>be me
>be in elementary school
>be a little shithead
>new student coming to school
>teacher introduces student
>it's a Panjeet girl (dot not feather)
>everyone has to go up to her and introduce themselves
>finally my turn to introduce my self to Panjeet
>then it hits me
>the smell of old mushrooms and curry powder
>I'm fucking gagging
>she's trying to talk to me but the smell is so horrid I can't take it
>shove her against a desk and run to the other end of the room to detox myself
>later the teacher makes me go and apologize to her at the end of the day
>go to her this time
>she's with some brown fat fuck with a neckband
>prob papa panjeet
>go to her and start to apologize
>papa Panjeet knows about what I did
>he grabs me by the collar and says not to go near her daughter again
Be me
>>the smell of old mushrooms and curry powder
Keep going faggot
Keep goin
>he grabs me by the collar and says not to go near her daughter again
Come on faggot... get to the bit where you fuck her.
>Not having a father(female) and a mother(male)
I'm just gonna continue
I'm gonna give Panjeet girl and her father a name because I'm sick of typing Panjeet all the time
Panjeet girl will be called Reek cuz she always smelled like complete shit (and she looked a bit like Reek from Game of Thrones)
And her dad fill be LardAss because he's a lard ass.
Alright this next part take around he time of freshmen year at high school
>be me
>be around 15
>be massive pothead
>would smoke on the daily and sometimes in between classes
>failing pretty much all my classes idfc
>parents find my stash and also get a email from the school because I was ditching most of my classes
>have to go to this gay ass tutoring after school to get my grades up.
>go to the library
>nothing but chink and poo in the loos
>see Reek studying alone
>me and Reek haven't really talked much since elementary we've had a couple group projects togeather but I mainly stayed away from her (cuz she smelled like shit)
>go to see if there was any other student tutors I could go to.
>every table is packed except for Reeks table (prob cuz no one wanted to sit next to her cuz she smelled like shit) (and yes I'm gonna keep saying she smelled like shit because no words can describe how God awful she smelled)
>sit down next to her and ask for some help with my oncoming tests
>she says she'll help me
>her voice is super quiet I could barely hear her speak
>Study Montage.jpg
>for the next few months she would help me after school studying
>I'm actually fucking learning
>she's actually not that bad of a person if you can get over her smell
>we become friends
Shit sorry I'm on mobile so auto correct fucks me up from time to time
Bump for cont