts this same shitty thread every day
>Austria a separate country
Why. They are just Germans who won't own up to the holocaust.
>muh gross russland :DDD
>even wikipedia
nigga what
Do you know how fringe the group of people are who weren't for the anschluss at that time?
It's not about the 99% agreement. It's more about the lack of disagreement. It would be like if you just create an artificial state in Burgas and ask them whether they would join Bulgaria next day. They would probably in a vast majority vote for an anschluss except a few that think "dude city states lmao".
But of course it is hard to grasp if one has no knowlegde on that part of German history.
>romania butchered
no thanks dirty bulgar, i'll keep it the way it is now
Portugal is a galician claim, not reverse.
Yes and the German election in 1938 was legit too, right?
The referendum in 1938 was legit too. The only arguement against it would be "it sounds weird in my head" which is not an arguement
>implying the 99% was legit
>implying the 60% isn't
American education
If this isn't bait, it shows just how stupid neo-nazis are
Why do you bring neonazis in the debate?
You are one, delusional
Norther Ireland missing, every fucking time.
Not looking any further.
Fuck off OP, roll playing autistic faggot.
When Serbia seized Fyromia after the balkan wars and created a vote whether or not they would join Bulgaria or Serbia, how much do you think would the bulgarians vote to join Bulgaria? There would be no opposition.
what exactly would combining poland and germany accomplish?
>giant poland
yes please
Epic Grossgermanium, obviously
>le ebin dan(s)k slaswig großdaneium meme
Know what? Schleswig was always German.
Here we meet again OP...
Gib Zuid-Limburg back French scum