
About to check out Prague's vibrant gay scene! Excited! edition

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haha faggots

Why is the British left so problematic?


liberalism is the product of a luxurious society

>Even one [kike] is too many!
t. Jeremy Corbyn


maybe i should get on this interpals

gentle reminder that he and jo cox both deserved it

when i was 15 my mate got mugged on Hammersmith Bridge at knifepoint

i used to deliberately walk across it at the same time of day he got mugged (8pm) with a metal pipe in my bag in the hope that i would get mugged too

I figured either I kill the bastard, or he kills me and then gets his life ruined with a nice hefty prison sentence

the police didn't care enough to investigate a mugging, but i was pretty confident they'd care a lot more about a middleclass child being murdered on the street

bit edgy, now i think about it.

where is she from

honestly the /cp/ threads are hilarious, funnier than /brit/

he was a Muslim (turk father)

Palestine isn't a country

bit extreme but when your live is utterly devoid of genuine experience you can go to great lengths just for a taste of legitimacy

sorry lad I don't speak Yiddish

>the police didn't care enough to investigate a mugging

I used to go to school in Tottenham and every week there would be muggings, people held at knife point etc, almost always perpetrated by blacks and disproportionately targeted at the few white or asian kids. Whenever people reported it to the police they would do fuck all about it, in the end people just stopped reporting it.

It always amazes me when people claim that niggers are picked on by the police when in reality they leave black areas largely ungoverned

did you know
that when it snows


and yet if you tried to defend yourself or refuse to be mugged you'd be lynched

Kinda funny how Israel/Palestine was a big thing up to about 5 years ago and people just don't give a shit about it since

class war when

another day another 8 shots to my liver

small children play
as the wind billows

From a purely self-interested perspective, why would I ever not be a rorke?

Remember when Greece debnts were a big deal?

reckon the lefties are too preoccupied with other things

>bit edgy, now i think about it.
yeah just a bit

thanks to the lad who recommend episode 184
my willy felt VERY good watching this

that was me
you're welcome
only scene of theirs i've ever really liked

hope Puerto Rico ruin the US flag by making them put 51 stars on it

surely leaving black areas largely ungoverned is an example of the police picking on blacks?

most of the victims of crime there will be black, surely, and theyre getting fucked over just as much as you are

Yes. black-on-white hate crimes are a far bigger issue than the other way and vastly underrepresented in official government statistics.

>you now remember when the BBC, C4 and guardian all lost their shit when they heard a "refugee" in south London had been targeted in a hate crime by a gang leaving a pub, it blew up into a top headline story then when they learnt it was a gang of wogs the police were looking for the story fell away as if it never happened


>BT hotspot wifi won't let me turn safesearch off

VERY unhappy about this development


hey boys, since i'm studying english culture n shit my teachers said i should start following the elections and votings and shit. so i'll be reading your posts now thanks

she gets railed i think

what is this?


arse is a bit tingly

You just missed the election, it was fucking retarded

blacks won't talk to the police about black on black crime so there's no point investigating it


oye mami
come get a little closer

this is sparta hahaha

anyone else thinking of joining labour?

pretty bizarre that my sexuality only consists of wanking to other people sexing it on camera

Im a big advocate of #FreeTheNipple

>surely leaving black areas largely ungoverned is an example of the police picking on blacks?

Maybe, but the police are an absolute joke at dealing with street crime wherever I have lived

desu I'm all in favour of stop-and-search on black youth (even though official met stats show it hasn't worked, I can tell you anecdotally it does have an effect), yet the first people to be up in arms about it are black people who won't even be targeted by it. The first step to the solution is to admit there is a fundamental problem with black culture and family upbringing that extends beyond "dey poverty" excuses

my dad is a member of the labour party and goes to their rallies and stuff

but hes voted conservative every election since Blair

what is he like haha

utter state of drumpf's presidency

does he like pints?

I take it your boys didn't win?

Don't blame him

True radical centrism looks something like the BNP, even if the pseuds in this thread are too afraid to admit it

not a fan of this American-style open racism desu

thought our rorkes were more subtle/sophisticated than this

have you ever tried videoing yourself masturbating and then masturbating to that video?

its a good trick

Is Oktoberfest cancelled because of the refugees?


>I can tell you anecdotally it does have an effect

in which ways? (genuinely curious)

That's unironically the only reason they aren't a state yet and never will be. Best case scenario they'll be incorporated as part of Florida.


Nobody won, that's why it was so retarded

The UAE ambassador literally paid the US to allow them to isolate Qatar, and have plans to move their US military base to the UAE. State of affairs

>even though official met stats show it hasn't worked, I can tell you anecdotally it does have an effect

nah they're all invited

my cummies taste sweet tonight

very very haram picture

E overglow lads

>It was 2008 - the start of the financial crisis - and Sullivan’s boss was announcing cuts at the magazine publishing company where she worked. Salaries were being frozen and one in 10 employees faced the sack.
>“This is your fault,” Sullivan recalls her boss telling the assembled workers. “But you can save your job by working harder.”
laughing@these runts

Well imagine my cock

As in the police would literally stop blacks on the street, target problem schools and kids who I knew would carry knives wouldn't carry them any more. it's not rocket science, I've read a few of the Met's papers on why they think stop and search doesn't have an effect and the methodology is all wrong anyway


fuck off negroid


fuck sake

>ignoring other cultures is bigotry
>embracing other cultures is appropriation
>embracing your own culture is racism
>ignoring your own culture is soulless

kek. who did you vote for, if you don't mind me asking?

As in the police would literally stop blacks on the street, target problem schools and kids who I knew would carry knives wouldn't carry them any more. I've read a few of the Met's papers on why they think stop and search doesn't have an effect and the methodology is pretty fucking retarded.

out for any virgins tonight?

back to front:
loves pints
hates pints
radcen on pints

inner city crime is a big part of why i have no problem with gentrification

Lib Dems. I'm in a Labour safe seat though so who I vote for is irrelevant.

Aggressive stop and search is one reason why the manchester moss side gangs barely exist anymore


i do genuinely dislike capitalist culture
but there isn't really an ideological anticapitalist group i dont find retarded and cringey

fuck the US especially they suck donkey dick with their weird worshipping of it

cofveve orangutan cheeto drumpf heheheh

I'm going out tonight at around 8 but idk what to do
might get sushi

success breeds jealousy sweaty xd

>i do genuinely dislike capitalist culture

fuck off shlomo

aussie prossie who likes posting nudes


fox is DESPERATE to smear comey omd

Yep, I know it works. The Met is staffed by incompetent left wing bellends at the very top anyway. Anything to appease the growing wog population in london is firmly encouraged by them

>w-we'll stop chasing moped muggers in case they get hurt!!!

is he about to belch

wow would you look at that, almost all non-white. Isn't diversity fun!!!!

could that be the auslads sister?

who /hypercapitalist/ here

>can't oppose capitalist culture or you're a commie

fucking hate tattoos

well done mate you found nudes on the internet

*nationalises anime*

>i-i-if only i h-had been s-stronger...

he's literally a just pushover beta

The one and only

he only likes it because he think it will implode and destroy everything leaving room to grow after