Cuddle or fug?

Cuddle or fug?


M O D S.

kys pedo


Watch out pedofag



Die in a fire degenerate pedo


You should find OP's house before the FBI does.

Give her a snack, put on some cartoons leave her with her mother or older brother while I lock my bedroom door and crank it to fat booty ebony porn.

I wish I could get my hair like hers

Hold your horces. Fug means to smoke ur room so the kids get out.

Absolully RAPE


violently gangbang rape her


I would cuddle her until she feels the sexual tension in the air. When she feels it I will wait until she curiously makes the first move, proving to me she really wants it. Then I will slowly start, eventually getting to the point that we make beautiful love together.

None she looks 7

too much work just rape

My intentions are not to rape

Just end it man, for the better of society, just end it all please.

Why, and will it better society

Kill yourself pedo

Why, and *how will it better society?

Sorry, can't do that

what the fug



>consensual sex with 7 year old

I also fantasize with killing and fucking kids and beautiful chicks and whatnot. Its ok to fap to it but don't do it user, don't cross the line between a goodfap and a sorry ass prison life. blonde little kids are hot, just not hot enough to give your life away.

The less pedos sharing oxygen with us the better

you told em trap bro (no homo xD :P)

don't worry OP. Your day is coming.

Neither... I'd slap across the face repeatedly until she broken.
Then laugh

I would make sweet tender love to her

Well if we are going to conserve oxygen by killing off people we feel have no place in our society, I think you should come with me. You are obviously pretty stupid, and just wasting our scientists' air.

guess ima kid fucker

It will be legal in the not so far future. Not kids but maybe 12. Satanists run society. They will loweer the age to 12 to cooincide with nature, where as the bible says she should be 18. And since they hate god they will make us animals again.

>bible says she should be 18
you never read the bible right?
it was normal to marry young back then

satanists confirmed


IT'S 2018!
2 0 1 8



it's coming

it's not a good thing, but society doesn't do what's good anymore



It was only a matter of time, but it's the world we're destined to live in now.

i love litte girls
ive been playing with this cute blonde number and shes really turned into a slut lately

I dont get it, what games can you play with a little girl? Unless youre her father doesnt make too much sense to me


chekc me dubs

let me guess, your name is Mohammed and you're in England. Not very rare for your country.

I hate to say it but your right. Although the legal age of consent in some places already has this as the limit. I honestly think it should be 16 or 17 to reduce all the incarceration but thats the lowest. 18 is still good to though.


my name is chris and i live in america



I'd fuck her if I could get away with it

What's going on in this thread?


making love is not "harmful'. It is the ultimate showing of love


Wait 10 to 12 years... Then Fuq
