Why are white boys so entitled?
Why are white boys so entitled?
They're sexually insecure and angry they are being cucked by superior Islamic penises. How can whitey even compete?
"Konservativ waren sie aus Sehnsucht, revolutionär aus Verzweiflung." - Fritz Stern about the "Conservative Revolution" in Weimar Germany (The kind of right-wingers who then influenced the New Right in modern Europe like the "Identitäre Generation", here occupying a central of German party SPD)
"Conservative they were out of Longing, revolutionary out of despair."
We haven't lost shit
>Why are white boys so entitled?
Because we earned it.
We built society and receive no benefits from it after working our asses off.
"Earned" it off the backs of POC.
i have a place in society. i am to learn as much as i can, work productively, teach others, provide for my family, train my children with standards, & hold the door for women & the elderly.
there was a time when most men held this viewpoint. i dont want my parents to die knowing that the incredible amount of effort they spent inculcating these basic tenements will be wasted in an overwhelming sea of loose morality & forgotten standards.
there are RULES for being a man, dammit. dont you dare to act condescending to us when weve succeeded after generations of sweat & discipline.
can't tell if youre serious
This. White people have literally stolen the majority of what they claim to have "earned". Most often by oppressing POC, stealing their achievements, hard work, and acting as if it truly belongs to them.
POC "niggers" contributed virtually nothing to society except welfare. Most slaves didn't even come to America they went to the Caribbean to work plantations there only 8% were sent to America. They were also sold into slavery by Black tribal leaders in the first place. If niggers are mad they should be mad at themselves for fucking their own people over and not properly raising their children.
2(you)'s for each of (you)
I guess this is the best shitposting we can expect from the States
We work
Are you upset that we enslaved you to pick our crops because we were too busy taking over the world? Maybe if you whine some more about it you'll feel less inferior.
>Says the nigger
your entitlement also stems from your insecurities. the overwhelming majoring of white boys have small dicks compared to POC (asians are white in our white supremacist society). you can't stand the fact we are breeding with your women as well.
Picking cotton isn't an achievement, cunt.
And the reason we were the ones achieving things is because we were the only ones who could.
Just like a nigger always thinking about his dick. Don't you have a welfare check to collect and spend on drugs or god forbid the child support you don't pay to care for your 5 children being raised by a single mothers.
>muh dick
I'm not the one "ironically" posting bait threads on Sup Forums to assuage my gnawing racial inferiority complex, Jamal. Maybe if you spam the BBC meme enough people will forget about your objective genetic inferiority
You can be less obvious than that on Sup Forums and still get (you)'s. The better way is to pretend to be a particularly naïve leftist, that really gets the (yous) flowing. This stuff is just over the top.
>giant continent
>produced an amount of scientist that fit in one single wikipedia article
I look forward, at the future we have been left with, and backwards at the hopes that were crushed.
And angry white men don't exist in our own world. We all share the demise so many celebrate.
you only achieved it because of our labor. white boys are weak and you needed someone else who is more athletic and physically stronger to do the work for you
thanks for paying your taxes white boy
youll never be white
africa has more genetic diversity and this has been proven. humanity started in africa and we are the only reason you snow monkey neanderthals exist.
Historically Blacks have done nothing since the dawn of civilization. Should the other races die off every nation will quickly turn into Africa. As they scrap any tiny bit of valuable material and sell it. Much like the fate of all the white colonies in Africa after colonialism ended.
>Muh dick!
Protip: Horses have huge dicks but don't last more than ten seconds. What does that say about niggers? Here's a (you)
Jokes on you I haven't paid taxes since '08.
>implying niggers dont dwell every day on what they "lost" from slavery
What's this? They where called African-Americans, when the politically correct word as changed?
>Asians are white
What exactly did they lose I cant seem to think of anything they had before hand.
Your parents or grandparents spent years voting on nothing but collecting pension and welfare checks. Fuck them.
I'm entitled to you fucking off, and you are entitled to me fucking off.
Created it, despite Pieces Of Crap.
sage and report. Yeaa blacc boi we own ur womminz now!!!1!
The only useful thing POC ever gave whites is the practice of slavery
Personally if they want them they can have them I would never touch a woman who fucks niggers that's how you get aids.
Hello, Tumblr, how are you doing today?
Also - Shakespeare, Mozart and Beethoven were black!
No they weren't please provide proof of your insane claim.
>"Hee hee! White boys have lost their world. How pathetic! :^) "
>(white males go NatSoc)
>"NO P-P-PLEASE, GOYIM! D-don't fight back! I-it was just a prank!"
Why is it the people who gloat the most and trash white people the most are the ones that shit themselves the hardest when we go militant? You see this right now with the media's reaction to AltRight. They created the AltRight if you get right down to it. It was an inevitable reaction.
Bill Clinton wuz blacc
Homer wuz blacc
Vikangz wuz blacc
Karl Marx wuz blacc
Moot wuz blacc!!!
and the vikings, and English queen.
I'm just tired of keeping you niggers out of poverty with tax money. And your culture is obnoxious and pretentious. No 70 IQ nigger is going to create meaningful art. No one likes you, coons. Go away.
Friendly reminder. Black isn't a color and white is.
All the people that say poc are racist.
Why do liberal cucks project their sins onto scapegoats instead of looking in the mirror and recognizing the bigotry and racism is coming from them?
I'm Angry.
I'm White.
I'm Male.
I'm not nostalgic about the past.
I just want blacks and latinos to stop killing each other, and scapegoating me for it.
i saw it on history channel.
>genetic diversity = genetic superiority
You're proving my point, Jamal
No we look at today and see a fifth collumn at work trying to destroy us and take our identity because every fucking thing we say or do is racist and problematic. And when we say fuck that and your bullshit blaming us for your problems leave us alone, they respond with the angry white man bullshit. Yes i am angry and i will remain angry until they stop trying to destroy everything which has made the west the greatest civilization to ever grace the earth. We should have kept them all in chains and never have bothered trying to civilize savages.