Sup Forums claims niggers are the most violent race of all

Yet the bloodiest wars have been fought primarily between white men (and to a lesser extent east asians and middle easterners)

So tell me Sup Forums

If nigs are so violent, why aren't there any WW1 WW2 scale wars being fought in Africa?

Please don't respond, this is bait.


You're just pissy because as an ethnic Nazi, you're the most violent of all honkies

It really is a shitty feeling to see an obvious bait thread and decide to ignore it but then some idiots go and take the bait anyway and the thread gets three hundred replies.

More niggers shoot each other in 6 months in the US, than the entire number of deaths from Iraq/ Afghanistan

>Niggers wuz not kangz
>Blame Islamic conquest of Nigs

Pick one.


You wouldn't know anyway cuck

When nogs fight they just get massacred and run away.

Literally the second most incompetent figters after mudshits

So who's massacring them then?

White bois. That's who.

because niggers are too stupid to do it efficiently

but that doesnt mean they arent blood thirsty
they butcher each other with rocks, machettes or rusty pipes

>implying niggers could actually fight in a war like this

As if Africans could produce arms. Ever seen a factory in a mud hut?

Can't produce, or don't?

Maybe they're not just genetically stronger than whites, but genetically less violent as well
Why would a less violent race even build arms factories


Blitzkrieg was a great game

It just that we're more organized and disciplined if it comes to violence. Doesn't mean we aimlessly run around clubbin people to death like prehistoric cavemen.

>Maybe they're not just genetically stronger than whites, but genetically less violent as well
>Why would a less violent race even build arms factories

>They didn't produce better weapons because they didn't need them, not because they were incapable guys!
>Uses "they" like he isn't one of them


Fuck your post-modern values, every civilization worth remembering expanded and survived through strength of arms. If nigs can't figure this out, it's because they aren't worth remembering, not because they're more civilized than the rest of us.

There were large scale battle in Africa in both World Wars, and even in the past 10 years. Man, American niggers never cease to prove their stupidity...

Trips of the devil

If your arms are so great, then why are white people dying out?

>large scale battles
In NORTH Africa
the non-nigger part of africa.

>then why are white people dying out?
Fertility rates are on the rise in countries like Russia and Poland. In Western Europe and North America whites are dying out because we've gotten soft. We're too used to comfortable living, we don't want to have kids and change that. If and when we do die out, it will be in part because we abandoned our weapons and forgot how to use them.

>Yet the bloodiest wars have been fought primarily between white men
you stupid fuck, every race has had extremely bloody conflicts within themselves. If you think that africa and asia and the fucking middle east have been lands of peace relative to europe and north america you're literally retarded

We invented pitched battles. Even our wars are civilized and well organized.

They're too useless to organize them.

the only thing you invented was letting your enemies win because if you react you lose.

can we ban canada from Sup Forums already ? such an irrelevant happening place that only shitposts in every thread.

Fucking retard. Genghis Khan and his mongols killed 40 000 000 people using bows and short swords. Tell me more about worst wars, because so far you sound like affirmative action nigger.

Niggers are violent because of their lack of discipline, they can only act on the individual level