Hey computer science Sup Forumsros, help me with my homework for gfs nudes? >>pic related

hey computer science Sup Forumsros, help me with my homework for gfs nudes? >>pic related

heres 1 question: Suppose you are given 32 processors, each capable of finding the sum of two multidigit numbers in a millionth of a second. Describe how parallel processing techniques can be applied to find the sum of 64 numbers in only six-millionths of a second. How much time does a single processor require to find this same sum?



Pay up front OP

Divide and conquer

are you borderline retarded op? this shits ez af pls stop with cs...

Maybe add 2 Numbers on each of the 32 Processors. That leaves you with 32 after the first millionth of a second. 2. 16 3. 8 4. 4 5. 2 6. 1 gg
And 1 Processor would need like 63 or something

No lie if u are struggling with this OP pick a different field

it's an intro class

This is the correct answer, now give nudes OP

exactly. open your fucking textbook

you deserve to flunk, loser

Just post the nudes you fuck

explain in terms that i can put on my assignment, I'm retarded. heres another one tho, more to come

fucking getting errors saying "image contains an embedded file"


less clothes with each pic

I'm a professional software developer and have a master's in CS. This question is not easy nor does your difficulty solving it show you are incapable of being a programmer:
First look for a pattern here: What is significant about 64 and 6? Well, 64 is 2 to the 6th power. We are looking for an algorithm which is able to do this operation in a way that gets faster EXPONENTIALLY. This is called "logorithmic" (the opposite of exponential) time. This can be achieved using the results of each addition and feeding them as the parameters of the next edition: i.e. first we use the 1st millionth of a second to add up two numbers in each of the 32 processors. We are now left with 32 numbers. In the second millionth of a second we add the next 32 numbers using 16 processors, we are left with 16 numbers. in the third millionth of a second we add 16 numbers using 8 processors and are left with 8 numbers. The fourth millionth of a second we add 8 numbers using 4 processors and we are left with four numbers. In the fifth millionth of a second we add 4 numbers using two processors leaving us with two numbers. In the final and sixth millionth of a second we add these two numbers on one processor to get our result.

*feeding them as the parameters of the next ADDITION. When I say we are left with numbers after an edition, I mean each processor takes in two numbers and outputs one number i.e. their sum. Hope that was clear bud!

sorry I'm on my phone it keeps auto correcting addition to edition. all editions should be addition lol

not sure if trolling, overcomplicating, or actual answer but it's an answer nonetheless so here ya go. my fav pic

Haha I'm not trolling this is literally the answer, just think about it.

Just say this: In order to achieve log n time we use the output of each computation as the input of the next computation.

how would i easily summarize that, in a way i can explain lol

And for the second part of the question you can just write, that a single processor would have to add all the numbers up by adding the 1 and the second. Then adding the third to the result. Repeat that 63 times and you get the final result. Thus the answer is 63 (insert unit).

She looks like a girl I used to fuck around with back in the day. Name?

name of your girl??


nope, sorry

This is the short answer: This is the long answer: Just think about it. You take the 64 numbers: Each processor can take two numbers and output their sum. They work at the same time. You put the 2 of the 64 numbers into each processor it takes 1 millionth of a second. Now we are left with half as many numbers. If you do that 6 times you're left with one number.

Ah damn. Same curves.

thanks user, you deserve this one too

You're welcome I don't need or want these nudes though. There is plenty of porn on the internet and I am only attracted to white women. That is an asian pussy it would seem.

i have another, probably more dumb question that i cant solve. barely has to do with computing, just math:

Suppose a person is typing forty words per minute at a keyboard. (A word is considered to be five characters.) If a machine executes 500 instructions every microsecond (millionth of a second), how many instructions does the machine execute during the time between two consecutive characters?

actually no, Latina. just a Snapchat filter and weird angle i guess. shes mainly white

1 word / 5 = 1/5th of a second

1/5s = 200ms = 200,000 microseconds

500 * 200,000 = 100,000,000 instructions.

this prove shes not asian?

Whoops, that's for 1 character. 100,000,000 * 2 = 200,000,000



Upload to MEGA?

1/2 again

2/2 subscribe to chegg

no money, broke college student :( but thank you, here you are!

that's all for now, thanks those of you who helped

What about spaces