He has a point, you know

He has a point, you know.

Wow really makes you think

Guess I'm a #SpicLick now

A better nickname is #LipSpic


i don't want 50%+ of the people in the country being nigger criminals

What happens if Hispanics are a minority in Mexico and Central and Southern American countries?

What if Japanese are a minority in Japan?

What if Muslims are a minority in Sweden and UK?

What if black Africans are a minority in African countries?

What about blacks? There's less blacks and soon a true nigger will be extinct. I'd rather half a few halfcasts and no niggers.

Wow really make you think

I guess #ImWithHarambe now

Whites are a minority in south africa and Mexico and they haven't been genocides or put into segregated schools or house.

Get out of here with that racist garbage

Too bad.

Yeah, I have to admit all of the "Open Season on White Folk" and "White Folk Tears" mugs kind of stuff makes me think I'm probably not going to be treated all that well as a minority.

Minorities are treated badly EVERYWHERE. Which is why white people need their own countries and to stop letting the "other" in and subsidizing them with tax dollars, fuckface.

Because the only places on earth that aren't shit holes either have a white or Asian majority population. Come 2040, it won't be Asians taking over for whites.

Minorities are so poorly treated in America that they come flooding over the borders illegally to be repressed.

Because South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

Kinda funny to watch the white elite panicking to keep power. The entitled stormweenies are eating their propaganda up.

I #StandWithRand nao

Nice b8 m8

The Holocaust is the only genocide, anti-Semite

>No genocide in south africa
Are you braindead?

>Are minorities treated badly in America or something?

No they're not, it's that brown majority countries are shit.


No, but minorities are fucking retarded and the last thing we want is for them to ruin everything.

Holy shit ask yourself that moron

Show me ONE SHRED OF PROOF from a reliable bsource that shows whites being systematically killed off by the government in a preplanned fashion. And no, storefront isn't a reliable source.

No they aren't, that will change though when whites are no longer a majority.

I hate this stupid quote.
Have you seen the countries where these people are from?
Have you seen how much these people care about human rights?


It's almost like white countries were the first ones to outlaw slavery against their own interests.

It's almost like we fought the most deadly war in US history to free slaves.

It's almost like asian-americans have better lives than white americans.

It's almost like whites treat non-whites in their country exponentially better than they're treated in non-white countries.

This is what we deserve for allowing mud immigration in the first place. You can't even fight this shit with rhetoric because you validate their victim narrative. The truth is that we should have genocided non-Europeans the moment we had the chance and never allowed nig immigration to begin with. Chickens coming home to roost as far as im concerned family (but the day of the rope is still on the way)

>genocide means only systematically killing people off

i think it is time for bad kid.

Because who else is going to pay for Tyrone, Paco and arkmirs welfare?

We know that niggers can't rule with benevolence. Anywhere, ever.

Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Oh, you.

You forgot the others

What if chinks were a minority in Canada?

What if dindus were a minority in America?

What if blacks were a minority in siuthafrica?

>occupydemocrap shit

Ok Shlomo.

You have to go back, Pedro.

>(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

What is this picture trying to prove? Mexico benefits from both those actions. Tourism is heavily protected by the Mexican government and Mexicans going to America bring back billions of dollars.

Damn, I was thinking the same thing today. I don't want to be a defeatist but it feels like the west deserves all this. It's like retribution.

Hopefully we get our shit together before it's too late.

Name one country where neither whites nor asians are not a majority that isn't a shithole.

Prevention of births includes involuntary sterilization, forced abortion, prohibition of marriage, and long-term separation of men and women intended to prevent procreation.

None of which has happened to whites anywhere btw

According to Malcolm X white people will always be majority because white genes breed black genes better than black genes breeding out white genes.

>What if Muslims are a minority in Sweden and UK?

Why? Because brown minorities are parasitic as a whole. If there are not enough white people to pay taxes, the nation will collapse.

Let's also not forget that white people commit crimes at much lower rates than blacks and hispanics.

No minorities are not treated badly, because white people have to much empathy
Its actually a problem

If we were minorities, well look at south africa, we would be treated like shit and still blamed for everything

I just wish we did act like black people whine that we do

Why, are you implying if non-whites are the majority they'll treat us the same way you think whites treat minorities? If so, of course we'd want to stop it.

2040 ?
Well, Europe isnt that bad actually ...

>presents fake quote calling others dumb


Some of the Caribbean islands are alright.

Get back on the boat, Huey

White people are treated poorly by minorities.

>be a brown minority
>some inequity but the cities are clean and the people are civil
>white minority
>raped and beheaded in the streets
western civilization is just that good. Why are we changing it?

We basically normalized absurdity and then feel the need to defend it. The point is that they shouldn't be here to begin with so there's nothing we need to say. Just get over our weakness and dominate our land again

Because we don't want to be a minority in our homeland.
They're minorities in the homelands of white people, not in their homeland. If we invaded their countries and made them minorities how would they feel?

Pffft. The white/jewish elite has in no way lost any power, if anything globalisation has vastly expanded the reach of power of the few.

Even in non-white countries like Mexico and Canada, white people are in charge

This this this.

>white homeland

Mexicans in America

No, but in every country with a non-white majority, minorities ARE treated badly

Pretty sure you meant to reply to I meant Europe, not the U.S. and Canads
But even then, we've been ruled by whites for 400 years. We've basically declared it our motherland.

The colonies were set up by white people for white people

>are minorities treated badly?

of course not, but we see how the current minorities are so full of hatred and violence and we want none of it

every other shitskin talks about how they're gonna make whitey pay

what's the worst they have to put up with? getting free college education and having police actually respond to crimes they commit?

Wow...really...makes...you...think...huh...Sup Forums...

Maybe they're concerned darkies willl fuck everythang up.

White people can never be a minority becuase being a minority means not being privledged and white people are always priveleged

>israel aguirre

Not by whites but look at every country run by blacks or Mexicans. They are absolute shit.

Africa is and has been an unmitigated disaster.

That's terrifying.

Why not use electrical fences?

it would upset animal rights activists


Or what if Muslims were a minority in Londonstan?

White people can never be a minority because being a minority means not being privledged and white people are always privledged

Minorities are treated badly in EVERY non-White country. I don't have to eat my shit to know I won't like the way it tastes. Likewise, I don't have to move to a shitskin country to know I wouldn't like living under shitskin rule.

But I wouldn't mind being a minority if my legacy was going to be taken over by predominately Asian peoples. Even the Chinese. Instead we have ghetto-culture thugs and Venezuela-tier garbage.

All of the minorities we have here, outside of the few based-Sikhs (and good amount of the legal Hispanic populations) will run our legacy and civilization down into the earth. We need cold practicality. Something that takes all of this "muh feels" bullshit and throws it screaming into the furnace.

Treated as demons, as if we are the only pervasive evil, even though we fought against ourselves and others to preserve the "good" in this world. If we must step aside, I would only advocate doing so for cold-calculating-ruthless Asian practicality.


This is why I don't mind the Chinese in Canada. If I must become a minority I would rather be in a majority Asian country than a majority black/shitskin country

Asians here are actually civilized and tbqh many of them actually try harder to succeed and are less lazy than the whites. There are more whites on welfare here than Asians

What would be really amazing though is if the whites and Asians here got together for a majority nationalist government/party and rid ourselves of the shitskins and mouthwash drinkers. We could have a technological powerhouse.
Also most Asians here that I know are very based and all voted conservative. Look at majority Asian areas in Vancouver and they're bright blue. You never see them voting for the libcuck they hate mudslimes and the way the eastern federal govt works and barely tolerate fags in that they say "we don't like it but it's 1% of population and a non issue" a sentiment mirrored by trump I may add

whites being a minority means criminals are the majority

really makes you think :^)

Yes right, lets all build a house for ourselves and our kids and then let our kids grow breasts and cut their dicks so they can be the whores for this bunch of hobos we let in caus ethey were cold

Difference is, those countries actually have a culture to lose.

Minority immigrants fled their shithole countries because they didn't know how to run them. They certainly wont know how to function in ours.

Non-whites can't be expected to hold up white civilization. If losers keep emigrating from their shit countries to our great one, why was there's so bad?

They haven't evolved with the same values and beliefs we whites have, so they could never uphold our society. Fuck minorities (except asians, they're smart).


>Not realizing what will happen to the world when white people are gone.

>Ahmed talking about culture
"Allah save the Queen!"

It's simple. Because countries run by non-whites, with the sole exception of Japan, are complete shit and terrible places to live, and I don't want to live in one of those countries.

Because then we would just be fucking Brazil.

Whites have done more for blacks than any other race has done for another in the history of mankind.


No we treat our minorities better than anyone else. However they won't treat us so nicely.

This is absolute horseshit. Majority white genes are recessive, majority black genes are dominant. It's physically impossible for whites to breed out blacks.

Especially considering blacks have a larger global population.

The fact that this kind of circular retarded non-logic is actually taken seriously in "intellectual" academic circles and isn't just Straya bantz is the biggest testament to the blatant lies falsehoods of the whole SocJus dogma and proves it wrong just by being what it is. The fact that people are still buying that shit when it has the single most inconsistent internal set of logic of pretty much any ideology ever that literally slaps you in the face just goes to show that a vast portion of human beings are insanely fucking stupid and really REALLY should not be running the show.

>It's almost like asian-americans have better lives than white americans.

Omg no way

i watched the latest blockbuster and there wasn't an asian man having sex with a blonde women

this is an injustice

REMINDER: White people are already a minority.

>Americuck talking about culture

Because if a nigger doesn't feel welcome here, he can go back to Africa.
If a Jap doesn't feel welcome here, he can go back to Japan.
If a taco doesn't feel welcome here, he can go back to Mexico.
If Aladdin doesn't feel welcome here, he can go back to Agrabah.
If a chink doesn't feel welcome here, he can go back to Canada.

If a White doesn't feel welcome here...Where the fuck will he go? There is nowhere to go that isn't also infested with dark skinned pedophile worshipers.


>If a White doesn't feel welcome here...Where the fuck will he go?

America was never a white country.

"white male" "white male" "white male" lol

Maybe they look at countries where black and brown people are a majority and don't want America to become like that.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Because most countries where whites became a minority are complete shitholes. I don't want the USA to turn into Rhodesia...sorry, Zimbabwe 2.0