Is it legal where you live?
Do you smoke?
Do you want it to be legal?
user, you like weed right? I mean, you have to be some nazi neet to hate it.
Marijuana should be legal
>you like weed right?
>makes me feel retarded
>you think this is a good thing
And also, I'm going to Rīga, how do i buy it there?
>Is it legal where you live?
>Do you smoke?
no, i'm an adult
>Do you want it to be legal?
>user, you like weed right? I mean, you have to be some nazi neet to hate it.
As far as i know, only through connections
legalization means 30% pot tax
Weed gave me schizophrenia. At least it cured my cancer.
It makes people lazier. It's great because it turns those people into second class citizens allowing the top performing humans get ahead more easily. Hail the marijuana meme!
It's great for people who are already second class citizens though. It keeps them complacent and makes them optimistic about their relatively simple lives. It may even inspire these mediocre individuals to do something creative with their free time like pursue a hobby or go for a hike, rather than drinking beer and smoking cigarettes on the porch.
I'm fluent in Latvian, will that help?
I live in colorado and weed has brought a ton of undesirables, rising housing costs, rising homelessness, and the stoners brought heroin and pills with them. they're all degenerates and should be gassed. Native coloradoans are ok though but if you moved here within the last 3 years you need to go. we dont need your stupid tax money
No. No. No. No.
I am not a nazi neet. Nor am I a degenerate hippy trying to justify my drug abuse by pushing it onto others.
I was at the dispensary the other week and there were these guys you could tell had driven down from Wyoming who looked sketched out as fuck. Shifty eyes, mumbling under their breath to one another, completely paranoid of the receptionist in the lobby telling them where the menu was and what the deals for the day were. They bring a criminal attitude to an environment that should be chill and relaxed.
If you go clubing or get to know someone 18-25 years old, then yes. Just dont talk to shady people on the street, they are not selling drugs they will rob you.
They'll think about doing all those great things, then just get high and watch more tv
If it was legal why not grow your own if you're worried about price?
you certainly sound like an expert
It was fun for a while, but now that it's getting mainstream, it's getting more and more obnoxious.
"weed culture" is what killed weed.
Why would i?
exactly. wyoming is close though but when you have califags and texans, and other states come here, they have no plans other than to get high, they get stuck here, and then they homeless. and with that brings theft, other drugs use, and they suck up all the state resources. You'd think the prisons/jails would be less full but they aren't. In fact most jails in Colorado are past max capacity because the stoners bring more crime with them. There's even hazardous medical waste boxes for needles in parks now because of those fags. Never seen those in my life in public until recently
those look pretty as hell
I don't get why smoking and alcohol are being shown as evil and bad yet weed is apparently a wonder drug that is only good for you.
I drink heavily, but I'll be the first to admit it's an unhealthy life style. If you smoke weed, whatever, it's your decision, but don't act for one second like smoking reefer is a healthy lifestyle choice or that legalizing it will solve anything. If you admit it's bad but still do it, then that's okay by me. But if it's bad and you DON'T admit it, that's where I draw the line.
OP, you pic related would be horrible to smoke. You need to put some tobacco in it.
I think it's fun from time to time, but the fact remains that overusing it turns you into a useless fuck.
There are some nasty memes associated with it, considering how the drug lowers performance all around.
I'd hope it'd be stigmatized in the same way as cigarrettes if it became legal.
I loved it for a while. It made music, movies and food better. It eventually became a vice for me and I had to stop. I realized it was taking up too much of my time that I could be devoting to other things.
I might start again one day, as I live in Colorado, but it'll be a while.
its not.
Its just cigs and alchohol are objectively worse for you.
>You need to put some tobacco in it.
there is literally nothing wrong with vaping weed
>He doesn't know why Swisher Sweats is still in business.
Swisher Sweets*.
.......Don't drink kids.
>yeah bro fuck alcohol too, it makes you feel retarded who would ever drink that?
Would you rather smoke one bowl or drink six beers to get to the same intoxication point? Which is more time/money valuable?
I wish that's how it would be. But knowing our government, it'll be heavily regulated and taxed and illegal to grow.
beer euphoria and weed euphoria are completely different
*Rolls joint and licks it*
*Takes a fat rip from his bong*
*Goes into his shed and turns up the c02 to kill the spider mites*
*Waters his plants*
*Takes a long drag of his wax vape*
*Opens a bag of chips*
*Picks out the stem and seeds*
*Updates his weed wiki page*
*Picks up a bud sniffs it and puts it down*
*Hangs up his plants to dry and trims the water leafs off*
*Jars some dried nugs*
*Takes a nap*
*Watches some weed videos on youtube*
*Vacuum seals a quarter for his hommie*
*Buys some clones from a friend*
*Buys some grow powder from his local grow shop*
I wish it was this simple here...
Legalizing the green jew would mean the end of society. Instead, let me make my jew bucks if you live in Kaunas come get some from me ;)
>*Vacuum seals a quarter for his hommie*
a quarter is nothing
His girl doesn't like him smoking
i'll never understand why you scandicucks punish weed so severely
I smoke almost everyday no problem what, so.. What I want you to do is.. I mean, what i meant is.. What was it i was trying to sayy...hey look! A butterfly!
Neither do I, but I think if Denmark legalizes it first then the rest will follow...
You can roll spliffs and have lower highs
People always say "lol, u can drink one beer and not get drunk but u cant smoke one joint and not be high heh" which is retarded as fuck, just mix it with tobacco and put less weed to the mix moron
Appreciate the herb mon, who fucks with tobacco anyways... I get it, us Scandicucks often do this but only because we get the import hash and that shit can't be rolled in a joint on it's own...
>Is it legal where you live?
>Do you smoke?
>Do you want it to be legal?
>user, you like weed right? I mean, you have to be some nazi neet to hate it.
I'm more right wing than 90% of my peers.
Someone I knew from Texas went to Oregon for that purpose
Not sorry, as a Floridian who was born and has family in Texas, I like the idea of our undesirables moving away
We have our own problems with Californians and New Yorkers
I have been to the Hemp Embassy in Vienna, the clerk said it was pretty chill with possession, also such a place couldn't exist here...
He is talking about smoking weed like one drinks a can of beer, it can be done is all im saying
Just smoke some weaker schwag or mix it with sugar leaves if you are that type, weed should be enjoyed on it's own.
Yeah, Austria is just about the only place outside the US that H E A V I L Y uses clones over seed. And yeah, nobody gives a fuck. We have bigger issues.
Also, apparently a clone shop just recently opened in my village. Gotta check it out, apparently they made a fairly short Sativa variety that's hardy enough for outdoor growing.
I'm seriously considering it because man FUCK Indica. The few times I had some good racy strain has made me loathe the 'stoned' feeling Indicas produce.
To be fair I know plenty of Neets that do it. Most are girls living off thier BF's income tho
Love the place, I was on a train from airport the first day and some from Wien Mitte some stoner couple sat down across from me and i smelled the smell I knew I loved, the train ride was pretty short but we managed to talk some and the dude gave me some free ganja... they didn't understand English way too well but I can some German, the dude was Hungarian and his girl was Austrian.
no it didn't
>Is it legal where you live?
>Do you smoke?
>Do you want it to be legal?
Yes, and treat it like alcohol (i.e. no drinking and driving, public intoxication laws, etc).
Just don't be a 420 blazeit faggot, don't let your life revolve around it, and be aware of the health risks. Overall, I believe that weed is about as benign as caffeine; but I do not trust people will act in a responsible manner if no limits are imposed.
We let people drink and smoke cigarettes, we dope our children with powerful psychotropic medications; why then should we say, "But this is bad! This is immoral!" By not coming to a reasoned consensus, we only condemn ourselves to be painted, in quite broad and harsh strokes, as enemies of the people. In doing so, we hand the reigns of power to the limitless hedonistic left, whom shall use legalization to garner support and validation from the common people, to further propagate their insane and corrupted view of equality.
Ambivalent, whoever wants it should have the legal ability to pay for it as long as they aren't in school or working with dangerous machinery. Like all legal recreational drugs it should be used with moderation.
I really don't see why this is an issue to anyone who loves freedom, you either allow people to reap the consequences of their behavior or you infringe on their freedom. Morons and the perpetually offended/perpetually afraid in my country seem to value their false sense of security over their own freedom and the freedom of other humans and I find it sickening.
Fokken schweet man. Glad to know you got to know the place from its good sides.
A fucktonne of people here smoke. The only ones who don't are dead end white collar folks, lawfags and people in heavy industry.
Other Blue collar and rich white collar are all stoners or were at one point.
Idon't get why you guys don't push for complete legalization since it's so widespread there?
That would be some sort of role model for Germany and other countries...
Bought my first bowl last week. When I get a job by my school, I'll be buying some.
>is it legal
>do you smoke
>want it legal
don't care, legalize it so that we don't fill our prisons with dipshit retards who toke da g4nj4
>like weed
>Is it legal where you live?
>Do you smoke?
>Do you want it to be legal?
>user, you like weed right? I mean, you have to be some nazi neet to hate it.
I am both a stormfront neonazi, racist as fuck and sadly due to the economical crisis of my country also a NEET, yet I see no problem with weed, in fact I never heard of the nazis being against it so I dunno what you are talking about.
Weed wakes people up. Same with psychedelics which is why they're illegal aswell.
I also think people are afraid of their own minds, the unconcious mind.
Most bad experiences people have with weed comes from them getting a glimpse into their unconcious and freaking out.
Weed is the ultimate redpill
I didn't know there were so many stoners on Sup Forums
Everyone here are paranoid schizophrenics. It shouldn't be surprising that they are all drug addicts.
Legal in Alaska, I'll toke once in a blue moon.
It's all about balance. Of course I don't like the dude weed lmao crowd.
But the occasional alcoholic drink or well-timed joint are more than welcome.
I am a high functioning individual.
tfw I hate niggers, am as right wing as it gets, and smoke weed daily
I hate being associated with pothead faggots. Weed is what caused me to get redpilled in the first place, it forces your mind into a state of introspection. I realized white guilt was fucking retarded because of weed.
>Is it legal where you live?
>Do you smoke?
Yes, sometimes
>Do you want it to be legal?
yes but with some restrictions
>user, you like weed right? I mean, you have to be some nazi neet to hate it.
well pic related but not neet
I can't afford to be high all the time.
So I just don't get high at all.
Jonesing is the worst.
That entirely depends on the State. Trump just wants to make it Federally legal then let the States legalize it and regulate if they want and however they want.
I used to smoke but I realized it's shit
yes but heavily taxed like alcohol
>Hell no
I don't like it or hate it and I could not care less if people smoke weed
The government has bigger issues to deal with than a plant.
>We have our own problems with Californians and New Yorkers
Aint that the fucking truth. Did you hear about those 162 zyka cases? Obama won't give Rick Scott the Federal funding he needs to get ready for a full blown epidemic, its coming.
>a drug
>apparently they made a fairly short Sativa variety that's hardy enough for outdoor growing.
Sativas in general are ideal for out door. I prefer sativa dominant hybrids. White widow is what I'm growing currently.
>is it legal where you live
Kind of sort of, back when I smoked if cops ever caught me they'd just tell me to smoke somewhere else or go inside my apartment and smoke.
>Do you smoke?
Not any more, it made me complacent and paranoid of going outside my apartment.
>Do you want it to be legal?
Decriminalized is fine, legal is slightly better for me as a non-smoker. I'm surprised smokers are pro-legalization, it being illegal makes weed fall on massive spectrums between blow your mind great or garbage, when companies get hold of certain strains they'll water it down and make it trash.
>user, you like week right? I mean, you have to be some nazi neet to hate it.
Or just someone who has better things to do with their time and better poisons (alcohol) which are more appropriate for socializing.
I've heard the average amount of THC in plants today is much higher than that of back in the day. Is this a product of genetic engineering, or something else?
>yes but heavily taxed like alcohol
I realize this sounds like a good idea to you but if you're going to Make America Great Again you need to de-incentivise black market marijuana imports.
Heavy taxation would just lead people to the already established network of underground sales. Sure you'd have your idiots who buy it from dispensaries but anyone with any sense would just buy it from private parties like they already do.
Moonshining takes more effort and equipment than it's worth, and only a few people are interested in drinking stuff that's so refined it's highly flammable.
thanks for proving you're a redditor
selective breeding, like bananas and dog breeding.
>Is it legal where you live?
>Do you smoke?
>Do you want it to be legal?
Who fucking cares. Might as well get high until WW3. Illegal or not, I'm still going to get my hands on it.
>Hate it and those who use it
Simple. Has it made any sort of impact to us as a society (or those who use it)?
Yeah taxes can increase on it progressively but they should start low or not have taxes at all to de-incentivise the black market. But I think federally taxes shouldn't be decided until much further down the road, the states can decide on whether or not they want a tax on it or not.
make it legal everywhere
include surgeon general's warning: makes you a lazy fuck
>Tried it.
>Sure, as long as it's sensibly regulated.
>Nah, alcohol is more fun.
Actually this is a common myth that is totally wrong. They had less strain variety back then, but the old strains were just as potent. The information for growing and processing cannabis was not wide spread, so most weed people grew was shit.
I've grown from seeds that were 30 years old and the buds were just as potent as my modern hybrids.
It's not legal here.
I don't smoke regularly, but occasionally.
I would like for it to at least be less restricted.
I enjoy it, it's great for the occasional small get-together with a few close friends. But I'm not for chronically smoking the stuff, as with anything moderation is key. I believe there are responsible ways to use weed as in my experience it's not really addictive to the average person.
>You'd think the prisons/jails would be less full but they aren't. In fact most jails in Colorado are past max capacity because the stoners bring more crime with them.
Do you have any respectable sources to back that up? I'm finding conflicting information from the Drug Policy Alliance (weed shills) and the RMHIDTA (federal shills, probably less trustworthy as they benefit greatly from weed prohibition). The Crime in Colorado government statistics agency doesn't have their 2015 report available yet.
flower is old news, concentrates are now the new thing as they can push THC content to ridiculous levels whereas I believe top-shelf weed tops out at 30%. Not from a legal state though so I am unsure about that statistic.
Obviously selective breeding.
1 hit today is equal to about 2 joints in the 60s. Probably more since they had to mix it up with tobacco.
There were no stoners in the 60s.
>Is it legal where you live?
No, but effectively decriminalised. The cops will usually just confiscate it and let you off if you're polite and compliant, unless you're obviously dealing, growing it to sell, or driving high.
>Do you smoke?
Yep, most days. Not a "stoner" though - people who structure their whole personality around smoking weed really piss me off.
>Do you want it to be legal?
Fully legal and appropriately taxed and controlled. A huge proportion of NZers smoke it and prohibition isn't working well here. May as well go fully legalised, but neither of our two big parties want to address the issue and lose votes.