Alright, my business just failed and I've got nothing better to do so I'm just going to drink and host a game of Risk. I'll probably host another after this as well.
Feel free to AMA and make sure to read the rules.
Alright, my business just failed and I've got nothing better to do so I'm just going to drink and host a game of Risk. I'll probably host another after this as well.
Feel free to AMA and make sure to read the rules.
Claiming House Greyjoy
>Iron King Harren Greyjoy
What was your business in? Why did it fail?
What was your business?
Also house targaryan
Claiming House Baratheon
>They'll bend the knee or we'll destroy them
forgot muh name
I guess we'll wait for all claims and then we'll have people roll
Capital Management. My partner never had access to the house we wanted to base it out of, and we got into a huge fight.
Luckily I was able to change colleges and go to a nicer one now that I don't need to be near him just found that out ten minutes ago. I'm not fucked, which is a bonus.
claiming lannister
I assume white is neutral/free?
Claiming Martell
name, I suppose we wuz kings and shieet since we are independent now I suppose?
>we always pay our debts
top kek
More Risk-esque sig
Claiming the Riverlands
Yes it is in Westeros, but I'm the neutral braavos that will jump in if you attack bravoosi land or don't pay back a loan. With one more claim I'll post mupdate0 for rolls
And dank lets begin
Surround Highgarden
OP did you forget me?
Split roll between the Shield Islands and the Arbor
>Iron King Harren II Greyjoy
Take the southeastern crownlands and surround King's Landing
work towards kings landing
I'm not gonna participate but instead watch the progress.
Didn't see you, got you, you can roll now.
Im pretty sure the bonus is only while defending
into the reach, propose aliance with lord walder
Start filling Ashford territory
Accepted, as long as you pledge fealty to me when I sit the Iron Throne
What college?
Remaining 14T from spill into the Reach in general
Who is playing the Martell's?
>when I sit the Iron Throne
kek nice one
J-Just give me 20 shekels and the iron throne is yours
also don't kill my son pls
Going to UMass Isen >berg
The fuck is Ashford territory
The area surrounding Ashford dumbass
I know. I've changed my mind anyways. I prefer my Go/b/ sig
I am
Ashford is a city
>Prince Malik, the Might of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne
>Deserts of Dorne: -3 Ts to ODD attack rolls in Dorne and +3 Ts to EVEN defense rolls
>Proud Blood of Nymeros: Can only bend to a regime I am a member of
I would like to form an alliance. When I take the iron throne I will ensure your place as Hand of the King. (Notice my bonus)
Let me know if I missed anyone
Sorry for the wait, I fucked up Baratheon's roll because I didn't see where Ashford was
invade ironborn niggers
Take Ashford and start heading North
kill the tully faggots.
>(Notice my bonus)
... cheeky bastard
It would be an honor to serve as my Cousin's Hand.
OOC: I shouldn't have Horn Hill
Martell > surround Highgarden
>Prince Malik, the Might of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne
>Bonus: Deserts of Dorne (-3 Ts to ODD attack rolls in Dorne and +3 Ts to EVEN defense rolls)
>Penalty: Proud Blood of Nymeros (Can only bend to a regime I am a member of)
>Alliances: Baratheon
Claiming house Arryn.
Roll if I can to move towards the Twins
Sieging takes up a turn
Yeah, Horn Hill is on the way to High Garden
Updating name
You need to siege cities. They aren't just given to you.
Why you invading bro?
>Iron King Harren II Greyjoy
Hey there partner how about we form an alliance here?
Sorry should have been more clear on where stuff is, Shield Islands are the four little Islands off of House Tyrell, and the Reach is the name of the Tyrell reigon, didn't want to invade House Tully
>Iron King Harren II Greyjoy
Claiming House Tyrell. If I can roll then take that enclave in my territory.
sorry, sandniggers are approaching and for roleplay reasons I suppose
also name change I suppose
Invade House Lannister lands
>Iron King Harren II Greyjoy
As much as I distrust Targaryens, I'll accept. Let's crush some Tullys
And you need to get 7,8 or higher depending on the city
Actually change my roll, defend from all attacks Did not realise everyone was invading me.
Aye, it seems as though the Tyrell's are resisting. Let's show em what happens when you fuck with the One True King
Siege King's Landing
The hour has come
Also what does the Lannister special ability is supposed to do?
He is defending his lands from our aggression. Who is to say he would even oppose your rule?
>Prince Malik, the Might of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne
>Bonus: Deserts of Dorne (-3 Ts to ODD attack rolls in Dorne and +3 Ts to EVEN defense rolls)
>Penalty: Proud Blood of Nymeros (Can only bend to a regime I am a member of)
>Alliances: Baratheon
how the fuck do assassinations work, i want my dragons to eat some shitty frey for lunch
I am not interested in fighting you. I will recognise your right to the throne.
You need to be allied with either the Reach or the Westerlands to take the iron throne, alternatively you can take the throne if you control these regions if I'm reading this correctly.
Then the Tyrell's are acknowledged as allies to the throne
Tyrells repel invaders on all sides with le Dubs
And by the way, In order to siege a city you must roll above a 7 or 8 for big ones (for you). If you surround them for more than 2 turns, you get +2 to this roll. All of this is in the rules.
Lannister is taken, but they can create a King
You can kill anyone right now, giving them -3 and their attackers +3, because you control Lys
Attack the Tully's
proposing a non agression pact with iron islands
I will acknowledge Targaryen rule if you let me take over the reach and you stop attacking walder
seige maidenpool and harrenhal. Also assassinate frey.
Move to surround the Twins and prepare to cross the river.
Retake Arbor from the Ironborn, and ask for the Martell's to return the territory around Horn Hill.
You will have my bountiful harvest ability to support your right to the throne.
I am glad we settled this diplomatically. Now ... what do we do about the Riverlander currently occupying the Red Keep?
Cede my Reach Ts to Tyrell
Martell > claim neutral Crownlands
>Prince Malik, the Might of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne
>Bonus: Deserts of Dorne (-3 Ts to ODD attack rolls in Dorne and +3 Ts to EVEN defense rolls)
>Penalty: Proud Blood of Nymeros (Can only bend to a regime I am a member of)
>Alliances: Baratheon
attack mace
Accepted, so long as you cede the Iron Islands land you took.
Invade the North by sea. WE DO NOT SOW
>Iron King Harren II Greyjoy
>5D pali
Spills to completely secure the Crownlands and push Tully north away from them
>Prince Malik, the Might of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne
>Bonus: Deserts of Dorne (-3 Ts to ODD attack rolls in Dorne and +3 Ts to EVEN defense rolls)
>Penalty: Proud Blood of Nymeros (Can only bend to a regime I am a member of)
>Alliances: Baratheon
I, King Walder Frey, first of his name, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm, demand all lords of Westeros to swear fealty to me as King and unite against the Targaryen and Ironborn invaders.
Assault the Targaryens near the Crownlands.
>King Walder Frey, lord of the 7 kingdoms
BTW Tully's can now create a KANG with a loan
you can have it
Once I take out the Ironborn presence in Arbor I will help any in the attack to the North.
I have the backing of the Lannisters, I rule this continent.
If they don't stop their occupation immediately we drive them into the ground
Walder Frey attacked the Red Keep, dethroned my """nephew""" and claims to be a king (usurper)
You have your terms. Evacuate at once or be removed by force.
>Prince Malik, the Might of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne
>Bonus: Deserts of Dorne (-3 Ts to ODD attack rolls in Dorne and +3 Ts to EVEN defense rolls)
>Penalty: Proud Blood of Nymeros (Can only bend to a regime I am a member of)
>Alliances: Baratheon
accept my rule, you can have the reach. Frey needs still gonna get assassinated tho.
Suck a dick, you honorless dog. The Eyrie will never kneel to your like.
You can have the Crownlands of Frey, after he is dethroned, we will see what will happen to him.
You have my support
Siege Fails
Walter gets cucked
How are you taking the neutral crownlands? You don't have access to them?
... I'm allied with Baratheon
>Prince Malik, the Might of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne
>Bonus: Deserts of Dorne (-3 Ts to ODD attack rolls in Dorne and +3 Ts to EVEN defense rolls)
>Penalty: Proud Blood of Nymeros (Can only bend to a regime I am a member of)
>Alliances: Baratheon
Oh I'll take the crownlands, I can't guarantee what my ally Eyrie will take tho :^)
He shall donate points to me in exchange for land won over in the battles
Everything south of the Trident is yours. I won't cross the rivers, but I want the Twins and Seareach
Seagard, that is
Good enough for me.
Walder gains a +7 Bonus from being a KANG but is then assassinated by the tears of Lys
House Frey/Tully now has a -6 (+3 to attacker, -3 attacking)
No point donation, fuck that
Take the Twins. If possible, take Seagard as well
Attack the Tully's.
Tyrell, I request your assistance in attacking our current enemy
Push further into the North
>Iron King Harren II Greyjoy, King of The Iron Islands and the North
seige maidenpool
also martell GTFO muh crownlands
My coronation is complete. I shall avenge my late father and crush the Targaryens who dishonorably murdered him.
Reclaim the Crownlands from the Targaryens.
did you count my roll?
attack the riverlands
OOC: Tully has no claim nor an alliance with a House that does thus he cannot be King
Martell > siege KL
>Prince Malik, the Might of House Martell, Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne
>Bonus: Deserts of Dorne (-3 Ts to ODD attack rolls in Dorne and +3 Ts to EVEN defense rolls)
>Penalty: Proud Blood of Nymeros (Can only bend to a regime I am a member of)
>Alliances: Baratheon
Defend us from this cuck. Can i assassinate him again?
Attack House Tully heading for Harrenhal.
I seek a loan from the Iron Bank to cement my ruling. I shall take the Reach and all of Westeros.
Oh nvm just read it.