How many days will it take this idiot to get killed (Jeep)
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here's this idiots route
You can't drive through some of these borders. Especially Algeria to Morocco. Unless you have good been men's approval and probably security.
Governments approval*
I'd give him til he gets to the Congo. That's warlord turf afaik.
Sudan, congo, west africa is where im expecting his Jeep to get stolen
If that's the route as soon as he starts hitting West Africa his chances of death begin to skyrocket. From Senegal south is just a deathtrap, especially for white people who are wealthy and naive enough to tour through those areas without armed guards looking for "adventure and diversity".
That's a nice setup. If he has the money to deck it out with cool stuff and to ship it to Africa, I hope he has extra money for security (guards). No doubt he will be targeted by criminals/rebels/insurgents throughout his travels there.
This is what happens in a best case scenario, meaning you know how to handle the situation.
He picked the wrong make of vehicle, that's for sure. Probably not much for spare parts on the entire continent.
You may be interested in this, it's lengthy but a fantastic read:
should be more like this
no, like this
Looks like he forgot to include the top mount Browning .50. Hope he likes getting run off the road and raped in Liberia.
>going to fucking sudan
why the white people risk ending up as the slave of Sultan Jamal-Abdin-rashallah?
He'll be fine,
the Africans will cower at the sight of his vehicle which to them will be some kind of roaring mechanical lion.
should we make a petition for Lil Wayne to visit Liberia?
No, they'll prey upon him at every chance in an attempt to get handouts. They often deliberately damage the roads so people get stuck and they can charge them exorbitant fees to help.
>spent tons only to blow up an engine
>spent even more for a fancy water system
>no spare tire
yeah this guy is dead already
He built the water system and has a spare tire as well as an extra fuel tank.
How far into this do I have to read before shit hits the fan?
Man, he must have dropped 80k making an overland truck that's not as capable as a Toyota from 40 years ago.
A bunch of people on /trv/ have done similar trips, with proven pics and everything. They've all been fine. Not Lybia and Algeria though, those borders are near impossible.
I really don't think this dipshit knows what he is in for
He had exactly enough money to mod his jeep and ship it. The dumbass paid someone to squeeze a giant diesel engine in there, replacing the gas engine. Of course the hoses were all fucked from the lack of space. It melted in 10 seconds. Now he's funding the rest on his credit cards.
I wish I had Good Ben's Men's approval.
Shame, africa's no place for unproven toys like that.
The thread if anyone's interested. This guy is nuts.
Man some of these countries I've never heard of
>He's skipping Somalia
Way to puss out
My thoughts exactly. Dropping a larger engine into a vehicle is something an expert does for fun in his spare time, not something you pay through the nose for a shop to do. The fact that the shop didn't honor a warranty means they told him upfront that it was stupid and they weren't going to be responsible for the result.
How stupid must you be
> skips somalia completely
Is America really that dangerous?
Haha even reddit is doing their best to redpill this guy.
If he tries to follow through with his planned route, at some point we will never hear from him again.
>good been men's approval
Who are?
my aunt did the same with a friend of hers, they were fine.
Stop the fearmongering already.
>his retarded swap doesn't work
>buys an entirely new Jeep
He isn't even going to need the Africans to kill him.
>fucking Sudan
>southern Egypt
What's /out/ or /trv/s thoughts?
How do one go about getting good been men's approval?
He's literally going to be having a tracker up showing where he is. Someone is going to rob/murder him and take the jeep to resell
I hope he's not doing this for "muh diversity" you'd think this guy would at least make a place to store some guns
Seriously unless this is one of the leftist faggots that thinks he doesn't need guns, everyone knows Africa has dangerous wildlife(not just niggers)
He's going to get killed, poor guy, he could do the same shit in Australia and it would be safer
What sucks is that jeep is going to get raided by a band of niggers and destroyed, feels bad
>Staying out of Somalia
What a pussy
He's a little nuts, but mainly because he bought the wrong vehicle for the trip and is pouring huge amounts of cash into it to try to make it work. He seems to know that a 70/80 series toyota land cruiser is what he needs an foolishly think that putting a diesel in a jeep and gutting the interior is the same thing.
>muh guns
yeah, try sneaking weapons through the border in Africa. You'll be shot on the spot, idiot
I want you guys to understand just how large Africa is and how long this will take
No, like this
kek, all those americans in this thread, nice to know how you view the world xD
He will be mostly fine.
reading his build log on the imgur link, this kid is clearly a trust fund hipster faggot kid
someone find his old myspace page i GUARANTEE he had emo/scene hair then
he isn't nuts. he's probably just gullible and thinks that no one will attempt to steal his shit. he's a typical bluepilled white traveler.
>itt people who have never traveled
>implying sneaking
, you're telling me there isn't a way he can get them there legally?
Doing a cursory google search there's actually a large number of diesel conversions for the Wrangler. So not only did he try and swap the engine he tried to swap in an engine that no one makes a kit for. This guy is just too dumb to live.
He's gonna die
>what is mercator map
retard. Get off Sup Forums and get some fresh air
Two brand spanking new Jeeps and one failed mod project plus years of travel with no income? It's not hard to arrive at the blindingly obvious conclusion.
Even reddit figured out that he's a trustafarian lolozlzozl
Why, you sign up and become one of Uncle Ben's Few Good Men.
He is a serious player in Africa and he got his finger in every pie on the continent.
There was actually a Polish guy from /trv/ that biked from Finmark in the very north of Europe all the way down to South Africa.
That looks comfy as fuck.
I hope the african warlord that will end up getting the jeep make good use of it.
You act like Africa has rigorous border control when it's a big joke. Not to mention you just need cash to smuggle anything past anyone there.
> pussy whites cucks are scared of Africa
> the route is in fact safe
Africa is not as bad as the media portrays (e.g the "war torn Africa" stereotype).
Africa is 20% of the Earth. It's huge, what is your point?
there is a guy on jewtube that overlands across apefrica all the time and he doesn't afraid of anything
They have worse than rigorous borders, they have corrupt officials.
God. This is some of the dumbest shit i've seen in a while.
>good been men = government
Nigga wtf have you been smoking
Sporadic, they can't stop shit. And you seem to agree that all he'd need was cash to get through.
Also, six days and he dies
His engine fiasco already drained his funds. I don't think the border guards take american express.
>somalia gets no love
> dodging Somalia
This lol. The most paranoid people on the planet. You really are fucked up in the head America for fuck sake. Get you shit together fucking pussies, the world will not eat you, god damn rednecks.
Sounds like the type that would say it wasn't the rapists fault who tore out his asshole and he required 500 stitches.
Agreed. Landcruiser far superior choice
No way to get them there legally, dude. Seriously, have you ever left your country? You can get guns in Africa, sure, in the black market. But do you think they'll let some random white-boy tourist walk in with a gun? Hell no.
He will make it as far as Sudan if he goes east, if he goes west Liberia.
>south africa
>democratic republiuc of the congo
Absolutely fucked, no chance of survival.
Where are his guns ?
His image seems to agree pretty well with the numerical land area of Africa and those countries.
>mostly fine
Retard won't make it that far. Chinese who go there have warlord security entourages.
people have done this before and not died, although all of them have had close calls.
I'd say he's got a coin flip's cance of dying
>not a land cruiser or 4runner
Jeepfags are the plebest of plebs. I own an 05 4runner that has better offroading capabilities than pretty much all my friends faggoty jeeps. Except for maybe a few fans that got Rubicon and dropped 10 k into it. Mine is stock aside from a 2.5" leveling kit and an adjustment to the air ride. I fucking hate Jeepfags.
No like this.
He's a trust fund kid with money
Two brand spanking new Jeeps and one failed mod project plus years of travel with no income? It's not hard to arrive at the blindingly obvious conclusion.
Reconsider your statement after factoring in the brand new vehicle and obviously retarded white guy driving it.
this will be his next trip
Anything with niggers are dangerous
oh wow no tire. I take back what I said.
I think it had a lot to do with excess part supply after the war was over. I happen to like jeeps even though they survived purely on military subsidies. but yeah they break down on california roads, let alone african ones, lol
Mobilefaggot detected
Amen, imagine him driving around detroit and sleeping in the car at night, nope, not safe. Imagine doing the same in any black ghetto in the US, nope not safe.
He will get fucking slaughtered in a bunch of those countries.
Headless meat in a ditch or meatless head on a stick?
Decisions, decisions.
i hope he livestreams this
i want to see chief obongo and his crew rushing up to him
He'll be fine, he avoided leaving the coast for most of it, which are industrialised city areas for the most part with police/ military. The countries where he is leaving the coast are all relatively developed.
Driving through the center of Congo for example would be risky but his route seems pretty safe. Don't forget he'll be in his vehicle most of the time so a) people aren't gonna notice who he is/ he's white b) he has speed on his side even if he does encounter some idiots.
What a fucking idiot. He's going to get gunned down by niggers.
Even assuming he doesn't get raped/murdered/carjacked as some of the yuropoors are suggesting, what about the wildlife and disease?
Has he planned for malaria or other mosquito borne diseases?
What about sand flies that also carry disease?
Does he plan to eat bushmeat where he could get Ebola or other diseases?
Can he seal his Jeep such that scorpions or snakes don't sneak in at night?
The list goes on. Even if every person in Africa was peaceful there's a lot of wildlife that can fuck you up
Non-car guy here, what's the point of a larger engine? More vroom for his ego?
You're underestimating the amount of trouble a rich stupid hipster can find himself in. Yeah a reasonably prudent person might be able to drive that route without issue, this fucker is driving around in a flashy new vehicle and is intending to spend most of his nights camping alone. I've seen hipsters try to go into bad neighborhoods in the U.S. and get beat up, they're fucking children and this guy will constantly be giving off the wrong signals to the wrong people.
Here's a quick read that I think will give you an idea of how this guy will act and how he'll expect others to act.