Is Catholicism the one true faith?
not so fast
where is arguments please
>inb4 feetkissing.png
Religion is a subhuman concept.
>claiming something else is subhuman
oh the irony.
fuck off
Can't handle the bantz m8?
What other Christian religions are there that believe in Hell?
Catholics, Baptists, and who else?
It's kike-subverted trash.
Orthodoxy but concept is quite different.
you just got trolled lad *chuckles*
no, it is predated by multiple forms of spirit worship
Not when this argentinian antipope rule, that for sure
I only know hell as the concept of eternal punishment, and as a cleansing fire that you go through to be able to get into heaven when you've been wicked. What is Orthodoxy's concept?
Yes. Next question?
Catholicism is, yes. But not Roman Catholicism.
>there is the Truth
>people gradually came to understand it
>God finally sent Jesus to reveal it
Not even that religious lad but "there have been many religions" or "Christianity has elements of other religions" is a weak argument.
Explain the difference please
>The Eastern Orthodox Church teaches that heaven and hell are relations to or experiences of God's just and loving presence[26][27] There is no created place of divine absence, nor is hell an ontological separation from God.[28] One expression of the Eastern teaching is that hell and heaven are dimensions of God's intensifying presence, as this presence is experienced either as torment or as paradise depending on the spiritual state of a person dwelling with God.[26][29] For one who hates God and by extension hates himself as God's image-bearer, to be encompassed by the divine presence could only result in unspeakable anguish.[30][31][32]
"muh invisible church"
>citation needed
Huh. That... actually makes sense. Why is Catholicism with its eternal damnation bullshit so popular?
Catholicism means the church has historical continuity of faith and practice from the period of early Christianity.
Eastern Orthodox Church also describes itself as one, holy, catholic and apostolic.
It's easier to scare peasants that way I guess.
>This sounds much more comfy so I liek moar
What is comfy about it?
Any religion with a benevolent God that dooms people he created to eternal suffering in Hell doesn't make any sense. Neither does Judaism with their God that turns people into salt and kills literally everybody.
Jews and Catholics are two sides of the same coin.
Because The Virgin Mary already revealed what hell is like to the 3 children of Fatima
Religion is a joke
If you havent grown out of it by the time you hit double figures, you should question your existence
Why not, for all you know we could be the simulated play things of a sadistic divine programmer
tips fedora*
I believe it's opposite lad. Many people grow into religion.
If our God is a cruel God then it makes sense. There's lots of stories about God being evil, but that's not what is taught in religion. If God is evil then our highest purpose as humans should be to kill God.
>you should question you're existence
>not extremely ironic
Catholic-raused Atheist here. How do I get into Orthodoxy?
Also, what are orthodoxy's views on abortion, lgbt, and evolution?
God may not be either good nor evil, for those are human concepts.
based anglicanism
Romans 8;38,39 "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, NOR ANY OTHER CREATED THING, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Troll harder lad
Well according to theology you can't understand God, so talking about whether God is evil or good is pointless. Those are human concepts.
God throws you the rope. It's up to you to pull up or drown.
>for those are human concepts
Then there is no point in saying that God is benevolent or that he loves us or that we are made in his image. Then God is just a force of nature.
Considering it was started by Peter, yes
So nature has divinity? Sounds pretty God-like to me desu.
Orthodox Church
>United in communion with the Catholic Church before the East–West Schism in 1054
>Rebellious children of the Catholic Church
Yes, the Holy Roman Church is the one true faith.
except that we can understand god just as he learned to understand us through his son who lived as one of us and died for our sins.
Interesting meme, would be interested to see Catholics respond to this.
Fuck off Nordfag, and go suck ahmed dick
Look at literally any catholic apologist.
>not worshipping r'hllor
Those are just protestant strawmen.
>Don't call me father son, just say daddy or poppa. Anything but father, because you will go straight to hell like those darn papists.
The reason why we don't have it is because it's nonsense. It's impossible for God's presence to be anything other than blissful because of He is goodness and beauty itself. The scriptures say that the devil was cast out of heaven and fell like lightning, and that the damned will depart into everlasting fire with him; the scriptures don't say that everyone will dwell with God but some won't like being with God.
Of course britbro
When Christ says to call no man father except God, it's a figure of speech; like saying to your best mate to call no man brother except you, it's just a figure of speech that says, "I'm your father/brother more than and above anyone else"/
The gospel explicitly depicts Christ giving the apostles the authority to forgive sins and sending them out into the world to do so.
Prayers to the saints is just asking them to pray to God on your behalf; it's no different than asking someone to pray for you, except a saint's prayers are more powerful because they are holy and are already living in the presence of God. Prayers to the saints is a part of the earliest traditions of the Church.
Mary does not interfere with Jesus' mediation between God and man, she helps facilitate it, as do all the saints. Praying to Mary is exactly like praying to the saints, except in a heightened sense because Mary is the greatest of the saints and the closest to Jesus her Son. Veneration of Mary is part of the earliest traditions of the Church.
Catholics don't worship idols. I have never been asked, or told, or inclined to worship an idol. The statues and images are there to help your memory and recollect yourself in God's / the saint's presence. You pray to God through the image, not to the image itself. Venerating an image is just like venerating an image of a family member in your home; it's a natural way to honour someone and keep their memory alive. Images are part of the earliest traditions of the Church; look up the Iconoclast heresy.
Except God doesn't want us to go to Hell user. That's why he's still a benevolent God. Man chooses to not follow God. This is where the concept of free will comes into play, because we are not holy beings who know of God's light so fully, like the angels. God wanted us, as thinking beings created in His image, to willingly choose to come to him. Otherwise, wouldn't we just be another form of angelic beings?
If you choose to not follow God, you are, whether you really mean it or not, saying that you are turning down God's offer of salvation. There is no gray area here, no shades of morality, just black and white "Yes or No".
As for killing people and turning them into salt, well, God is indeed a loving God, but in the past the evil of men (like in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah) was so irredeemable despite the many attempts to bring them back into the fold, that God's wrath was necessary for the Israelites to see why the laws God laid out for them was there.
people that see Catholics knelt before a statue and think that it is idolatry have no idea what idolatry actually is
if they could see an actual pagan offering sacrifices to a statue and acting as if the statue itself had power over them, they'd understand the difference.
the pagans actually adored the statues themselves; when Troy fell, carrying off the statues was referred to as "saving the gods", i.e. the statues themselves WERE their gods. That is idolatry.