How do I clean this

how do I clean this

salt and rubbing alcohol

denatured alcohol / spirit

Get a better nail you cheap fuck

You’re gonna fuck up your lungs use quarts and titanium ya fook

Big grained salt

I personally like to use a small torch and with some patients, gets some reclaim dabs man, just be careful not to crack the glass, hold onto it with plyers or a napkin or somethin

is there a way to do it so that I can smoke the wax that's stuck in there though?

does it help it work better if I clean the actual coils with acohol or should I not do that?

I'm going to get a enail soon

good idea. just blast the inside with the torch?

bend a large paper clip and scrape the inside. Just be sure the end you're scraping with is not sharp. A scratch, whether on the inside or outside will weaken the glass.

>salt and rubbing alcohol