I would like to ask Turkfags, do you guys like Erdogan? Why yes/no?
oida mo
Nobody outside of Bavaria knows what you're saying here Senpai.
Erdogan has become a true Dark Knight. People in west canalize their unfounded hatred for Turks and Islam into him, so they can be politically correct. This is why I like him even more.
NRW here
I do
but only because I was playing video games with a bayer over teamspeak
They can't say no.
Your question is cruel.
He is going to destroy Turkey you faggot. He has already alienated Russia and is now in the process of angering the entire Western world.
When WWIII begins your country will be double penetrated. Prepare your anuses Mehmet.
You are going to lose for....for the THIRD TIME!
Well they protest on the streets, some guys just might...
Trying to put them in jail?
Nobody asked them to write poems, so I think they will be ok.
>You are going to lose for....for the THIRD TIME!
American education at its finest. That idiot thinks we participated the WWII...
Turks have been fighting against Europe+Russia since we are on the history scene and we are still here. That's nothing new to us.
Hate him and hate islam
I hate him
First I didnt like him, but thanks to the turkey bashing in the media i became a pro-akp.
Wat ?
behead yourselves
We may allow you to immigrate hassan.
But not quite sure yet.
I'm atheist raised in a secular family. I hated him so much but recently I started to like him as he attacks kurds and europeans.
He's undoing a lot of Ataturk's progress tbqh
Eventually you will be purged
>don't like Erdogan ever since he's in parliament
>foreigners thinks he's progressive moderate islam and liberal
>meanwhile many things change for the worse in Turkey and k*rdshits support him to the end
>as soon as he's conflicted with k*rds people call on him and say non Erdogan supporters should side with k*rds as if they have any leverage
Fuck all yall t.b.h, hope you born again in my lifetime as Atatürk loving Turk and live through the same shit you guys say daily.
>That's nothing new to us.
What's new is that you would be obliterated today, especially if America joined in. How fucking stupid are you?
only sunni muslims love him
Why would I want to immigrate from Turkey to Turkey Jr. ?
Hope this pun was worth throwing away a better life.
Enjoy your shitskin country :)
Islamic worlds leader is Erdoğan right now.
Any country would be destroyed if it were ganked on.
Politics are decided according to self interests. If a country isnt resource rich and has some military power it wont be attacked, attacking wouldnt be a good investment. Grease the palms of other country politicians and you are safe.
Personally I dont like him with his crack down on freedom of speech. On Sup Forums someone can write anything, call obama anything and nothing happens. A girl was jailed for criticising ("insulting") Erdogan. Things are becoming dangerous.
Delete this
du hundsgrippe
Assyrian here
Fuck the roaches, admit to the genocide of my people, fucking pathetic vermin.
Serious I don't how you guys aren't outraged when he openly declares political opponents and journalists as terrorists. Is he that good on the economy? I know liberals in Constantinople and maybe Ankara will protest him but other than that there doesn't seem to be much outrage.
oida zach
>hatred for Islam
>politically correct
O i am laffin
Could you give some examples of what you think he's done that is good?
I don't know anything about him apart from trying to get a German guy locked up for a poem.
Why do you trust the EU helping you on tackling Turkey?
Better economy ( who knows how long).
Not their fault that your people were a bunch of cucks who couldn't defend themselves against the turks
Because our people are imbeciles and know no such thing as "freedom"
Why Turkey?
This is usual for traditionally serf societies. Russians also dont protest. People like to be ruled and opressed by a strong male figure which is the traditional father figure.
Fuck off, a already defeated people, content and always assimilating, we didnt deserve it.
Assyrians are the most kind hearted people you will ever meet.
Erdogan is alpha.
the only ones who hate him are jews and anti islam fags
they make great wine in here, tho buying it sometimes hard since there aren't much of it around
Heil Erdogan !