What's bad about race mixing?
>inb4 muh Jewish plot
This answer makes the assumption that race mixing is bad, the conclusion that I'm asking you to validate
What's bad about race mixing?
>inb4 muh Jewish plot
This answer makes the assumption that race mixing is bad, the conclusion that I'm asking you to validate
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Thats a good looking cake
Mixed children are ugly as fuck
There is nothing wrong with race mixing, Sup Forums is satire.
I want to fuck that cake
There's nothing wrong with Racemixing... if the reason you are Racemixing is because you found a person who makes a compatible partner and will make a good parent for your kids just happens to be of another race.
If you are Racemixing because you have a fetish for that race, or because you got knocked up to piss off daddy, well that's bad for the kids and will totally fuck them up.
Non-asian minorities are terrible fathers and often leave their families, they are violent towards women and in general all cultures, but white, see women inferior to men(or as a property in worse case scenario).
Asians themselves see racemixing as a disgrace and white-asian half-blood will be hated by both groups.
fuck you I want that cake now
Oh really. Explain Brazil then. It's the most racially heterogenous country yet there's a general perception that it also has some of the most people.
Sounds like you just have shit taste, my man.
And this, of course.
Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics.
Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems, high stress, smoke, and drink.
Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics.
Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems, high stress, smoke, and drink.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.
IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.
It's sub-optimal.
If whites and asians mixed out of the gene pool with niggers, sand niggers, latinos, etc...
The average human intelligence would suffer.
What is actually good about race mixing?
Brazil isn't the result of race mixing. It's a slut culture where hot people reproduce a shit ton.
Because low-iq populations have nothing to offer and should be allowed to die off and be replaced as Darwin predicted. Instead of allowing a free society to slowly but surely weed them all out, or at the very least act as a pressure to improve them, we actively practice negative eugenics subsidizing the retarded failures which creates more.
What definitely shouldn't happen is taking a breed with high iq and crossing it with a low iq breed, because this confuses the line and reinforces the liberal ideology that there are no racial differences and that it is merely a social construct.
It is also an insult to your ancestors, tribe, and heritage, which weakens your people, but those are my own personal less scientific reasons.
Go away you racist! REEE
race mixing is only ok when its a white guy dominating a qt black or brown girl.
its a totally destroyed culture, where only degeneracy grows, and its a shithole.
nothing wrong with it. i just dont like it being pushed on people. when a director/writer/advertiser or whatever thinks to themselves "i'll make a mixed race couple because i can apeal to a wider range if people, or ican look good with all my tollerance" or "if i dont make this couple mixed race i might face backlash". nothing wrong with two people who want happiness, it's their own buisness. but to deny there is an agenda is retarded
>8% of world population are white by loose definition
>50% of whites are old/ageing and not going to have anymore children
>1.8% of the world population are white women of child bearing age or younger
>White birth rates are way below replacement levels in every white country.
>Not 1 single country now exists that has in not openly accepting massive non-white migration and promoting multiculturalism
>Immigrants have birth rates way above replacement levels
>Race mixing among whites is the highest in history and being actively promoted in the media and by the state
White people cannot possibly survive with no racially homogeneous homeland and without a replacement birth rate. Period.
White genocide is absolutely real.
This is definitely true. However, what are the causes?
I'd chalk it up mostly to our culture. Mixed race kids have to deal with an identity crisis similar, though not nearly as extreme, to transgender people. If our culture helped mixed race kids fit in things would be a lot easier for them.
There's also some degree of epigenetics. Black people/Mexicans are more likely to be poor. Poor people are more likely to smoke/drink. When these colored people, that tend to be poor, have children with white people, who tend to be less poor, the kids are more likely to behave like hooligans than in an instance of two white people.
That being said, if we were to pull black people up to the level of white people, in terms of average socioeconomic status, this trend would disappear.
What does this have to do with race mixing? Are you saying it's okay for me to have a kid with a black woman as long as she has an IQ over 100? Is it okay for me to have a kid with a white woman with an IQ of 85?
Okay, well that has nothing to do with the claim "Mixed children are ugly as fuck."
if race mixing was as beautiful as that cake...
I'm not interested in race mixing
I just want that cake
>White genocide is absolutely real.
How does white genocide follow from everything else you said. In order for it to be genocide it would have to be intentionally directed. You haven't proven that, you didn't even make that claim.
Also, so what if white people disappear? That wouldn't happen for another few hundred years or so, anyways. It's not like we'll be around to endure it and for those that are around it will be the only thing they know. They won't care white people are gone, they wouldn't know what they're missing.
I wouldn't even be opposed to race mixing
>if it wasn't pushed on us (whites) so heavily
Africa for africans. Asia for asians. White countries for everybody!
>if it wasn't always white-female x something-brown-male
inb4 perma virgin :^)
>if it wasn't going to take place in my country
What do I care about some white folk fucking the indigenous people in a "far" away country?
>if white features were more dominant
Sadly a half-black half-white baby doesn't even look a little bit white. It's just a lump of mud.
>if white were a majority worldwide
We are around 10% of the worlds population. There are 3 times more chinese and indian people alone ...
>if white birthrates would still be between 2 and 3 and not 1.3 or some shit
Seriously whiteness is dying out. Birthrates are way below the replacement rate in many countries.
>if non-white aka shitskin birthrates didn't exceed ours by factor 3
While whites are dying brown and black people are procreating like fucking rabbits.
Seriously look at this list. So many fucking ifs! It just so happens that everything goes wrong.
What does this have to do with race mixing? Are you saying it's okay for me to have a kid with a black woman as long as she has an IQ over 100? Is it okay for me to have a kid with a white woman with an IQ of 85?
>It is also an insult to your ancestors, tribe, and heritage
No it's not. They fucked whoever they felt like fucking then, we can fuck whoever we want now.
>weakens your people
Any proof of this?
true dat
pureblood dogs are superior to mixed ones
same for humans
Fuck you race traitor
>How does white genocide follow from everything else you said
How about extiction instead of an active genocide?
Does reality sound better now?
It's called biology and ingroup preference.. ofcourse we should treat eachother nicely regardless but when certain ethnicities encroach on other ethnicities nations from within, it tends to piss people off.. Which is perfectly understandable..
What leftists do not understand is this is perfectly normal.. and ingroup preference is an instinct for good reasons..
When you select ingroup you know what you can expect to get.. ingroup preference also helps to protect breeding for intelligence and many other factors that have gone on in ingroup ethnicities for many hundreds of years if not more..
So let's say you have a nice result and your nation is thriving, you have intelligent smart people etc.. The LAST THING YOU WOULD EVER FUCKING WANT.. is a bunch of assholes from a place that did not do so well, hence not a very good result.. come and be a turd in the fucking punchbowl..
It really is not that hard to understand, this is why you have nations and nation borders, and why people are hesitant to strangers by instinct.. which is ALSO for a good reason. Because they need to make sure these strangers are intelligent and posess the qualities that they desire..
Then you have 3rd world migrants that just use "racism" as a scapegoat for themselves to help them into nations they don't deserve to be in and to things that do not belong to them.
And the illegals that simply break the law simply to enter nations that thrive, to help themselves to the fruit of other peoples hard efforts..
Sorry but you have to go back.. and if you want to be part of a thriving nation, you have to meet certain criteria and qualifications, if you don't.. go back to your home nation and try to make it great.. and put in the effort as members of thriving nations have done so aswell.
How should mixed-race kids be helped? How should black people be pulled up to the level of white people? I'd be happy to help people who are in need if you can offer some advice that actually works in real life. People tend to try and help these groups by preaching about tolerance and diversity, and they come up with stuff like affirmative action to give marginalized groups better opportunities in life, but I've got the impression that such attempts end up being counter-productive; treating people with double standards based on their skin color is IMO bad for everyone involved.
>Africa for africans. Asia for asians. White countries for everybody!
I agree, this really annoys me.
>>if it wasn't always white-female x something-brown-male
What does "always" mean. I've been with a couple black chicks so it's definitely not in the literal sense.
>>if it wasn't going to take place in my country
Seems a lot like the the argument against homosexuals. I can't really sympathize with it being that I'm pretty liberal when it comes to social policy.
>Sadly a half-black half-white baby doesn't even look a little bit white. It's just a lump of mud.
I don't know about that. They are still people after all.
>pic related, as well
>Seriously whiteness is dying out
I really don't see the problem with that. It's not like we'll be around to see it end and the people that are aren't going to care. Totally a non-issue but you people keep harping on it.
Race mixing would make a population so mixed and not unique to the point where nobody knows their origins or identity. A population like this would be very easy to control. (((THEM)))
Pic is why whites are annoyed with minorities asking why whites are so against race mixing and mass immigration..
You socalled "minorites" are not global minorities at all, but you a portion of you sit in our nations telling us we should give you carte blanche to fuck all our women and basically genocide our ethnicity.. or we're "racist"..
How about we just call your bluff and explain to you that you're actually more near global majorities compared to us.. and maybe you're the racist cunts for even suggesting that we should accept our own genocide simply because you migrate to our nations because you can't get your own nations to fucking work..
You help yourself to the fruit of our labour and that of our ancestors, and then you want to fuck all our women too.. enough is enough.. you have no shame..
Nobody is saying to asians they have to race mix, or africans they have to race mix, notice how massively racist it is to suggest that whites should race mix or they are racist.. You shouldn't even be in their nations in the first place unless you have a damn good reason to, with regards to excellent qualifications etc.. basically things that doesn't include being on welfare and similar things.. and have us pay out of our own wallet for YOUR kids..
(cont) this whole "white people are racist" is simply other ethnicities effort to replace white nations with their own ethnocentrism.. because you're not minorities at all globall you're very well represented..
I'm sorry but it's clear as day and people are waking up to it. And the whole "you're racist if i don't get my way" isn't going to fly anymore..
Half-Lebanesefag here.
My parents divorced when I was 5.
My mother (she's the Lebanese one) is homesick and pretty much insane at this point.
I like my father, but he smokes and drinks, which keeps me away from him.
My sister is anorexic and depressed.
I think my younger brother is doing meth.
I don't know where I belong. I'm lonely and don't know myself. I want to be like the Germans, but I'm not. I even tried to connect with other lebos, against my better judgment, and that was a disaster. I feel lost. The only people I can connect with are fellow mongrels, but they're usually very alienated by German culture and I have difficulties coping with that.
I know it's all just anecdotal. But I need to say this regardless. Never believe in the "opposites attract" bullshit. Try your best to find a girl with similar racial and cultural backgrounds. Anything else makes things really difficult for your offspring.
The most prominent thing that comes to mind is that it deprives a child of any sense of real, honest-to-god group identity from the outset. I'm half-white, half-black (inb4 GET OUT REEE), and I hate the fact that I can never be thought of as one or the other, on top of inheriting the worst physical qualities of both. White people will never consider me white and black people will never consider me black. I'm both but that in turn makes me neither. It's also made me bitter as fuck growing up in really ghetto areas getting jumped in school for being a "light-skin nigga" and being pitched shit constantly for it. I moved around a lot, and in whiter towns people were more polite and at least not openly hostile, but I got the feeling that they were kind of uneasy around me and I knew that they still saw me as being an outsider. It sucks.
man i really want that chocolate cake now
Is this now homemade dessert thread.
underratest post
>What's bad about race mixing?
Contributes to the extinction of the White race.
>This answer makes the assumption that race mixing is bad,
Why don't you explain how racemixing is good?
exactly it's a poor excuse for them not to go back and fix their own nations, so they instead suggest to ethnically genocide a very well functioning group of people.. in order to get a slightly better result..
The solution is go back to your home nations and try harder to make them great, put in the effort, like thriving socities ancestors did aswell. You don't just snap your fingers and make it happen, otherwise a lot of other people would've done it already.. This is also why well functioning nations tended to historically till this madness mass migration propaganda started.. they tended to be very protective of their ingroup.. because they wanted to preserve the good result they worked so hard for for many generations.. And you do not have the right to suggest that they just squander that or to take that away from them because you failed to achieve a good result yourselves..
Not that many people would give too much of a shit if it was on a small scale, but when it is the sole cause for destroying all white people, that on its own is why its bad. Of course they are ugly, and have lower IQ etc etc.
"In saying this, I promise you I am quite free of all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health of a race. Pride in one's own race—and that does not imply contempt for other races—is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." Adolf Hitler (13th February 1945)
That's shitty, but you touch on a good point.
I am 40% lebanese have pale white skin blue eyes straight brown hair. Everyone thinks I'm white. You must have the cucked NEGROID lebanese blood. Niggers ruined alot of arab countries and mixed blood with us. Ruining your dna.
Genocide means that someone is pulling strings on a calculated operation, whereas extinction means it's a natural occurrence. The distinction is only as significant as differentiating between the Great Famine and the Holodomor.
And really, an extinction doesn't sound that bad. We won't be around for it and the people that are will not care because everyone around them is mixed. People in Brazil aren't weeping over their "tainted" bloodlines. They don't give a fuck because they have better things to do.
That cake really makes you think...
Try to pass as "white" in Germany, famalam. Pale skin and blue eyes alone won't get you far.
Yeah but Brazil is a shithole
shitskin + white = a shitskin
that's literally bad for diversity.
>Take a vacation and come here
>Witness the result of hundreds of years of immigration & race mixing.
>Return to burgerland and pray for racial purity in tears
>treating people with double standards based on their skin color is IMO bad for everyone involved.
no it's only bad for the white males who lose out on 1 or 2 jobs at each company to a minority. It's 100% good for the minorities because those are jobs that otherwise wouldn't be available to them. Let's not kid ourselves here, people are first and foremost looking out for their own best interest. If "affirmative action" and programs like it benefited white people, you wouldn't hear anything complaints from them.
But it does contribute to the 'what's so bad about race mixing' question, don't you think?
Also I want to fuck that cake
I wouldn't want to go to Germany if you paid me friend
>Genocide means that someone is pulling strings on a calculated operation,
And what the fuck would you call this?
Evidence of White Genocide
>I really don't see a problem
That in itself is a problem, if no man thought past his death we would have never made progress.
We are MANKIND we are not one but billions, and you should not care more about yourself than mankind, for mankind is immortal and we are but mortals.
You need to realize that you will die, you will cease to exist within 100 years of this statement. This is fact. However what is not fact is mankind dying in the next 100 years.
So please, do not just throw away issues because you won't be around to face them.
Why not?
>How should mixed-race kids be helped
I think this'll solve itself. In a decade or two mixed race people will be everywhere. This'll make those kids feel more normal and help them with their identities.
>How should black people be pulled up to the level of white people?
For American blacks, destroying the current black culture by pumping money into inner-city schools and virtue promotion done through state/local governance.
Will being a rapefugee get you far in Germany?????///????
Aren't Russians shitskins?
if racemixing is so bad, why are the jews racemixed?
checkmate racemixers
if we just all had 6 kids in the next 6 years, we would literally be completely fine.
impregnate white girls by ANY MEANS
>t. a potato nigger
Underrated flag
dane's are ALMOST as practical as Norwegians
I don't know what happened with Sweden. If there was no Sweden, Scandinavian union would be non-sellout utopia tier
I don't want to get blown up
I wish you would stop calling it genocide. It's disingenuous and pisses me off every time I read it. If anything it's mass suicide since individual white men and women and families are making the choice to breed below replacement rates. No one is forcing that on you. Your people are literally checking out of raising families because it's too much responsibility or whatever then you turn around and cry about genocide and da jooz.
Totally agree, black culture has become "Fuck whitey im a real gansta bam bam look at my guns fuck the system", race is just what allows it to prosper, now what makes it happen. If we could leave this ridiculous idea of ghettos and real niggas out of American youth the problem would be gone within a century.
There is nothing wrong with black people. I have seen many great black and white people, however, this "black culture" is pretty destructive and can easily explain the higher crime rate and racism of blacks.
Blacks from the highest socioeconomic category score worse than whites from the lowest socioeconomic category. On the LSAT, SAT, UGPA, and SES. The average LSAT score of blacks from the highest socioeconomic category is more than one standard deviation below the average score of whites from the lowest socioeconomic category.
You are a little behind man, liberals fully accept this fact, but the latest excuse is that blacks cant take tests made by the wite mane, even though races like asians beat whites at the test :D
Because it's being used as a political tool to get Europe to stand behind a EU as a homogeneous mutt culture without any national identities. That way it's easier to control them under one banner.
On it's own, it's fine. As a tool, it's dangerous and criminal.
At the current time, you're more at a risk of drowning.
This is a really safe country. I think they busted another group of would-be Jihadist dipshits lately.
>In a decade or two mixed race people will be everywhere
You realize mixed race isnt a catch-all for mullatos right? I'm have white half sand, I know a decent amount of mixed race people and they all have different backgrounds. Asian/white, black/juden, black/white, the list goes on. We dont share any identity, we're just kinda there. Making more people mixed doesnt help identity issues in the slightest. I would sooner promote racial homogeneity rather than race mixing.
>nobody is forcing it on you
You're dead wrong.. people are being massively brainwashed with propaganda that it's a good thing to have mass migration and to race mix galore..
>they made the choice
yeah but if i brainwash the fuck of you towards something that benefits other ethnicities.. and then say to you ah but you made the choice it's your own fault.. how convenient that is to ignore that these people were brainwashed into this and historically their ancestors did the exact opposite.. and were very protective of ingroup as is the default position of most.
Sorry i'm not buying the bs you're selling. And i'm calling it for what it is. And i think also that you're being incredibly naive about what's going on about this matter.
The Jews have inculcated a deep self-hatred in whites through their total media dominance of the last half century or so.
Why would Sweden or Germany be committing suicide as they are now?
You don't know what you're talking about.
Massive propaganda and brainwashing towards accepting mass migration and it being a healthy or even a preferred thing to race mix, swedes have in particular been swayed by this propaganda whilst norway and denmark have looked at it with a confused and disgusted look in their faces.. because we know very well what the outcome is going to be.. no more ethnic swedes or a small swedish minority in the future if this doesn't change.
It really depends on region. Some states like Amazonia and acre have breed terrible creatures, blacks mixed with natives some people call they bugres.
On more metropolitan areas certain dominant genes like big butt and cool native features are diluted on white skin and the result is in a great number of cases awesome women.
>if no man thought past his death we would have never made progress
This isn't true. Cavemen sure as shit couldn't think that abstractly and they helped get us to where we are today.
Also, did you miss the part where I said the people around after I'm gone won't care about the lack of white people. Unless you're assuming the world is doomed without us (unfounded, if this is what you're claiming).
>you should not care more about yourself than mankind, for mankind is immortal and we are but mortals
How is mankind immortal? What about when it goes extinct?
Also, how does it follow that I ought to care about mankind as a result of my mortality and humanity's, supposed, immortality?
I know how you feel. I'm half Hispanic and my parents separated. I don't fit in with my white or Hispanic side.
And it can suck having white parents when you aren't white. My mom would never acknowledge that I wasn't white or that anyone could treat me any differently than a white person. At the same time she resented Hispanic people because of her experience with my dad. So basically I grew up hating being Hispanic and having my mom try to convince me I wasn't if I ever mentioned I was.
The problem rises when you mix the best people in the world with the worst. When that happens, the best humanity can hope for is being average.
It's not good nor it's bad. It's just weird, why would white woman want brown children? Is it some treacherous jewish propaganda?
Exactly it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
>You're dead wrong.. people are being massively brainwashed with propaganda that it's a good thing to have mass migration and to race mix galore..
No, you're fucking retarded and for all your big brains and high IQ, looks like natural selection is doing its job.
It's interesting here that after countless generations of mixing the average population more less have similar features and the skin is generally light, majority not like real white but very light.
Sjw forces people to accept blacks bit even here, a person that is generally regarded as white is not well accepted coupling with pure negro's.
People don't have the picture, Brazil is a mixed nation really but you will struggle to find the pure blacks. They are outcast and usually hated.
is it really retarded to believe that television and internet propaganda for migration and race-mixing is real?
>this is a really safe country
it's not natural selection it's unnatural selection.. due to propaganda whites are being pushed to disgard ingroup preferences.. where before their ancestors had very strong ingroup preferences.
But your vitriol and hatred for whites and their achievements is clearly showing. Much like abel and cain allegory.. jealousy is an aweful aweful thing.
Is that what propaganda merkil puts out? I could get blown up in amrrica since jews have tons of terror cells waiting for a real false flag. But I would not feel safe in europe where nobody has weapons and the police are whimps.
Fucking Mongol Slavshit
Am I white enough pol?
race/culture mixing is fine unless it threatens dilution of culture. imagine two tribes merging into one and losing their identity, arguing about habits etc. worst thing to do
You get all the negatives with few to none of the positives.
Look at Brazil.
Only faggots and girls like that much chocolate at once.
How could I feel safe anywhere in europe when it's been invaded. Most of the refugees aren't even syrian.
black man white woman in adverts and various things.. once you see it you can't unsee it, it's everywhere.. Inspite of it generally globally not being what white women prefer. It's being heavily pushed.. to "end racism" which ofcourse is a total joke, as is "only whites can be racist/only whites have ingroup preferences" such stupidity, every tribe on earth has ingroup preference by default.. But whites particularly white women are being "instructed" in the media, that ingroup preference is bad..