Question for Dutchbros, why did you abandon one of the most aesthetic flags in history for a sidewards french flag?
Question for Dutchbros, why did you abandon one of the most aesthetic flags in history for a sidewards french flag?
nazi party used it in occupation times and after that it was officially never used again
What's aesthetic about colors and stripes, you dumb white nigger?
DA RAYCIS PEOPLE USED IT, so that means we can't use it unless pic related wins
I didn't ask you beaner.
ho ho he che che arreba areeeba ondaly andelay anderley!
kek ez noz shite whole, ek uz mekiko none us blak seipo
It's the French who use a sideways Dutch flag
Maybe you need both.
I think the Prinsenvlag is related to right-wing movements within the netherlands. And as we all know, everything that is right-wing is baaaad. Probably has the same taste as a confederate flag in the U.S.
Exactly this.
The same reason why you abandoned the most based flag in history.
I doubt the average dutch person knows about the prinsenvlag and it's history. unlike americans who all know that's the confederate flag
But I'm asking you a different question, faggot.
What's aesthetic about some plain colors and stripes? The fact you like orange more than red?
>there are britcucks who think this unimaginative shitpost is offensive, banter, or comical
Who would've guessed?
>There are beaners on Sup Forums who think that anyone cares about anything they have to say.
Black red and white are used a lot in middle eastern flags, not quite as based as I would like.
Every german knows the Swastika flag, but I doubt anyone would know about the black white red one.
I very much doubt you're deflecting the question because of any buttmangled feelings you may have towards Mexicans, rather than being a faggot who simply can't substantiate his arbitrary preference for colors.
"Give me reasons why you like the look of this certain flag!"
My point, exactly. What's aesthetically superior about this flag in particular, as opposed to any other one? Your preference for colors and the orientation of stripes?
Most flags have 3 stripes with 3 different colors, so it all pretty much boils down to your preference for colors, since we're not even talking about more complex ones.
So I find your preference for a few colors and stripes to be ridiculous
And you were so outraged by my preference of this flag you just had to reply? Well, red white and blue although a good combination of colours are hugely overused. Plus the Princes' Flag represents the Netherlands more than their current one does.
Asking about it isn't a sign of outrage, I just wanted to know what process goes in your head when you call a generic flag 'aesthetical', as I suspected, it has little to do with its visual appearance.
Even though it does look better than their current flag.
Because François Hollande bent over to get fucked, and the result was the Islamic republic of France.
rightwing extremists use this flag.
flag reminds us of the dutch history which is based on the golden century. Slavery.
I personally prefer this flag because the dutch colour is orange and there's 0 of it in the current flag.
The "NSB" (Dutch Nazi Party) used the flag during WW2 so it got a very dirty image, also, neonazis today are using this flag together with swastika.
There was one party that wanted to bring this flag back but they coudn't because everybody said it was a nazi flag, but actually it isnt, just retard misused it.
red-white-blue was the State Flag a.k.a. fuck orangist flag.
Every time a Prince of Orange was the head of state the flag was orange-white-blue and the 2 or 3 times someone else was head of state it was red-white-blue
was a compromise since early 1700's. Republican flag, but lead by a Princely house. Plus Red was better visible from large distances at sea
Depends on which parts of Youtube you are on. :^)
>was a compromise since early 1700's.
I meant after ealy 1700's only the Princes of Orange ruled and then it was made law that they would inherit the position of head of practically abolishing the republic. So in order to stay in power they used the flags of their opposition and their own.
and Orange-White-Blue got perma-banned since 1940 because nazi stuff