America, the greatest country on Earth

>America, the greatest country on Earth

>You can get life in prison for tax-evasion
>You can get 20 years in prison because a woman hasn't hit a magical number that somehow makes her emotionally ready
>You're all addicted to prescriptions, pain pills and benzos
>Can't drink alcohol until 21 but can die for Israel at the age of 18
>Peasant wages and everyone lives a sluggish 9-5 working for the man
>White's are becoming a minority and America is becoming browner
>More women are searching for blacked porn than straight porn in America
>America is the home of the SJW and politically correct movement
>Obesity and heart disease are rampant
>Education and average intellect has fallen to an all time low
>Good innocent people die everyday because of your shit gun laws
>Your colleges pander to SJW culture
>You elected an orange ego-fueled troll over a corrupt lifetime politician

Why is America the best country again? I want to hear it from you Americucks

Other urls found in this thread:

>>Good innocent people die everyday because of your shit gun laws

fake and gay.
if you ban guns, only honest people will comply

>You elected an orange ego-fueled troll over a corrupt lifetime politician

fake and gay.
Killary promised to nuke Russia and to devote everything to Israel, and this is why Trump got elected.

Then, later, Trump changed his mind...

Yeah this country is shitty mostly because of the government agencies committing treason against it. Like the NSA, CIA, FBI, DEA, TSA, etc.

Remove all that bullshit and it's actually pretty great. But only because of the residual money from eras when those criminal organizations didn't exist.

La Luz Extinguida

cry louder, libfag

>if you ban guns, only honest people will comply
Honest people are cowards?

you should first remove:

Mexicans and "italians" too

>Honest people are cowards?
No but they're compliant.
