Has anyone here been sent to a psychiatric ward? I plan on killing myself soon but in the event that I fail, what can I expect?
Has anyone here been sent to a psychiatric ward? I plan on killing myself soon but in the event that I fail...
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Just don't fail, it's 100x worse than what ever shit your going through now.
how so?
It was actually a wicked fun time. The food was good and it was like being in kindergarten again. Nice little vacation. Highly recommended if you can handle the shame of people knowing you were institutionalized.
I've known people who work as nurses on those wards. They say it's extremely unpleasant for both the patients and the staff.
Expect to get treated like a subhuman.
More like treated like a baby, which is nice. If you are an absolute subhuman you will get treated as such. You get what you deserve in situations like that I think
i've been to the psych unit twice for psychotic episodes (mania, bipolar 1). it's pretty chill, you get to relax, go to groups, and meet some interesting people.
Hey man, killing yourself is never the answer. I know that here surrounded by like-minded depressed people, it can very easily seem like the world is a terrible place. It isn't though, and suicide is not worth it. Please get help. Don't just keep it to yourself. I don't know who you are but I hope you have people you can talk to and who can support you.
It's not too bad. Act normal, socialize, participate in the therapy they offer and you will be out in a week or two
This, made great friends and if you're not actually wacko it's a mini vacation. Only bummer was having to attend the seminars because if you don't they force you to stay even longer. Pray you get a semi normal roommate.
Used to love art time just chilled played board games painted free and played with clay with free reign of the radio as long as it wasn't violent music. Food was mediocre at best high school tier food. Act normal and you'll be out in no time to try and kys again
If I was put in the ward, I don't know if I would want to leave, it's like an escape from life
could you get pussy in there?
You're going to end up like one those freaks in Outlast
I mean it's ass because you have 3 hallways max to walk in most of the time. But it is a total release from any and all responsibilities
This guy's a fag, don't listen to his horseshit.
No that's strictly forbidden but I did bone a cute red head that only had anxiety and fatalistic thoughts. It was after we were both out. But yeah anything sexual gets you put into the isolation room.
Love this thread never really get a chance to talk about this
damn that's fucked. Pussy would be the best part about being in there, I'd imagine there'd be some crazy bitches in there that would ride you until your cock fell off
I did and I think the girl was like semi retarded or something. It was pretty cool. Didn't fug but it was still choice. I'm the same guy who said it was a fun a time
But yeah it is strictly forbidden. They don't even like you making any contact with other interned people
Probably headed back there.
I'm schizophrenic and getting overwhelmed.
I am a charge RN on a psychiatric unit. If you're admitted and decide to show you ass and try to fight staff, we'll inject you slap full of Haldol, Thorazine, Ativan, Benadryl and Zyprexa to knock your ass into next week. We'll also kick the shit out of you.
The documentation will be perfect and in our favor asshole.
Take a wild guess dummy
lol that cat is fucking bert
Whoaaaaaa u sound tuff
Males and females aren't allowed in each other's rooms at all so anyone that tells you they boned in a behavioral health unit is a dirty liar
bro if you fail then you should just kill yourself fagot
They like you making contact since most of the time it's to foster healthy relationships or groups to cope. If you mean outside of the place they don't give a fuck
Nah you just fuck them in the common room.
Staff tries to literally keep an eye on you but it's gonna happen.
I did that back when I first got into one when I was 15.
Liar just googled a bunch of medications or lives in the middle of nowhere and no one cares about you your life or what you do. Go to bed
Piss off jizz-knuckles
He's not lying he's just exaggerating.
Fucks like you are job security trash human
You must've been in a real shit place if they allowed that. I was in one of the best hospitals in Maryland and every room had cameras to prevent that
Where I was you weren't supposed to touch other people at all. It was some dual diagnosis place and the only time I was ever at over of those places. Shit was so cash. I miss it
Lol, either you haven't been in one, you're ugly as fuck, or you have no game/creep to you. I'm going with the last two.
You couldn't walk by my tax bracket without needing a loan. Go eat some dirt
Nah. It was actually nice; we were both goth if it makes you feel better?
Don't stick your dick in crazy
i'll suck your cok for $3
Your autistic and can't read.
That's part of the beauty of these places. You aren't yourself. You're just stopping off in fantasy world where you're treated like a kid and get to walk away back to real life when it's over.
ITT: angry pisslords and fagitswho think they know shit but don't
No one fucks in those wards unless it's gay since rooms are divided by gender and males can't enter females rooms vice versa. Get your sad sexual fantasies to /d/
Been to one once because I never leave my home. Much nicer in the teenager ward, much worse in the adult ward. Teenager ward is up to 18 where I was hospitalized.
Why were you institutionalized at 15?
Go steal some of you mom's Lortab on your way to the kitchen to microwave your tendies. Cocksucker collecting a disability check
What an aspie getting baker acted isn't hard or uncommon. If you mean the fanciful stories some people tell are lies then yeah this is Sup Forums
The problem with failing the attempt isn't just being institutionalised. You could also fuck yourself up physically/mentally depending on how it goes. That is, you could be a vegetable from lack of oxygen to your brain or if you hang yourself you could end up paralyzed. Shit like that would be worse than being institutionalised I reckon.
kek I'm enjoying the two of you going back and forth for the record
Psychotic break. I had a really rough childhood and schizophrenia and a lot of paranoid delusions.
I was institutionalized 2 years before for self abuse and suicidal/ self destructive tendencies.
Which hospital? Other Maryland poster here
Yeah well I'm planning to take like 60 xanax with a bottle of gin, if that doesn't kill me I don't know what will
Shit man at 15 I just used people for sex and drugs
I’ll rape you faggot
Didn't mean to quote that last post
What ? I had a stressed induced breakdown that got me baker acted after flipping out on my last year in college. I'm an electrical engineer and a comp sci major making 95k a year 23 and dam happy. Your a sad troll baiting neckbeard that communicates in memes. Stop annoying people
Ever consider 9mm?
Not to bad to be honest get to fuck crazy bitches in there room while everyone is busy. Smoke cigs watch a little tv see other people who are much crazier than you. You ultimately leave feeling a sense of well being.
I live in Australia so getting your hands on a firearm is fucked
I did something similar except it obviously wasnt sixty Xanax. Probably not gonna work and you're gonna go nuts and wake up in an institution. Most likely not worth it but of course you wont heed this advice. We never do
Wtf nurse why so serious? I like thorazine though shit is like a super potent form of xanax makes me do the zombie shuffle while drooling all over the place. Ummm Nurse have you ever had sexual relations with any of your patients? For instance like when there 5 point restrained?
what a faggot, take that after climbing to a high wall or bridge, else you are an attention faggot who just wants to be treated like a special snowflake. A really suicidal person would do it with a fucking gun.
>watching people way crazier than you
Highly underrated point
You will basically be treated as a constant risk, will you hurt someone else, yourself, are you hiding anything, could you influence someone, what do you have on you? It isn’t fun, I was in for rehab but the process where I am is the same, and I was in private - public is worse. Also don’t expect anything from the staff, they learned to disassociate long ago, they will be professional but detached
Umm nope they do fuck in the wards I see your not an expert on this subject probably a good thing. Yeah there not allowed in each others rooms doesn't mean that they don't break the rules.
Getting a gun as a minor is impossible and really difficult for other's depending on country. Why make such a stupid statement
Actually I just actually hate you weak psych patient check collecting grandiose, lying assholes wanting shit handed to them.
Glad you're triggered dickhead.
Baker Acted? So you're in Florida? How nice. Maybe our paths will cross. Can't wait
>to knock your ass into next week. We'll also kick the shit out of you.
fucking kek
Don't fucking kill yourself.
Be sure to ask for a day at the hydro-therapy spa.
lol white knight as fuck
1-3 months of walking around a psych ward taking weird pills 1-4 times daily and being around actual mentally ill people and then you realize "Holy shit, these people are actually sick. Fucking hell, I'm such a faggoty faggot pussy."
>might be good for you to see life on the side you're pretending to be at.
I was in a very good hospital where everyone's trying to get you better. I guess in shitstain BHU's no one cares. I've only been once and it was for 2 weeks. I assumed my hospitals rules were an industry standard but I guess I was wrong, Or just maybe a bunch if retard neckbeard virgins are fantasizing about screwing a retarded girl and don't mind lying on the internet to seem to cool to nobodies... just maybe
Under what conditions do they usually institutionalize people? I’m pretty sure I’m a sociopath and don’t want to be diagnosed as I don’t want a higher risk of being institutionalized
You're getting a lot of hate for this, but I think it's sweet that you want to help. Sadly, people posting here usually aren't looking to be talked out of it.
haha what a fucking retard
He's not joking, happened to my brother and they fucked him, now he's pretty traumatized
What i got paid no money and it was on my parents insurance. Why are all fatkids like you so angry at everyone. I grew up in fl but it didn't happen there btw
before you decide watch these two short videos
I only fuck them when I'm floated to the kiddie unit off camera. Thorazine is useless by itself
I'm a 3rd year psychology student. AMA!
Man I really pity you. Lose some weight get some friends maybe finish school and get a hobby. I hope your life gets better. Most of all don't project your insecurities and then get angry at your own reflection it's counterproductive
I was thirteen and someone caught me talking to people that weren't there.
Guess I'm dumb.
You're gonna puke all over and probably survive, why do people forget just how easy it is to put a bag on your head and secure it with lots of tape? Also, cyanide is cheaper than xanax.
not dumb, just retarded
Christ. I keep forgetting Sup Forums is all 12 year olds. It has been fun trashing you basement dwelling check collectors.
When shit happens and a doctor determines that you're a danger for people or yourself, if you keep your shit together no one's going to put you anywhere.
Yeah. That too.
I don't know about that if thorazine is the shot they give you when you start trying to break down the door for instance and they bum rush you and kick the shit out of you put you in 5 point and then muscle inject you then that shit will kick your dick into the dirt. Maybe it's just me though. The usual snow meds can't touch this. Also are you a male user or femanon?
Johns Hopkins? That's not just one of the best ones in Maryland. That's one of the best in the world.
The classic "Im leaving so Iwin" boy that last post must've been frighteningly accurate for you to respond like that
You trashed yourself m8 each of your posts was like a stop motion video of a guy putting his sick in his own ass
Benadryl, Thorazine
I googled these things
For pediatric medicine yeah. You don't have to special to go there
I'd rather hammer a cocksucker with Haldol, Ativan, and Benadryl in higher amounts than ordered (nurse's dose) from multi-dose vials.
Would being a diagnosed sociopath put me at higher risk?