/b, are lolis comparable to pedophilia in your opinion?
I'm having some real thoughts here. I really don't want to be a pedophile... but lolis are the thing that gets me the most horny, and the thing I mostly fap to.
Is there something wrong with that? am I a potential pedophile?
i mean you're jerking off to cartoon children so yeah but as long as you dont actually do something to a child i dont care
Kayden Rodriguez
Eli Bell
potential? You are already one, considering the market you are not alone though, in the end of the day its just a drawing though so who gives a fuck as long as you dont touch kids
Henry Carter
I mean, I can separate the two but that doesn't mean everyone can. Some people are just fucked.
Evan Green
with that you mean that pedophilia is fine too, as long as it doesnt falls into child rape? cause I don't care if it's fine or not, I just don't want to be it.
Aaron Ramirez
Are they underaged lolis, or just adults that have child-like body features?