I'm going to keep making these threads.
>Tell me again how a 20 story tall ship is stealth.
I'm going to keep making these threads.
>Tell me again how a 20 story tall ship is stealth.
Other urls found in this thread:
Um cuz you can't detect on radar?!
Post a picture of the boat you faggot
on radar, it looks like a much smaller fishing boat like 1/20th of its size. its not invisible to radar.
Why did you put up a picture of a coast?
what exactly are we talking about here? i'm not seeing anything
That's a nice ice burg pic, now post the ship
Harder to detect with radar so you have to get within visual range to see it.
post a picture of the ship faggot
Post a pic of the boat you ultra faggot
Why is the superstructure so fucken huge
>Implying naval battles happen at visual range
>Implying surface level stealth scouting is a bad idea
It works great with the current naval warfare meta
Why do you keep posting empty waters you fuck
12-0 if its size.
so only the size of a single story house.
What ship?
They will never see us coming.
>American flag
Cant tell of troll or really stupid
Are you that same guy from a couple threads ago who I gave my address to and didn't even show up to fight?
How many refugees can this boat hold?
t.sven svensson
Nice photoshop of water going upwards into the sky
I showed up. Where the fuck were you punk?
How does radar work. This fag thinks that in combat the navy still uses binoculars or those telescopes from pirates of the caraibe
Prove it, what was my address again?
I showed up too, can confirm you a fuccboi and didn't show up
WTF... im an #anonartillery now
>I'm a #v+eiqTNCVagina
>makes thread about some fucking boat
>posts no pics of said boat
>blames mods for some reason
When's the last time you tried to equip a nuclear reactor inside a 1 story house?
What are you referring to?
What ship? All I see is ocean...
Super large 3D material printer and material.
It makes stealth drones by the thousands.
you stupid faggot
This is Sup Forums, not /po/
Cuz radar waves are partly absorbed and can't bounce on its composite hull. Ofc you can still lock it on IR i guess.
Don't you understand how stealth works? The radar cross signature of the ship is deliberately designed as to not give returns on X band radar, which is primarily used for target acquisition.
I can't believe you're this dumb mate. Fuck off.
t. paranoid schizophrenic
That's a big boat
nice coastline op.
post pic of ship please.
next step is railguns with 450 km range
so stealth will be needed because all detection will be by radar because of engagement range
Where's the ship?
To tell the truth, I can't make any fucking sense of the battleship in that image. I can see where the bow is but only because it's higher than everything else.
>20 story
You mean 3 story?
Dude that's just water wtf
shit just looks like a kitou mohiro's ship from bokurano.
hidoi, sempai
>Why is the superstructure so fucken huge
It's not.
The rest of the boat is tiny.
what boat? am i missing something?
What's fucking boat are you talking about?
I'm sorry man, I still don't see it. Maybe you could point it out for me?
That is 'sparkle' camo. It wasn't meant to prevent detection. What is does accomplish is to make it very difficult to determine range and the ships heading in relation to the viewer. Which means it makes it very hard to accurately engage it with artillery and/or unguided torpedoes.
Ask /k/
You can literally blame affirmative action for this. The designers of this ship were black and the white guys were to scared of being called racist to say anything.
i wonder who could be behind this boat
That's a really nice beach, but what does it have to do with some boat?