Daily reminder that you are a fucking white male. Did you check your privilege today dear user?
A fucking white male
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Checking now thanks
But im not.
Unlike young black males, I don't have to worry about getting murdered by a member of my own race.
Privilege checked!
>unless you attend high school
Must be tough living on the equator.
I checked, nope, my privilege hasn't come yet, I'll check again when the blacks say I can have some
Yeah i know. That centrifrugal force does numbers on our pictures.
You can check these dubs
Janez you're terrible at baits
REEEEE get out
>no white person has killed other white person
go you burgers are retarded
just because UK gave you food and shelter it doesnt mean you have to brag about it Mohammed.
fuck off spic
Oh look, what's that to the upper right?
>Slovenia pretending to be Canada pretending to be Australia
What the fuck is happening????
>not really intended to be a b8
>nice hail Hitler dubs
Janez got fired from cleaning German toilets so he spends his time shitposting
Who pretends to be Australia? We have only 2 roos, and those are in zoo.
>telling other people that they are cleaning German toilets
You are just being absurd dear friend. You guys are cleaning our toilets.
My girlfriends had a big old dick in her recently, and it certainly wasn't mine! ;)
>mfw bleiburg survivor tells me that i clean toilets
Well you are probably still waiting for invention of toilets in your shithole country. I believe Russians who bought everything good in this dump are not allowing you to use theirs.
Talked in the phone with my father today. Priviledge checked.
Ahahahah oh mate you make me laugh
Actually Russians are top tier, really friendly people. Enjoy your arrogant Western tourists with socks and sandals while we get hot blonde qts :^)
You are too
>invention of toilets in your shithole country
Well yeah, I would also treat you well if you were my property. Nice waiters and cleaning ladies are always in line for a good tip. I hope you make those blondes happy with cleaning their rooms and folding their pijamas.
Well you were our property before Janez, and we treated you well
What kind of history do they teach you? I remember no great empire of Montenegro. I just remember a small undeveloped Montenegro, which we approved as an independent country.
I am a submissive white male.
I really wish I'd been born a girl.
You know what I'm talking about silly konjusar. You were Serbian war bounty.
kill yourself
Not really, we were asked if we wanted to join YU, and we agreed, when we had enough, we left. Are you implying that Montenegro is really Serbia? I totally agree.
I've been considering it.
Can't be XY when I'm dead.
I agree as well
Much Thinking
Amaze Statement
Such Faggot
AIDS Skrillex said this tho
But Serbs are nice, you should go to Kosovo or something.
if you're honestly considering it, dont do it
He yelled
you look like sandor clegane
Damn it feels good to be white
>you are a fucking white male
Thanks. I was actually feeling kind of shitty today until you reminded me. At least I'm a White male.
apparently people think carl the cuck and aids skrillix are interchangeable.
works for me... carl has a face u just want to laugh at. His beta, low volume inserts while skrillix lets the racist fondle his woman.. you know later on that black dude fucked the shit out of his girl as reperations.
white men are awesome. Just read the history books.
How the hell do you come to that conclusion? I ve heard I look like a lot of people but never a white guy.
So did AIDS Skrillex...
yeah, I meant AIDS Skirlex. But it was some kind of cry-yell judgy thing