How do we fix the Trump problem?
Mexican intellectuals only
trump is only a problem if you are illegally in burgerstan
even then it's probably nothing
you should worry about your own country
You should love Trump. He wants to send all of the richness and diversity of your countrymen back. We're sorry we've illegally taken it from you.
Fix your own economy so it doesn't rely on smuggling and remittances then you have no reason to care what big ol' America is or isn't doing.
But that's probably too hard.
>Mexican Mathematicians
>implying it won't be ours in the future
It's not a problem, as a matter of fact he is an ally.
He's going to be a better mitt Romney than mitt was.
By staying home and paying for your illegal friends and relatives to return to your burrito hell hole
Also fix the Mexican government so it's not a corrupt shitstain bought and paid for by cartels
>Mexican intellectuals
You guys are good at drug dealing.
We don't
Trump will make the Mexican goverment work their asses again when all ilegals get deported and our economy will grow
Ayy, if you mean "smart" mexicans pro communism then yeah we are very smart OP
It is not a problem in itself, guy's a fucking clown, one he gets in the chair (that's one big if) things will basically remain the same. It's modern american politics; one big fucking joke. Cheers.
By getting properly informed on what he wants to do
He's very vocal and highly against illegal immigration, not only from Mexico
>Mexican intellectuals
He's going to send all those filthy Chicanos here, we don't want them or need them
>Trump problem
the problem is idiots like you blaming "muh white men boogey man" instead of doing something for your country, if we worked into trying to fix this shithole we live in we wouldnt have such bigger taxes of migration, the lower class migrates leaving the camp unatended and the real talent leaves to some country where it will be truly apreciated, so we are stuck as a society with only a middle class that is not uncomfortable enough to do something different and high class that is to comfortable to change something
Would you look at that there. That isn't your country's flag on the wing.
Just genocide them, your government doesn't seem to have a problem with mass killings.
I'm really sure Trump can't deport the Chicanos senpai
But there will be a lot of chimpenings once all their family gets deported
We shouldn't care tho, not our country
This man is correct. You know what would make American politics more serious is if we rounded up and executed students who laughed at the wives of minor politicians.
Well you could stop letting rapists and murderers flood across your borders and exploiting leftists in the US government to allow you to displace whites in their own homeland. Maybe there wouldn't be so many angry white people in that world.
Grandpa has spoken
by staying in your country
Are you upset that your scum has to stay in your country now?
The fact that you think our reaction to your incompetence is a problem shows the truth of the oxymoron that is mexican intellectualism. Maybe there are intelligent mexicans, you are not one of them.
I move we table this discussion until after siesta time.
Chicano is an American citizen with a direct Mexican ancestry, but American nonetheless
He would deport back illegals, Chicanos aren't
(Oaxaca, Guerrero y Michoacan recibirian de vuelta a un putal de gente si las deportaciones se llevan acabo)
Actually... it isn't a stretch to say he could. If they're sons of Mexicans doesn't that mean they're citizens of Mexico? How is citizenship decided?
That isn't your flag on the back, ameripig.
Enjoy the ownership of our rightful clay while it lasts.
I don't get it Mr.Hotdog; why NASA need people of all nation to be astronauts; to sell merchandise?
You dont need to because you are in mexico
>(Oaxaca, Guerrero y Michoacan recibirian de vuelta a un putal de gente si las deportaciones se llevan acabo)
Oh dios si, que se vayan a la mierda esos estados
But they're still American and they could have mexican citizenship but why bother?
Americans won the land in that war pendejo
If you want it so bad then fucking make a time machine
>Mexican intellectuals only
>Thread isn't empty
Something's wrong here.
Citizenship could be revoked. Our citizenship where you're a citizen if your born on the land isn't really a law per se. It's the consequence of a court case where a liberal activist judge inserted his want for the country to be browned. With a different court that decision could be overturned.
You have no clue about the international affairs between USA and MEXICO
>mfw your country was founded by a bunch of jews and freemasons
>mfw your country won't survive the century
>mfw now that your creators finally got Jizzrael they don't need you anymore
>mfw your women are as ugly as ours but white (this may change in the next 20 years)
>mfw most Mexicans can speak at least 2 languages fluently and you bitches can only speak one (I speak 3 languages and I'm learning a 4th one)
Yes, we have our problems, but at least we don't act like we are the best country in the world
That's cuba you fucking moron
>american education
Don't pay attention to the news, most of us want Trump to win, it's just these stupid chicanos and sjw that are waving our flag and chimping out in the streets like fucking animals
Thing is Pedro, we ARE the best country and we will nuke anyone who tries to take that spot
We need more organisation. A place to centralise our ideology and methodology. Anyone got a place for that?
In a second note, is Mexican Nationalism possible? The government has tried to push that since forever but it is seen more as something for stupid people than it is being what the status quo should be.
I believe that nationalism is the catalyst and the medium that binds people together and make them do anything for their community. Trump is not a problem, he may be a great(est) ally if we play our cards right
don't give him attention
ignore the attention whore
unfortunately, that's impossible for whites and media
Yeah, only if Israel lets you do that, don't disobey your grand master
>we ARE the best country
You are the ones that spread this whole SJW and LGBT and Communist shit all over western world, you motherfuckers have been doing the jews dirty work for centuries
I'm glad my fellow mexican intellectuals are putting amerifats in their place.
Si paras de ser un idiota trump no seria un problema. Pinche op seindo un maricaon.
>checks ID
Holy sh1t
Have you seen YouTube Channels like Vox, Seeker Stories, Discovery news, etc? They talk about Trump all the time, and it's always the same evil click-bait buzzwords. The best thing is to stop Talking about him, but it is so dam fun to Trump-post the FaceBoook comments of my friends' Bernie posts
But that's bullshit. That shit started in Europe. Bolshevism and communism in general is European. When communists were marching all over Europe and waving red flags, we were hanging niggers in the street for touching white women.
Work on making Mexico great. Take care of your people and build your country up instead of sucking on US teat.
>mexican intellectuals
I keked
OMG, why is that here, fucking left REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I don't care about Trump much.
Of course I'd love to emigrate but it's almost impossible as it is nowadays. Trump changes almost nothing from my point of view
Vote for him.
It will be over faster than if you execute him.
Ehem!, Hollywood, and also, you pushed these "intellectuals" into Europe, don't deny that
Are you livin in a rock?
Ayotzinapa faggots are the biggest lefty anti-pena faggots you could meet and it's in our fucking country
Blame the jews and i bet George Soros did this
Trips conf1rm
More total bullshit. Yes, Hollywood is communist propaganda, but communism itself is exclusively of European origin. Karl Marx, European. Lenin, European. Gramsci, Engels, etc., all European. The Russian Revolution, the Red Brigade, the IRA, all that shit, all European. Even our Jews are originally from Europe - refuse that Europe dumped on our shores. We denied millions of them, but enough got in. Our decline is Europe's fault almost exclusively.
I knew that Mexico was full of leftists, specially in the south, but the fucking mural in a school is just ridiculous
I have an idea
Do as our ancestors (or the ancestors of the people living in the south that we hate)
Blow up the Lincoln memorial
Sacrifice Trump on top of the rubble
Take his hear out
Give it to the Sun and War God Huitzilopochtli
Mexico will be blessed for eternity
>Tlasojkamati Quetzalcoatl
You can't. The trump problem will fix you.
this in the only right answer
They follow what benefits them. Give them National Socialism and they will follow you in no time
>Mexican intellectuals
USA's worse tho
>These are american user's tax money
Also google search and find those news about the mural, Americans
Aztek a shit
t. Incan
>tfw i'm 1/16 mayan but look whitw
Ayy lmao
>On Sup Forums
>as ugly as ours
Where the fuck do you live familia?
You are a lawless nation of banditos and will never, ever be a threat because you will never progress beyond the the American Wild West from a cultural standpoint.
I work in retail and I card Mexicans for alcohol constantly. Even though I don't give a shit about them being illegal, they always throw money at me after I hand them back their Mexican IDs. It's like they're trying to bribe me not to report them or some shit. Bribing your way out of crime is a way of life in Mexico.
And an eagle
Mexico flags let's be honest here. Why is ur country so fucking chaotic and corrupt.
Your entire society is based on ppl grabbing as much shit as they can for themselves. From the politicians down to the tortilla makers. Everyone fucking steals it's really pathetic. Look at your government corrupt as fuck. Look at your cities trashed, no infrastructure, and dirty as shit. Look at your countryside polluted and run by the mafia.
Honestly only way for Mexico to get cleaned up is if the US invaded and basically kicked out all the Mexicans.
I actually like Incas, and many people I know and love are from Perú, so the only thing I can tell you is:
>El PeruANO
Pick one
Thats the joke
We are all brown, fat, smelly manlets with moustaches who only wear sombreros and ponchos. We drink tequila all day while shouting "¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Yeppa!" when we are not sleeping in the shade of a cactus or beheading one another. Our cities are all this small dirty dusty unpaved shitholes in the middle of enormous sepia deserts, with donkeys being our only means of transportation and also our sex toys, were the only green thing that exist are gigantic weed and cocaine plantations. We survive only eating burritos, nachos and tacos made of spicy beans that provokes the nastiest diarrea.
After a few years, we all jump over the border to have dozens of kids and live off of the welfare payed with the taxes of the poor tormented white Americans, while, at the same time, we steal their jobs and increase inflation. We then rape their women, and corrupt their innocent kids with our evil drugs.
Israel deployes the proxy shills to help USA
or maybe you are a self hating chairo
We were Aztecs though that's a fact
>i'm 1/16 mayan but look white
Poor soul
We do not trust anyone with power. People have nothing to live for aside for themselves. There are very little to no higher values. We work a shit ton but for nothing.
> Mayan
> Incan
> Zapotec
> Spanish
> Not Mexica
Reminder that the Spanish only won because of diseases
>I will never be a pureblood white aryan Ayylee enn
I fucking hate this people. Mediocrity shows when you look at the past and do nothing with what you already have
Why has the media polluted the mind from our fellow friends this much?
Well, anyways, i guess this will change once your great ally israel culturally enriches your country.
I went in Mexico two years ago. Nice country and nice people, nice food, nice girls, honestly don't understand why you prefer live in the degenerate USA.
Its just the lower class the ones who think usa is any better.
Same jobs, same danger, but there YOU MAY get paid in burgers not pesos
There is a lot of them in USA
Just search chicano mural or anti migra mural
>So free you can hate the country itself
>Yet they will spy on you if you have American ISP and the Jews will break your anus if you download a Taylor Swift song preview
Are you seriously asking how do you fix stupid?
The only way you can fix stupid is with something even more stupid, hence why Trump is the other extreme to the liberal agenda.
Which is too bad.
I worked there for a year. Beautiful country filled with naco ass ppl. You guys actually had a chance of being normal first world country at turn of the century but instead of embracing American values you guys went all "Somos metitzos/Indios" and then whole country fell to shit.
Que lastima.
>How do we fix the Trump problem?
not "how do we fix our own country"
You should post a picture of Ivanka and her beautiful Jewish baby. That'll fire everyone up
Which Mexicans still have plenty of.
You president told the soon-to-be US president to fuck himself. What more should we know?