So my mom is a crazy bitch and has this fucking dog who keeps shitting inside the house

So my mom is a crazy bitch and has this fucking dog who keeps shitting inside the house
How should I kill him?

blowtorch of course

Kill yourself first. Solves your problem.

Tell her it was you shitting everywhere and then kill yourself :)

grow the fuck up pussy and kill your mom
not the dog
the dog doesnt know better
your mom does tho

I don't know, but I'd really like to kill your Mom with that blowtorch.

if she raised a dog to be like that im sure she did a great job rasing you ya peice of shit
>bet she regrets not taking the cum shot that made you in her mouth now

drink some bleach, then pee in your dog's bowl

coommit suicide you fucking cunt

finely ground glass in food,dog dead in 3 days

I'd like too

The problem is your mom becouse she have no idea on how to teach a dog. Kill your mom and giveaway the dog to someone who knows

Feed him razorblade shards
God I hate dogs

The dog Is old and lazy
He was a good boy

No one would want an old dog

How about you take a long walk off a short pier.

Shit on the floor yourself to gain dominance.
Doggo will be broken and anhero under a passing bus.

Looks delicious , what is It?

Dude are you blind? Chiken breast with vegetables moron

I was thinking about poisoning the bastard

dirve the dog 70 km away and abandon it on the street side.

i googled ''vegetables moron'' but nothing,,whats the recipe?


this is now a cooking tread!!!

just made this for lunch

i also cook catalonian omelet

the potatoes are looking great!

with potatoes and onions??

simple. slip some antifreeze into its water, it'll drink it - die and your mom likely won't suspect anything as long as you dispose of the tainted water before she notices.

Most people aren't going to take their dogs body in to coroner to determine cause of death, so poison is the way to go.

Dogs are fucking idiots, and they drink antifreeze like its water. Stupid fuckers love it.

of course

That's an awful way to prepare that.
The breast will remain white/deadish, its' juice will ... oh fcuk. learn to cook

Maybe you should take the dog on a walk now and then faggot.

after 10 minutes boiling with the vegetables i take the chicken and breaded, then i put it in the oven for 15 minutes. served side by side with the vegetables and white rices buttered. undfortunedly there is no pic of the final dish.

wtf on that webm?

i came!!!

You mean after all the fat has already run off into the veggies?

Nigger you shouldn't be allowed near a stove.

I couldn't stop laughing

>chiken breast
fuking ignorant

You should kill him by training him to poop outside

yeah because Chicken breast doesn't have fat in it... fucking moron

Yeah ok. sounds a bit better now.

You can really tell who's never actually cooked with chicken before...

Protip: almost every breast out there has a nice thick fucking strand of fat through it.

Feed him chocolates, you worthless piece of shit

Fuck you and this thread you fucking asshole. You are not cool or edgy you're a lame pussy ass peice of shit. Fucking kys

Look you can keep the water you did the boiling and reuse it. This is called bouillon. Whatever you boil in it afterwards will be tastier, and tastier.


can you guys go talk about your femmenine cooking skils in another tread please?

>b-b-but Sup Forums Chicken Breast doesn't have fat
>you're ignorant

This. Do like everyone else does. Then feel just a bit guilty when your mom whines about the lost dog. But then again, it will make you stronger and carve your personality.
