Wow! I hate white people now
Wow! I hate white people now
Other urls found in this thread:
>ignored the holocaust
>dropped two bombs on japan
which is it?
>implying slavery was a thing done by a majority of white people
how about more than 620,000 lives lost during the civil war?
would that pacify these fucking cunts?
hell naw
It actually doesn't matter, because Trump has the opportunity to make America better than it ever was before.
we literally ended the holocaust
This is the reason why i came to this board.
>ignored holohoax
The Jews didn't even have their lies straight then.
And that image triggers my Autisms by listing the internnent of the Japanese after the dropping the bombs.
Nobody even knew about the Holocaust except Poles and Germans
how about the period when a man with no degree black or white could still go out and get a good job in factories and steal mills driving Americas economy and earn a real wage that could support a family without government handouts?
rly mks u thkn
For fuck sake
He mean 1980s America. In the mall. When we were happy and everyone was white and good looking.
How hard is this? Not even a yank and I understand what maga means
>When we were a British colony with unfair taxes?
No, after that when told tyranny and authoritarianism to fuck off and became a bastion of liberty for the world.
What jew is behind this latest meme?
>when we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan
That was actually a pretty good era, all things considered
>not 60s
space race America = Best America
Can someone shop MAGA onto the zeppelin please
Ahmed knows what's up.
>skips from the vietnam war to the iraq war
>Trump's gonna make America Greater than ever before anyways
Going just by the official story no one knew about the Holocaust until we got into german territory, how can non-existant information be ignored?
Or am I just forgetting that evidence, facts and logic are racist/misogynistic and should ignore those to follow pure pathos, the weakest base for an argument?
Crime rates, both violent and nonviolent, were higher in the 80s than they have been for the past decade or two.
the time when europe was destroyed under totalitarian regimes while the US was a middle class utopia, richest country on earth with the most powerful military, most freedom and biggest industries. literally everyone in the world wanted to move to the US, hence it was the greatest country on earth by far.
The part between Vietnam and iraq wars you skipped.
This is like basic entry level stuff on the 'horror' we committed throughout our history
this video shows what you are saying.
Also it represent Sup Forums very well. It starts as /r9k/, then it go all Sup Forums trying to make them less degenerate (MAGA), they reach the /hm/ but sadly everything ends full /fit/
Thanks to our neighbors south of the border
Crack became available in the 80s
Wow...really makes me think. #ImWithHer now.
whoever wrote this needs to go back to middle school
And yet
So much happy
He should be honest and say MAWA
>ignored the Holocaust
How can you ignore something that doesn't exist?
Then get out of the country founded by them you fucking nigger.
you mean the CIA?
>stealing Jon Stewart lines and rewording them as your own
Not really any different than the faggots on here parroting buzzwords
Well, i always though that MAGA mean 50s, nuclear family and all this stuff
Am i right?
The same way you can ignore My Little Pony.
is that a she dindu appropriating white blonde culture?
we did both at different times.
Except the fact we literally arrived and destroyed most of the camps we can not be considered ignoring the holocaust by definition
I'll go for when women and minorities (niggers & jews) couldn't vote.
That would make America the greatest country on Earth.
Really makes you think
Take it back to when anyone of any color could work their ass off and still provide for their family.
Take it back to when people in their 20's could afford a decent house without 4-6 years of college to add debt onto what you are about to purchase.
Take it back to when you didn't need a degree and experience to find work readily available for anyone.
Take it back to when everyone isn't trying to be a bigger degenerate than the other.
Take it back to when countries would talk shit and our leader would talk shit back without being a cuck faggot.
>When women and minorities couldn't vote?
To this one.
>Ignored the holocaust
Did we kill the jews as well?
>really makes you think
my sides
When people say "make America great again" they're obviously not talking about restoring greatness to America. They just want to oppress browns.
lol jumped from slavery to womens sufferage to ww2 to the vietnam war, those are some big jumps
The two are inseparable, bong.
this will make me think later, but first we eat
I want this hat.
Yeah because there were 10x the amount of people outside. I'm not sure if you were alive in the 80s but on a nice summer day in the city the streets were packed. Everyone say out on their porches or decks, loads of people would be walking from place to place, parks and beaches were packed.
Nowadays everyone's inside on their phones or on the computer. Remember back in the 80s most people didn't even have cable TV. We had the 4 or 5 terrestrial stations and that was it.
How about just a working man being able to afford a house and a car.
Man these nu libs don't get it
This. Manufacturing and demographics go hand in hand. More whites, less welfare per capita.
So basically 47 to 87?
Man...... really got me thinking
The one where we were indisputably the greatest nation on the earth.
If you stop at the part where you bombed the Japs, then I'd be happy returning to that point.
>When we practiced slavery? When women and minorities couldn't vote?
Sounds pretty great.
>this really makes you think
>whites could go out and get a good job in factories and blacks could get a good job in steal mills