Hey Sup Forums whats the best way to get a fire cape?
Hey Sup Forums whats the best way to get a fire cape?
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>still playing that garbage game
why haven't you kysed yourself yet?
because i needed a fun game to play.
if you're using restores, why do you need prayer pots you fool.
replace with more brews and restores
maybe use enchanted bolts too or a blowpipe
on 2007 runescape
im only 64 range.
It’s not that hard, with your stats you should be fine. Make sure in the later stages when your fighting tougher npc’s That you can block their damage with prayer. Use the arena to your advantage and separated your opponents so you can block their damage, like don’t try to tank the big mage guys and protect against the big melee ones, seperate them so your only dealing with one part of the combat triangle at a time. Sorry for the bad grammar I’m kind of retarded
look at pic