Who get's the "A" seat in the pic Sup Forums?

>Who get's the "A" seat in the pic Sup Forums?
>Without memes and show your work edition!


No one. Fuck the fuck off.

can someone help me waste 20 dollars?

The only person who "deserves" a public seat is the one who gets there first.
It is polite to offer your seat those less able
Them standing there looking all angry at him and no one else is on them, fuck that attitude
Bet he could at least outrun c and d when the zombie starts eating them

i sat here first, fuck the implication that i need to give a shit about them....i have personal interests and creative/intellectual pursuits to think about on the way home

the single mom so maybe you can get a birds eye view of her breastfeeding

this guy again

B made a mistake, because they shouldn't have brought a new life in this world until they could afford transportation for themselves

C is fucking old, that is going to happen to all of us

D broke his fucking leg, probably doing something dumb as hell

E is a zombie

No one except the dude already sitting on "A" seat. Because, B-E are self entitled cunts that think the world owes them everything for nothing.

b because she got there first. assuming they're standing in a line, she would be first in sight