How to stop depression

How to stop depression

Meds. Or you don't.

With gun


by doing something different

looked up learned helplessness

that is you

accept it

do something different, your mind is going in circles

Say "hey depression, stop plz"

First why are you depressed

excercise + meditation will help you immensely


Killing yourself.

>see doctor
>do therapy
>therapy doesn't help so get meds
>meds don't help so spend months/years doing fuck all and wasting your life
>an hero

Paxil saved my life tbh...much better than drowning my sorrows in booze but hey, live and learn.

No. Too risky. Might as well lobotomize yourself than take those dangerous drugs.

What exactly has Paxil done for you?


1. find something you like and want to protec
2. realize you can always better yourself
3.its a pain in the ass but the world wont change for you, you need to change for it, but that doesnt mean you cant make your mark and grow to a point where you can tell the world to go fuck itself
4. at the very least you can use hate as motivation

Taking Paxil currently and I honestly don't feel like its helping that much. Advice?

been stuck on step 1 for about 8 years

step 1 is optional
even if you see no point find a way to improve yourself, baby steps or giant leaps, youre a human and we are inspired by seeing progress, you keep something up for long enough to see at least the slightest bit of progress you will be hellbent on keeping it up. so dedicate a week or a month to whatever it is you are trying to do, if you dont find that drive by all means call me a filthy liar

I became a Buddhist instead of committing suicide at one point. Buddhism isn't what saved me, but the things you learn through it are sure to help. Depression is attachment to your past, anxiety is attachment to the future, and suffering is a result of desire. Just throwing this out there, good luck man

oi, my dude say something

took up running for about 6 months a few years back
seeing the progress happening didn't hold my interest

whats hurting you m8?

nothing in particular, although I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder
I don't have much interest in most things

what do you want?


cant say this is wrong

Get a puppy.

that's me except i don't drink, smoke weed or take antidepressants

it always bothers me when people ask this, because I don't have an answer

depression didn't magically go away when I was exercising, eating healthy, spending time with friends, not on medication and sleeping regularly

I don't like dogs

Get a baby of whatever living creature you do like and care for it.

well, i check 7/10. guess i'm a dumbass

I don't wish to have another pet
too many of mine have died and I don't want to form another bond to be broken

I take adderral and it's turned my life around

What the fuck, i'm already on the last stage for 2 years fml...

Depression is such a pussy mental health problem. It gets all the fucking attention even though the vast majority of the time.just a better lifestyle and diet along with a medication fixes your problem. What about some chucklefuck with a mental illness like schizophrenia or adhd or any other one where not only is depression a symptom of it, but it's fucking permanent.

You would have to be some next level little bitch to think you have it worst when your disease is temporary and just a fucking symptom of someone's permanent disability.

Pets die. People die. Learn to accept death as part of life and it will ease your suffering when dealing with it.

So much THIS.
Meds won't help, therapy won't help, only you can help yourself at this point.

Are you actually retarded?

You are fucking stupid, my best friend has adhd and he says i have it way worse in life than him, and i know people with Schizophrenia that can deal perfectly fine with it, i mean, since you fucking recommend "medication" as a fix, you just showed how you know jackshit about depression.

why would I wish to base my happiness on the care of another creature if that life can be ripped away from me in an instant?
death is very obviously a part of life, I don't understand how knowing that makes it less painful to deal with

I didn't say "know it", I said accept it. Embrace it.
Also, you're not basing your happiness on another creature. Sometimes, it is by loving and caring for another creature that a man learns to love and care for himself.

>I didn't say "know it", I said accept it. Embrace it.
I don't understand what you mean by this
I've seen plenty of death and I understand it's the fate we all share
still, should I not care when things die?

>Also, you're not basing your happiness on another creature. Sometimes, it is by loving and caring for another creature that a man learns to love and care for himself.
I've had many pets
I loved and cared for all of them, but that didn't make me love or care for myself any more

It seems to me that you don't really want to or are prepared to be helped, user, but I do wish you well.

your mindset is alien to me, I truly don't understand it
I appreciate you trying though, and wish you well too

Don't worry, you're just not "there" yet. I've been where you are, believe me. It's a process, but you need to remain open, user. Open to allowing people into your life, to caring for someone even if you know that they may harm you or leave. Open to receive help. Don't hide in your shell of sadness and loneliness and don't think that your problems have no solution.

All will be well, but you need to believe it first.